
Skeletonwitch Forever Abomination Picture Disc Vinyl Edition

Prosthetic | Item No: 1224103
Vinyl LP | 2011 / EU – Original | New
16,80 €
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Item Description
"SKELETONWITCH has been called every name in the book: deathmetal, black metal, thrash metal, speed metal, heavy metal,epic viking blackened thrash 'n' roll, and so on. It seems theonly description everyone can agree on is 'METAL,'" saysguitarist Scott Hedrick, "and that suits us just fine." Theirlatest slab of savage, molten metal, Forever Abomination, is atestament to their refined craft, honed through years of hard work and relentless touring. "We live and breathe this shit!"exclaims Hedrick. "We tour as much as humanly possible, andwhen we're home we write. There's technically no such thing as'time off' when you're in The 'WITCH". On Forever Abomination,SKELETONWITCH's unique blend of metal was given a kick in theass by Matt Hyde (Slayer, Hatebreed), who produced and recordedthe album. The group's carefully crafted tunes and technicalmastery are brought to the forefront by Hyde's monolithicproduction. Main songsmith and epic riff-merchant, NathanGarnette, has carved out the most unique batch of SKELETONWITCHtunes to date, while vocalist Chance Garnette has outdonehimself again, sounding like he was barely able to contain hisinner demons long enough to track the vocals. Bassist EvanLinger plays like a possessed Steve Harris. Guitarist ScottHedrick's lead work displays musicality and feeling rarely seenin extreme metal, and all of this is enhanced bySKELETONWITCH's newest addition, drummer Dustin Boltjes."Dustin is a fucking animal!" says Hedrick. "He stepped up tothe plate and took these songs to another level with hisrelentless style of playing." And at the end of the day, it'sall about the songs. Each track on Forever Abomination has itsown unique identity and ability to stand alone. "Everyonestepped up on this album and really pushed themselves. We'vecreated something much larger than the sum of its parts. We'venever been more proud of our work, and that's how it should be.We wouldn't release Forever Abomination if we didn't feel th...
Item Details
Item No: 1224103
Artist: Skeletonwitch
Title: Forever Abomination Picture Disc Vinyl Edition
Label: Prosthetic
Catalog No: PRPD101031
Format: Vinyl LP, Vinyl, LP
Pressing: EU – Original
Release Date: 2011
Genre: Rock & Indie
Style: Metal
Available since: 2025-02-05
Condition: New
Price: 16,80 €
Weight: 250g (plus 250g Packaging)
Product safety (manufacturer information): HHV Handels GmbH
Zur Alten Börse 55
12681 Berlin
A1 This Horrifying Force (The Desire To Kill)
A2 Reduced To The Failure Of Prayer
A3 Of Ash And Torment
A4 Choke Upon Betrayal
A5 Erased And Forgotten
A6 The Infernal Resurrection
A7 Rejoice In Misery
A8 Cleaver Of Souls
A9 Shredding Sacred Flesh
A10 Sink Beneath Insanity
A11 My Skin Of Deceit
A12 This Horrifying Force (The Desire To Kill)
A13 Reduced To A Failure Of Prayer
A14 Of Ash And Tornment
A15 Choke Upon Betrayal
A16 Erased And Forgotten
B1 The Internal Ressurection
B2 Rejoice In Misery
B3 Cleaver Of Souls
B4 Shredding Sacred Flesh
B5 Sink Beneath Insanity
B6 My Skin Of Deceit
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