
Dickie Landry Solos

Unseen Worlds | Item No: 958433
Vinyl 2LP | 2022 / EU – Original | New
28,56 €
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Item Description
- First time reissue, remastered from original master tapes- Gatefold 2LP with period photos and new liner notes byClifford Allen- Download code included with 30 minutes of additionalbonus material- feat. Richard Peck, Robert Prado, Rusty Gilder, Jon Smith, Alan Braufman, David Lee- For Fans of Coltrane, Coleman, Ayler//On February 19, 1972, a crew of mostly Louisiana-raisedmusicians came together at the Leo Castelli Gallery on WestBroadway in Soho to perform a wholly improvised concert. Thisensemble's solos spring from collective improvisations and atumultuous backbeat, loosely inspired by the creations ofColtrane, Coleman, Albert Ayler, and their brethren. The de factoleader was Richard "Dickie" Landry, a saxophonist andkeyboardist who joined composer Philip Glass's group in 1969.Landry had become a fixture in downtown New York's loft and artscenes at the close of the 1960s, after he high-tailed it by carfrom Louisiana to the Lower East Side and auspiciouslyencountered Ornette Coleman at the Village Gate the night of hisarrival.For this concert, fellow Glass reedists Jon Smith and Richard Peckjoined in, alongside Rusty Gilder and Robert Prado, both doublingon bass (upright and electric) and trumpet. The drum chair wasoccupied by New Orleans firecracker David Lee, Jr., who broughtalto saxophonist Alan Braufman along for the session (Braufmanwas the only non-Louisiana player in the band). The ensemblestretched out in the gallery for several hours in a configurationreflecting those that took place at Landry's Chinatown loft,documented in photos by artists Tina Girouard and Suzanne Harristhat adorn the inside of the original gatefold album jacket.Recorded live by Glass' sound engineer Kurt Munkacsi, the albumwas released as a double LP on Chatham Square, the small imprintLandry and Glass co-ran, in a stark greyscale cover and simplytitled Solos. The order of the players' improvisations was laid outon the album inner labels, though unsurprising...
Item Details
Item No: 958433
Artist: Dickie Landry
Title: Solos
Label: Unseen Worlds
Format: Vinyl 2LP, Vinyl, LP
Pressing: EU – Original
Release Date: 2022
Genre: Organic Grooves
Style: Jazz | Fusion
Available since: 2022-11-16
Condition: New
Price: 28,56 €
Weight: 500g (plus 250g Packaging)
Product safety (manufacturer information): HHV Handels GmbH
Zur Alten Börse 55
12681 Berlin
A1 Track 1
B1 Track 2
C1 Track 3
D1 Track 4
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