
Finders Keepers HHV Records 39 Items

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Alain Pierre
Andrzej Korzynski
Beth Anderson
Bruno Spoerri
Cos / Daniel Schell & Dick Annegarn
Daniel Schell & Dick Annegarn
Denis Wise
Emma De Angelis
Gerardo Iacoucci
Graeme Miller
Guy Skornik
J.M. Pagan
Jean-Claude Vannier
John Hill
Karel Goeyvaerts
Les Esclaves
Lubos Fiser
Maria Teresa Luciani
Martin Hannett & Steve Hopkins
Masahiko Sato
Miquela E Lei Chapacans
Pierre Raph
Science Fiction Dance Party
Serge Gainsbourg & Jean-Claude Vannier
Stefano Marcucci
Suzanne Ciani
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Finders Keepers
Suzanne Ciani - Buchhla Concerts 1975
Suzanne Ciani
Buchhla Concerts 1975
LP | 2016 | UK | Reissue (Finders Keepers)
24,99 €*
Release: 2016 / UK – Reissue
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Finders Keepers invite you to witness these incredible earl Buchla synthesiser concerts/demonstrations providing a distinctive feminine alternative to The Silver Apples Of The Moon if they had ever been presented in phonographic form. This is history in the remaking. This spring Finders Keepers Records are proud to release an archival project that not only redefines musical history but boasts genuine claim to the overused buzzwords such as pioneering, maverick, experimental, groundbreaking and esoteric, while questioning social politics and the evolution of music technology as we’ve come to understand it. To describe this records as a game-changer is an understatement. This record represents a musical revolution, a scientific benchmark and a trophy in the cabinet of counter culture creativity. This record is a triumphant yardstick in the synthesiser space race and the untold story of the first woman on the proverbial moon. While pondering the early accolades of this record it’s daunting to learn that this record was in fact not a record at all… It was a manifesto and a gateway to a new world, that somehow never quite opened. If the unfamiliar, modernistic, melodic, pulses, tones and harmonics found on this 1975 live presentation/grant application/educational demonstration had been placed in a phonographic context alongside the promoted work of Morton Subotnick, Walter Carlos or Tomita then the name Suzanne Ciani and her influence would have already radically changed the shape, sound and gender of our record collections. Hopefully there is still chance. In short, Suzanne was a self-imposed twenty-year-old employee of the Buchla modular synthesiser company, San Francisco’s neck and neck contender to New York’s Moog. Buchla was run by a community of festival freaks and academic acid eaters whose roots in new age lifestyles and the reinvention of art and music replaced the business acumen enjoyed by its likeminded East Coasters. In the eyes of the consumer the creative refusal to adopt rudimentary facets like a piano keyboard controller rendered the Buchla synthesiser the more obscure stubborn sister of the synth marathon, steering these incredible units away from the mainstream into the homes and studios of free music aficionados, art house composers and die-hard revolutionaries. Championed and semi-showcased by composer Morton Subotnick on his albums The Bull and Silver Apples Of The Moon, Buchla’s versatility began to open the minds of a new generation, but the high-end design features and no-compromise modus operandi was often confused with incompatibility and, in the pulsating shadow of Moog’s marketing, the revolution would not be televised nor patronised. Suzanne Ciani, as one of the very few female composers on the frontline (and also providing the back line) did not lose faith. These “concerts” are the epitome of rare music technology historic documents, performed by a real musician whose skills and academic education in classical composition already outweighed her male synthesiser contemporaries of twice her age. At the very start of her fragile career these recordings are nothing short of sacrificial ode to her mentor and machine, sonic pickets of the revolution and love letters to an absolutely genuine vision of and ‘alternative’ musical future. In denouncing her own precocious polymathmatic past in a bid to persuade the world to sing from a new hymn sheet, Suzanne Ciani created a bi-product of never before heard music that would render the pigeon holes “ambient” and “futuristic” utterly inadequate. Providing nothing short of an entirely different feminine take on the experimental “records” of Morton Subotnick and proving to a small, judgmental audience and jury the true versatility of one of the most radical and idiosyncratic musical instruments of the 20th century. These recordings have not been heard since then. The importance of these genuinely lost pieces of electronic musics puzzle almost eclipses the glaring detail of Suzanne’s gender as a distinct minority in an almost exclusively male dominated, faceless, coldly scientific landscape. Those familiar with Suzanne’s work, a vast vault of previously unpublished “nonrecords”, will already know how the creative politics in her art of “being” simultaneously reshaped the worlds of synth design, advertising and film composition before anyone had even dropped a stylus in her groove. Needless to say this record, finally commanding the archival format of choice, courtesy of the Ciani and Finders Keepers longstanding unison, was not the last “first” with which this hugely important composer would gift society, and the future of a wide range of exciting evolving creative disciplines. You have found a holy grail of electronic music and a female musical pioneer who was too proactive to take the trophies. With the light of Buchla and Ciani’s initial flame Finders Keepers continues to take a torch through the vaults of this lesser-celebrated music legacy shining a beam on these “non-records” that evaded the limelight for almost half a century. You can’t write history when you are too busy making it. With fresh ink in the bottomless well, let’s start at the beginning. Again. You, are invited!
Science Fiction Dance Party - Science Fiction Dance Party
Science Fiction Dance Party
Science Fiction Dance Party
LP | 2009 | UK | Reissue (Finders Keepers)
21,99 €*
Release: 2009 / UK – Reissue
Genre: Organic Grooves
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Back in 1968 a pair of Germanic behind-the-scenes sound librarians called Horst Ackermann and Heribert Thusek left a tiny, but indelible, pinprick on the history of German Pop in the misshaped form of a sexy horror cash-in concept album called Dracula’s Music Cabinet. Shelved at a micro-cosmic axis where Krautrock meets lesbian vampire Horrortica and easy listening meets psychedelia the delayed reaction of this mutant concoction eventually exploded in the mid-1990s in the hands of a generation of ‘record diggers’ sending currencycrushing tremors through the wallets of mods, rockers, hip hoppers, psych nuts and kraut kompletists around the plastic-pillaging planet. The vinyl junkies had resurrected a monster, but, like addicts do, they ravenously sucked it dry and moved on looking for the next fix to feed their habit. Luckily for some, Ackermann and Thusek were also creatures of habit. And it wouldn’t take a genius to figure out that they were holding the next dose, but by the turn of the millennium the mad scientists had been given a thirty-five-year head start on the pop archeologists and their mythical sequel was literally light-years ahead of their previous draconian installment... Encouragingly the unclosed cabinet left a shiny white clue in the form of it’s closing track Frankenstein Meets Alpha 7... Perhaps space was the place. Always read the label. The Ackermann and Thusek duo were far from dynamic. They were undercover agents hiding behind user-friendly mock-rock monikers and, like most B-Musicians, the only way to sniff them out would be to read the small print. But when an unidentified record on an unknown label with a title like Science Fiction Dance Partycrops up in the Eins Deutschmark crates it’s not exactly rocket science - although the track titles might suggest otherwise. The End Of A Robot, Monster On Saturn 1, Galactic Adventures Of The Outer Space Fleet , The Whistling Astronauts, Death Rays Out Of The Universe’.. The telltale signs are all there and if that vintage psycoplasmodic Colored Vinyl doesn’t clench the deal then what will. When rumours about a space-age follow-up to Dracula’s Music Cabinet hit the straße Deutsche-o-phile diggers fingers started twitching nervously
COS - Cosmix
2LP | 2021 | UK | Original (Finders Keepers)
24,99 €*
Release: 2021 / UK – Original
Genre: Organic Grooves, Rock & Indie
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COS might not be the first genre defying progressive music group you’ve heard who share both wordless onomatopoeic vocals and a snappy three letter title (complete with philosophical leanings and alchemic penchants) but on listening to this first ever custom Cos compendium you might have just discovered a new favourite! Perhaps it’s no coincidence that COS share close spiritual, stylistic or social connections to the aforementioned bands, as one of the few long-withstanding single-syllable ensembles to remain utterly idiosyncratic and incomparable within their hyper-focussed and impenetrable creative bubble. But as a 1970s group that effortlessly MIX head-nod prog, synth-driven jazz, cinematic sound-designs, dislocated disco, arkestral operatics and high-brow conceptual anti-pop grooves, it’s easier to remember the name COS than thumb the vast amount of genre-dividers in your local record shop which COS Could occupy. With the crème de la crème of Belgian jazz/prog/psych/funk within their ranks, their combined idea-to-ability ratio litters the Cos-ography with concepts that aficionados, future fans, collaborators and critics still haven’t began to unravel. With their earliest roots in the compact jazz group Brussels Art Quintet the group spent their sapling years creating art-school prog under the name Classroom, this flourishing collective, cultivated by multi-instrumentalist mainstay Daniel Schell, would soon shed its leaves, dropping band-members and typographics reducing its moniker to simply COS (a multi-purpose, globally recognised word, with links to Alchemy and philosophy, with a hard phonetic delivery to suit the groups heavier rhythmic approach). In it’s new skin COS also shed all forms of orthodox language to find its true exclusive voice. Fronted, in the conventional sense, by the daughter of author and part-time jazz player Jean De Trazegnies, the bands wordless singer changed her name to Pascale SON, to accentuate the French word for “sound”. Drawing comparisons with sound poets like Polish jazz legend Urszula Dudziak or Hungarian Katalin Ladik, but retaining the crystalline femininity (and funk) of Flora Purim, while effectively sharing an imaginary lyric book of non-words with Damo Suzuki, Magma or a future Liz Fr
Pierre Raph - Jeunes Filles Impudiques
Pierre Raph
Jeunes Filles Impudiques
7" | 2010 | UK | Reissue (Finders Keepers)
9,99 €*
Release: 2010 / UK – Reissue
Genre: Soundtracks
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This long-lost Parisian skin flick ‘Jeunes Filles Impudiques’ (aka Schoolgirl Hitchhikers) marks a particularly vulnerable period in the career of one of the most underrated and misunderstood directors to emerge from the rising smoke of the 1968 Parisian social explosion.
From a director with early links with the Paris underground, The Letterists, The surrealists, improv theatre and the free-press comes the reclaimed audio tracks from one of his rarest celluloid moments - but lets not confuse this for high-art. Finders Keepers make no bones, this is Jean Rollin’s maiden voyage into adult entertainment, DIrected under the pseudonym of Miche Gentil with a flimsy plot, questionable acting skills and an awesome little schizophrenic soundtrack.
The Brutus Drums percussion workout, the acidic folk pastoral movements, the Cul-De-Sac-esque jazz theme and the UK library sound-alike tile-tune all make up this 5 track veritable banquet of Gallic sleaze and second-class sound providing fans of cult cinema and b-music with an unexpected glimpse into the No-No generation at its most candid.
The interests of good taste have ensured that this long-lost movie has been buried for some 40 odd years with a musical score bursting to jump out of the can and down your tone arm which has now been made possible by a recently renovated negative print and new source material. These original Pierre-Raph (of ‘Requiem For A Vampire’ infamy) compositions from the publishing Library of Paris’ Musicale Editions Dellamarre (of Acanthus/Unity fame) come straight from Rollin himself as an introduction to Finders Keepers’ new Rollinade series documenting some of the finest musical moments of the director’s career as an avant-gardener, counterculture vulture and Gallic vamp-tramp all housed in their original hand-painted promotional artwork for the first time ever on vinyl.
Les Esclaves - Popera Cosmic
Les Esclaves
Popera Cosmic
LP | 1969 | UK | Reissue (Finders Keepers)
18,99 €*
Release: 1969 / UK – Reissue
Genre: Organic Grooves
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For the few people lucky enough to have heard the entire album in the five
decades since its release, the mythical POPERA COSMIC LP is now considered
to be France’s first dedicated psychedelic album and the shrouded blueprint for
the hugely influential Gallic concept album phenomenon that followed – including
Spearheaded by FRANÇOIS WERTHEIMER (songwriter for VANGELIS, BARBARA
and BYG RECORDS), composed with future JODOROWSKY soundtracker
and genius all-rounder GUY SKORNIK, and based on an embryonic concept
co-conspired by a teenage JEAN-MICHEL JARRE, this instantly deleted 1969
recording is a true essential for any outernationalradicalised record collection.
With credentials that mark the birth of the cosmic funk (later disco) that helped
shape the influential sound of France today, this LP also includes the first pressed
instrumentals by members of SPACE ART, some of the best orch rock arrangements
by WILLIAM SHELLER (Lux Aeterna, Eriotissimo) and orchestrator PAUL PIOT
(Jean Rollin), as well as sitar psych benchmarks courtesy of uber legend SERGE
FRANKLIN – all pinned down by the rhythm section that would later be known to
prog aficionados as ALICE.
Subtitled LES ESCLAVES (The Slaves), this street theatre/rock opera (influenced
by the work of Julien Beck’s Living Theatre) now celebrates its 50th birth-day
standing firmly as a sonic tome to the birth of the no-no era (that rebuked
France’syé-yé” hamster wheel) leading directly to the thematic progressive
network of WAKHÉVITCH, MANSET and MAGMA while comprising an inter-Gallic
intergalactic super group from the early annals of France’s pop psych revolution.
Imagine a rock opera where the cast of MISTER FREEDOM perform CLASH OF
THE TITANS at the foot of THE HOLY MOUNTAIN – then pinch yourself...
Emma De Angelis - Emma De Angelis
Emma De Angelis
Emma De Angelis
7" | 2017 | EU | Original (Finders Keepers)
9,99 €*
Release: 2017 / EU – Original
Genre: Organic Grooves
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As one of the most enigmatic figures of the 1970s Italian soundtrack and library music network Emma De Angelis and her short recording career provides thirsty fans of speedball psychedelic rock and drum heavy instrumental funk with a tight discography rivalling many of the long-standing bastions of the otherwise male-orientated business.
Born in Rocca di Papa, near Rome, into a flourishing musical environment, Emma was the younger sister of future award winning composers Guido and Maurizio De Angelis, a duo who, under names like Oliver Onions and Dream Bags, would write chart-topping lyrical theme tunes for a wide range of Italian crime, Giallo and Spaghetti Western films featured alongside full scores by Ennio Morricone and the Magnetic System composers (Bixio Frizzi Tempera).
With encouragement from her brothers, Emma, who would also write music under the pseudonym of Juniper, would record a tight clutch of solo-penned material and seldom credited studio contributions to Guido And Maurizio’s film commissions, such as the score for Giuliano Carnimeo’s ‘Simone e Matteo: Un gioco da ragazzi’ (aka ‘Convoy Buddies’). While simultaneously pursuing a career as an illustrator and set designer the De Angelis family contacts would lead Emma to the offices of Romano Di Bari, whose up-and-coming Flirt label was finding success providing custom-built mood music for use in TV and film. Alongside important composers like Alessandro Alessandroni, Gerardo Iacoucci and A. R. Luciani, the young Emma Di Angelis would record a small number of tracks for a compilation called ‘Underground Mood’ (credited in the small print to E De Angelis - not to be confused with Italian singer Edoardo De Angelis). It is from this rare LP that the record you are now holding is compiled. Within the Flirt family of labels Emma De Angelis would also share schedules with other important female composers such as Daniela Casa and Giulia ‘Kema’ De Mutiis - both of whom have appeared on dedicated Finders Keepers releases.
The tracks on this record provide us with a rare glimpse into Emma De Angelis’ short musical career before she became a full time visual artist. With an unknown personnel or studio date it is easy to speculate a potential family jam in Piero Umiliani’s Sound Workshop studio in 1972. One only has to take a listen to Guido And Maurizio’s instrumental theme ‘Gangster Story’ from Enzo G. Castellari’s 1973 thriller ‘High Crime’ (which later appeared on Tarantino’s ‘Death Proof’ soundtrack) or the trippy title theme to Paolo Poeti’s kinky 1976 drama Inhibition to spot the family resemblance.
Gerardo Iacoucci - Le Avventure
Gerardo Iacoucci
Le Avventure
LP | 2017 | UK | Original (Finders Keepers)
15,99 €*
Release: 2017 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Combining all the traits of an international superhero or intrepid comic book adventurer, the true identity, whereabouts and history of the spectacular Italian composer known as Gerardo Iacoucci has been a mystery to record collectors for many years. As a result of the best efforts of secretive archivists and DJs as well as and the overprotective force field that surrounds the clandestine world of Italian library music, the commanding experimental psychedelic pop music made singlehandedly by this early pioneer of the anti-genre time after time rises to the top of collectors’ want lists, commands huge ransom notes, ignites dancefloors and decimates genre tags before returning to its mythical status as one of the kings of the underworld without removing his mask. Despite the fact that original Italian copies of records by Gerardo Iacoucci are amongst the rarest, enigmatic fixtures of European psychedelia, his music simply refuses to be ghettoised and as the name of this album suggests the history of this artist reads like the memoirs of a genuine musical adventurer as well as a well-travelled prophet of experimental music and unsung pillar of Italian jazz and sound design. Recorded in early 1970, Iacoucci's wide-eyed L'Avventura suite spanned 6 sides of loud, heavyweight monophonic vinyl for Romano Di Bari's Deneb label and created an epically detailed blueprint for independent mood music companies whilst sharing release schedules with likeminded workaholics Alessandro Alessandroni and A. R. Luciani. However, Gerardo's adventure didn't begin here…
Bruno Spoerri - OST Der Würger Vom Tower
Bruno Spoerri
OST Der Würger Vom Tower
LP | 2022 | UK | Original (Finders Keepers)
19,99 €*
Release: 2022 / UK – Original
Genre: Soundtracks
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Used Vinyl
Medium: VG+, Cover: VG
Still shrink wrapped but opened. Cover with a seam split at the upper edge.
Suzanne Ciani - Buchla Concert At Galeria Bonino New York 1974
Suzanne Ciani
Buchla Concert At Galeria Bonino New York 1974
LP | 2024 | UK | Original (Finders Keepers)
24,99 €*
Release: 2024 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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The very first Buchla synthesiser performance by revolutionary composer Suzanne Ciani finally makes its fifty year journey from its switch-on New York art gallery to its long deserved and discerning global phonographic audience. With this previously unheard vinyl pressing, Finders Keepers Records are proud to present an archival project of ‘art music’ that not only redefines musical history but lays genuine claim to the overused buzzwords such as pioneering, maverick, experimental, groundbreaking and esoteric, while questioning social politics and the evolution of music technology as we have come to understand it. To describe Italian-American composer Suzanne Ciani’s resurrected Buchla concert records as genuine gamechangers would be a gross understatement. These records represent a musical revolution, an artistic revelation, a scientific benchmark and a trophy in the cabinet of counterculture creativity. This sonic installation album, alongside her recently liberated WBAI/Phill Niblock 1975 sessions (fkr082), are triumphant yardsticks in the synthesiser space race and the untold story of the first woman on the proverbial musical moon. While pondering the early accolades attached to these golden era New York recordings it’s daunting to learn that these records were in fact not even records at all. What exists on this disc now was a manifesto and a one-time gateway to a new world, which somehow was only partially pushed ajar. Captured here is a genuine live act exploring new territories with a fully performable music instrument. If the unfamiliar, modernistic, melodic pulses, tones and harmonics found on these 1970’s artistic gallery collaborations/ live presentations (then soon to be followed by academic grant applications and educational demonstrations) had been placed in a phonographic context alongside the widely marketed work of Morton Subotnick, Walter Carlos or Tomita, then the name Suzanne Ciani and her infectious influence would have already radically changed the shape, sound and gender of our record. With the light of Buchla and Ciani’s initial flame Finders Keepers continues the journey through the vaults of this increasingly celebrated music legacy, illuminating these ‘non-records’ that evaded the limelight for almost half a century. You can’t write history when you are too busy making it. With fresh ink in the bottomless well, let’s start at the beginning. Again.
Cos / Daniel Schell & Dick Annegarn - Mein Maschin Ist Schön / The FF Boom
Cos / Daniel Schell & Dick Annegarn
Mein Maschin Ist Schön / The FF Boom
7" | 2021 | UK | Reissue (Finders Keepers)
14,99 €*
Release: 2021 / UK – Reissue
Genre: Organic Grooves, Rock & Indie, Electronic & Dance
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From the same continental cosmic egg that hatched Marc Moulin, Marc Hollander and Belgian synth fusion combo Placebo comes your favourite new Franco-Flemmish pop discovery. COS, where have you been all my life? Compact in name but wide-eyed in nature, it’s understandable how the 70’s band known simply as COS has remained trapped in the tight cracks between pop stardom and prog indulgence where other like minded names like CAN, Zao, Neu! And Egg have managed to squeeze into gaps of your record collection. In presenting one of the band’s most infectious and potentially crossover legible tracks on this exclusive user-friendly 45, COS mastermind Daniel Schell not only breaks an unlikely new format for this lesser-known femme-fronted, electro/jazz fusion/prog pop opera/would-be disco cinematic six-piece but also sends a sonic telegram to a new generation of futurist pop aficionados ready to explore the deep realms of his band’s dense, expansive and consistently rewarding catalogue. Placing the microscope over the central motif of the band’s onomatopoeic 1978 triptych known as Mein Maschine Ist Schön (My Machine Is Beautiful) this very rare proposed single edit from the group’s third album combines the type of warm, brooding, discoid funk and nymphish Morse code vocals that unite fans of Stereolab, Curved Air, Jan Hammer, Emerald Web and Ursula Dudziak not to mention Schell’s own close friends, the aforementioned, Hollander, Moulin and Placebo. A prog rock 45 might sound like a contradiction in terms but with a band like COS you can only expect them to defy convention. Backed here with another deeply conceptual sliced of deep orchestral symphonic psych from Schell’s short-lived FF Boom project from the previous year this suitably compact introduction to your new favourite COSmonauts provide digestible versions of some of Schell’s finest moments and clears the decks for future explorations of a wider musical universe waiting to be explored. Turn on this beautiful machine and let yourself melt into the COSmix.
Alain Pierre - Des Morts (Of The Dead)
Alain Pierre
Des Morts (Of The Dead)
LP | 1979 | UK | Reissue (Finders Keepers)
24,99 €*
Release: 1979 / UK – Reissue
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Expanded reissue of mega rare 1979 unknown vanity pressing LP that blends ethnological field recordings, musique concrète principles, and introspective synthesizer music from this cult European studio maverick and historic collaborator of COS, Philippe Druilet, Marc Moulin, and John Surman. Alain Pierre's Mondo movie soundtrack to the controversial Des Morts shares very few stylistic rivals, but fans of Jodorowsky's The Holy Mountain soundtrack and some of the more eldritch early sampling experiments of Jean-Pierre Massiera will certainly draw fragmented comparisons herein. Other listeners might file this album at the weirder end of your Smithsonian Folkways shelf, just before the Video Nasty soundtracks. Presented in remastered form comprising extra vintage studio outtakes (in accordance with the films morbid narrative), Des Morts serves as a would-be sequel to Finders Keepers' previous Ô Sidarta release witnessing Pierre balance his allegiance to the Belgian bandes dessinée scene and Thierry Zéno's shock cinema oeuvre from the heart of his uber-legendary Brussels based experimental recording studio through the 1970s. Presented in remastered form comprising extra previously unreleased vintage studio outtakes. Edition of 750.
Andrzej Korzynski - The Devil Tapes
Andrzej Korzynski
The Devil Tapes
7" | 2023 | UK | Original (Finders Keepers)
19,99 €*
Release: 2023 / UK – Original
Genre: Soundtracks
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The original off-kilter psychedelic score rejected by Andrzej Zulawski available for the first time ever on limited edition transparent red vinyl 7” (500 only). Released alongside long-awaited liberation of Andrzej Korzynski’s full psychedelic score for Diabeł (fkr112) Sourced from the elusive original master tapes with the full cooperation of the CeTA archives in Warsaw this grinding psych ro
Andrzej Korzynski - OST Diabel
Andrzej Korzynski
OST Diabel
LP | 2023 | UK | Original (Finders Keepers)
24,99 €*
Release: 2023 / UK – Original
Genre: Soundtracks
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Wipe your blade clean. The bloodline of Eastern European kosmische and groundbreaking, grinding cinematic psych rock finally emerges from fifty years of forbidden forestland to fill your thirsty grails. Poland's prime progressive provocateurs Andrzej Zuławski and Andrzej Korzynski finally expose the jagged roots of Possession and The Silver Globe and give the devil his due via this historical vinyl release. If an opening strapline that reads "Forget everything that you thought you knew about the history of psychedelic rock and horror movies" appeals to you, then further potentially hyperbolic phrases like "Lost Grail" and "Banned Forever" will surely clinch the deal, leaving the hugely significant wider context of this dream come true release surplus to requirement. But as we hope you have come to expect from Finders Keepers releases "The devil is in the detail" and the fact that any mention of the perpetually elusive original master tapes to a 1972 project entitled Diabeł and the phrase "Holy Grail" have become synonymously associated only adds the twisted irony that surrounds this genuine masterpiece of both aforementioned fields. For those fastidious enough to pursue the hunt, these unearthed recordings represent the crowning glory of the lifelong unison of maestro Andrzej Zuławski and filmmaker Andrzej Korzynski, two genuine mavericks of Polish experimental cinema who challenged artistic and societal norms, on both sides of a politically restricted regime and on an international artistic stage, without compromise. Friends since childhood, Korzynski and Zuławski may have become divided by limelight and geography (Zuławski the intrepid emigre), but they remained united in their kaleidoscopic creative vision, resulting in a fractured stream of troublesome and mind-bending golden era collaborations such as Possession , The Silver Globe, and Third Part Of The Night . This long-awaited liberation of the psychedelic masterpiece known as Diabeł finally completes the duo's full vista with what many consider the most vital piece of the prism. Sourced from the elusive original master tapes with the full cooperation of the CeTA archives in Warsaw.
Miquela E Lei Chapacans - Miquela E Lei Chapacans
Miquela E Lei Chapacans
Miquela E Lei Chapacans
LP | 2022 | UK | Original (Finders Keepers)
24,99 €*
Release: 2022 / UK – Original
Genre: Rock & Indie
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The first progressive girl group of the French Occitan language pop scene bring you folk funk, sun-baked bossa, Coltrane jazz and their own brand of punky “Dizco Rural” against an untouched French Balearic backdrop spanning the late 70s and 80s. If even the most assiduous of European record collectors consider the Occitan language music scene to be France’s best-kept secret then it’s as fair to say that the incredible multifaceted recordings of langue d’oc prog girl group Lei Chapacans has spent the last four decades hiding in plain sight. In all fairness this overlooked treasure chest of minority language excursions into folk funk, Balearic, bossa, John Coltrane penned jazz, baroque psych, Palestinian poetry, comedic synth skits (and even the rawest form of femme-fronted multiingual punky disco) has been stowed away in inconspicuous photographic record sleeves, falsely evoking something closer to contemporary C&W while oft-misplaced in record shop cassette racks alongside “traditional” spoken-word and scholastic albums. So for the uninitiated, don’t be too hard on yourself. The fun starts here. For those who are familiar with the rare and sought-after one-off solo album by Occitan singer Miquela and have craved for more, then you’ve come to exactly the right place. Lei Chapacans (a name that roughly translates to The Vagabonds) is the all-girl vocal group assembled by Miquela herself just two years after her debut release, having toured the word and snubbed major label record deal offers with a steadfast allegiance to the protection of the Occitan language in which this album is primarily penned and performed (minus a small amount of German and sarcastic English in one rebellious instance). For European collectors with a penchant for French savoir faire, but have further yearnings for folkloric femme funk, then it’s time to look towards the Occitan sunset where you will meet Lolo, Miquela, Sophie, Irena and Denise. These amazing, and undeniably culturally important recordings might have taken some time to find a wider audience, but for music lovers, crate diggers and vinyl vultures alike there are still a lot of tasty morsels out there to be scavenged and devoured, ask any self-respecting Chapacan and they’ll concur wholeheartedly.
Jean-Claude Vannier - La Bete Noire / Paris N'Existe Pas
Jean-Claude Vannier
La Bete Noire / Paris N'Existe Pas
LP | 2022 | UK | Original (Finders Keepers)
21,99 €*
Release: 2022 / UK – Original
Genre: Rock & Indie
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With a discography held in such high esteem amongst fans of conceptual French pop and soundtrack composition, the likelihood of finding an unturned stone amongst maestro Jean-Claude Vannier’s fertile psychedelic rockery falls somewhere between slim and skeletal. Even the most intrepid explorers of the most fearless and fastidious nature should naturally expect to encounter one or two shadowy characters when braving the oblique corners of the Vannier vault, but few lost souls cast a darker silhouette than the cinematic obscurity known only as »La Bête Noire« (The Black Beast).
Graeme Miller - Comet In Moominland
Graeme Miller
Comet In Moominland
LP | 2022 | UK | Original (Finders Keepers)
22,99 €*
Release: 2022 / UK – Original
Genre: Soundtracks
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From deep in the heart of Moominvalley, frozen in time for many midwinters passed, comes a genuine treasure chest of never heard Moomin melodies and instrumental comet songs composed for the continued animated adventures of our Fuzzy-Felt freak folk friends who disappeared from UK TV pastures in the mid-1980s. From the top of the Hobgoblin’s Hat and the bottom of Snufkin’s satchel, original Moomin’s composer Graeme Miller (The Carrier Frequency) kindly shares this patchwork selection of spellbinding sound poems and percussive peons made using the very same selection of ocarinas, kalimbas, miniature squeak boxes, Waspy synths, cornflake box shakers and a seemingly endless array of talent and lo-fi home studio trickery. Regarded as one of the most enigmatic, beguiling and haunting imported children’s programmes to ever grace UK TV screens, The Moomins was one of the first-ever commissions by Anne Wood (The Teletubbies) who ingeniously replaced the original Polish/ Austrian/Finnish soundtrack with homemade music experiments by unknown post-punk theatre students Graeme Miller and Steve Shill (aka The Commies From Mars) who after the screening of two unforgettable series in 1983 and 1985 were left in eager anticipation of rescoring further Moomin adventures with new melodies, arrangements and sound designs which then lingered in the ether waiting until the Groke awoke and Snorkmaiden sang once more. With future felt adventures screened exclusively in Poland and Germany for many years (often as feature films) these unheard recordings are the only genuine musical sequel to the bizarre UK version of The Moomins and stand as important inclusions the Graeme Miller’s own portfolio of theatrical theme music and sound installations as part of The Impact Theatre Cooperative including collaborations with artists and writers such as Russell Hoban. Witnessed in fragmented form during a short run of incredible rare live screenings at The Barbican Theatre and various film festival this record marks the first time this music has been heard in its original full-length form, free from sound effects, dialogue and whimpers of euphoric joy and nostalgia from those who have continued to crave the company of our Moomintrolls and their mysterious music over the last five decades.
COS - Cosmix
2LP | 2021 | UK | Original (Finders Keepers)
20,99 €*
Release: 2021 / UK – Original
Genre: Organic Grooves, Rock & Indie
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Used Vinyl
Medium: Near Mint, Cover: VG+
V.A. - Strain Crack & Break: Music From The Nurse With Wound List Volume Two (Germany)
Strain Crack & Break: Music From The Nurse With Wound List Volume Two (Germany)
2LP | 2021 | UK | Original (Finders Keepers)
24,99 €*
Release: 2021 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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With his ongoing commitment to like-minded archivist label Finders Keepers Records, industrial music pioneer Steven Stapleton further entrusts us to lift the veil and expose “the right tracks” from his uber-legendary and oft misinterpreted psych/prog/punk peculiarity shopping list known as The Nurse With Wound List. Following the critically lauded first instalment and it’s exclusively French tracklisting both parties now combine their vinylvulturous penchants to bring you the next Strain Crack & Break edition which consists of twelve lesser-known German records that played a hugely important part in the initial foundations of the list which began to unfold when Stapleton was just thirteen-years-old. From the perspective of a schoolboy Amon Düül (one) victim, at the start of a journey that commenced before phrases like kosmische and the xeno-ignant Krautrock tag had become mag hack currency, this compendium is devoid of the tropes that united what many would accurately argue to be the greatest progressive pop bands in Europe (namely CAN, Neu! and Kraftwerk) and rather shatters the ingredients across a ground zero landscape for both inquisitive fans and socially rehabbing musos to begin to assemble a unique self-styled identity. If Krautrock was the music that journalist told us lurked behind schlager (German pop) in the 1970s, then this record includes the music that skulked behind Krautrock and perhaps refused to polish its backhanded name belt. Including lesser-known artists like the late Wolfgang Dauner whose career proceeded and outlived the kosmische movement while consistently informing and outsmarting ‘em whenever they got stuck in their metronomic ruts, or how about Fritz Müller, the man who was to Kraftwerk what Stuart Sutcliffe was to The Beatles but had more in common with Yoko and quite rightly couldn’t give a shit about the Fab Four’s Hamburg roots. Elsewhere we have a plethora of German bands made for German audiences as they try and shed second hand flower power Americanisms and feel the benefits of much harder drugs and the realisations of difficult second album budgets while Kommune 1 newsflashes wipe smiles from everybody’s faces and replace them with opioid chic or acid-sarcastic grins. Bonzo Cockettes show us their Big Muffs and drummers ask for extra mics while Conny Plank goes for parliamentary office and gives babies good firm hand shakes for the camera. Strain Crack & Break Volume Two is the sound of Steve Stapleton’s sponge-like mind and the dividends of anyone who was brave enough to even peek inside those brick-thick gatefold covers never mind drop the needle, with tracks by Mr. and Mrs. Fuchs (aka Anima-Sound) who played their instruments completely naked throughout their anticareer alongside previously unpressed tracks by the scene’s leading Detroit-born African American drummer Fred Braceful who’s band Exmagma officially had the coolest record sleeves and track titles of ALL Time (Torpedo Tits? Yes Please!). From an era where it was embarrassing to go into your local record shop and hum the tune over the counter, well that young lad Steve Stapleton was braver than that, and besides, these tracks are unhummable and at times unutterable. Did somebody in the crowd shout out for Joel Vandroogenbroeck! Good luck with that one. Stapleton is sharing. Even Stevens. Over forty years since Nurse With Wound’s first album was released, Finders Keepers Records and Steve Stapleton take connoisseurs of OUR kind of music, back to the disused elevator shaft towards ground zero. Arrriving at the same checkout from different departments, Finders Keepers and Nurse With Wound continue to sing from the same hymnal with this ongoing collaborative attempt to officially, authentically and legally compile the best tracks from Steve’s list, where many overzealous nerds have faltered (or simply, got the wrong end of the stick). After Strain Crack & Break Volume One merely scratched the surface of this DIY dossier of elongated punkprog peculiarities, our second lavish metallic gatefold double vinyl compendium drives a much deeper groove, which, in accordance with Steve’s wishes, focusses exclusively on individual tracks of German origin - the country whose music forged the prototype of the NWW inventory in the form of his secondary school vinyl want-list in the early 1970s. Comprising of disassembled free jazz, unshowered stoner psych, hypnotic prog, deranged monk funk and fuzzed out Deutschmark bin bonzo beats this second volume of the series throws us straight back in the deep end, putting the Bad in Baden and the odour in The Oder with little need for cheap Cologne. Willkommen to another forgotten plateau found beneath the psychedelic underground, as Steve Stapleton and Finders Keepers dig new tunnels through the fabric of your vinyl wish-list, these German records are heavy, so find Solid Ground or watch you floorboards Strain Crack & Break before your bloody ears
J.M. Pagan - Kiu I Els Seus Amics
J.M. Pagan
Kiu I Els Seus Amics
LP | 2020 | UK | Original (Finders Keepers)
17,99 €*
Release: 2020 / UK – Original
Genre: Soundtracks
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From the cosmic creative musical mind of Swiss/Catalan studio whizz, Zeleste Nightclub engineer, Video Nasty film composer, occasional Jaume Sisa (Música Dispersa) collaborator and future electronic music therapy pioneer comes the synthridden vocoder-loaded 1984 sci-funk soundtrack to Barcelona’s daytime TV response to the universal E.T. phenomena. Get ready to meet your new alienígena amic and the unidentified flying object of thousands of Catalonian kids affections through the 1980s as Finders Keepers present J. M. Pagan’s lost lunar modular synth score to Kiu I Els Seus Amics (Kiu And Friends aka Kiu Is Your Friend).
From the same intergalactic phenomenon that brought such delights as Turkey’s exploito cash-in “Badi” or South Africa’s lo-rent hommage “Nukie” to our unregulated small screens, and the same craze which filled international airwaves with the likes of Extra T’S electro smash single “E.T. Boogie” or the million selling Columbian “Cumbia De E.T. El Extraterrestre” smash hit... not to mention a wide range of unofficial themetune cover versions from Holland, Austria, France and Germany (lest we forget an inspired late period Lee Scratch Perry Album) the creators of the movie which inspire the music on the album you are about to hear made no bones about their intergalactic muse. In 1982 the diaspora from Steven Spielberg’s small fictional mid-American neighbourhood that played host to everyones favourite torch fingered, three toed, Skittle scoffing space goblin touched virtually every family home in every major city resulting in one of the biggest cinematic merchandise phenomenas of the 21st century, resulting in an unexpected high-demand / short-supply play-off in which bootleggers, copyists and counterfeiters rose to the challenge like never before. At the precise moment that international audiences saw that cute little baldy poke his retractable neck around the corner and started stealing beer from the fridge, demanding long distance phone calls while circuit bending kids toys and frankly not looking after the plants... the human race was hooked! and we wanted more! more! more! When Spielberg regrettably told interviewers that he had no intention of making a sequel to E.T. The Extra Terrestrial, it instantly became open-season for the imitators... but way before somebody squeezedout, Mac & Me, ALF and The Purple People Eater a team of kid’s TV executives in Catalunya were ready to fill the widening gap in the market without haste. Created in 1983 by Luna Films and Televisió de Catalunya (TV3) and screened exclusively in Catalunya, Kiu I Els Seus Amics was one of the first E.T. “tributes” to make it out of the gate, and with a crew of five individual directors and writers to ensure that the five episode, one-off series hit the wave of phone-home-fever, “Kiu” has since remained a short but sweet micro-memory in the hearts of an entire generation of Catalonian cosmonauts.
Miquela - I A De Sars
I A De Sars
LP | 2019 | UK | Original (Finders Keepers)
17,99 €*
Release: 2019 / UK – Original
Genre: Rock & Indie
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Weaving a fragile thread through collectible outsider genres such as acid folk,
French jazz, Braziliana and world music it is virtually incomprehensible that
this incredible one-off solo album by mononymous Occitan language singer,
songwriter and activist Miquela.

Released and well-received in incredibly small numbers by a supportive and
emotional Occitan fan base, this would be Miquela’s only ever solo LP.

Captured via a humble makeshift studio set-up in a classroom in 1977, this
startlingly crystalline recording is one of the best examples you are likely to
hear, not shying from ambitious small string arrangements and intimate Gallic
jazz infusions this LP represents the quiet storm erupting from the pride and
protection of the ancient “romance” language known as Occitan, as spoken by
less than 1.5 million people in Southern France.
Guy Skornik - Tusk
Guy Skornik
LP | 2019 | UK | Original (Finders Keepers)
19,99 €*
Release: 2019 / UK – Original
Genre: Rock & Indie, Electronic & Dance
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From Guy Skornik, the composer and arranger behind Popera Cosmic and Pour
Pauwels, comes the enigmatic instrumental cues for Alejandro Jodorowsky’s
rarest and most overlooked feature film, Tusk.
Cherry-picked from pre-recorded synthesiser fuelled cosmic pop sessions by
Skornik, these compositions provided Tusk with arabesque new age synthesis
alongside full-blown ambitious electro rock
As part as Finders Keepers ongoing dedicated Jodorowsky soundtrack series
we present the first ever release of the original film edits from the 1979 studio TRACKLIST sessions featuring Steve Hillage (Gong) and members of Cossi Anatz.
Denis Wise - Wize Music
Denis Wise
Wize Music
LP | 2018 | UK | Original (Finders Keepers)
18,99 €*
Release: 2018 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Perhaps one of the most unique and unlikely exponents of the highly collectible genres of ambient electronics, experimental tape-music and PINA (Private Issue New Age) this English born Jamaican raised sound designer, artist and existentialist furrowed his own ublinkered path through lesser chartered electronic fields for many moons before eventually teaming up with Bill Laswell (with Material) and Daevid Allen in New York to bring self-taught synthesis to Gong during their most oblique periods. Creating two impossibly rare self pressed vinyl LPs of conceptual inner-visionary outer-galactic angular tonal-dronal alien-art soundscapes in the process, the man known under figure shifting guises such as Dennis Wise/Denis Weise/Dr. Wise etc, combined a culture of sound system circuitry and radiophonic trickery adding Tea-pot poetry and sci-fidelity future-folk to his magnetic mesh! Presented here as the first ever dedicated ize Music collection this record combines compositions spanning 1979-1984 in both a solo capacity as well as small-group projects featuring members of the Emerald Web band.

Imagine a comic book where a Funkenstein monster called “Laraaji-Scratch Perry” invaded your record shelf while Komendarek and Holger Czukay kept lookout… Dr. Dennis might be the only one Wise enough to outsmart all of them with his powerful amorphous anaesthetic.
Karel Goeyvaerts - Pour Que Les Fruits Mûrissent Cet Été / Op Acht Paarden Wedden
Karel Goeyvaerts
Pour Que Les Fruits Mûrissent Cet Été / Op Acht Paarden Wedden
LP | 2013 | UK | Reissue (Finders Keepers)
15,99 €* 19,99 € -20%
Release: 2013 / UK – Reissue
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Karel Goeyvaerts was born in Antwerp in 1923.
After having received a humanistic education in Antwerp, he took courses at
the Lemmens Institute in Malines. From 1943 until 1947 he studied at the Royal
Flemish Conservatoire of Antwerp. From 1947 until 1950 he studied composition
with Darius Milhaud, music analysis with Olivier Messiaen and was in addition the
pupil of Maurice Martenot at the “Conservatoire
National” in Paris. In 1949 he was awarded the 2nd Prize for Composition and the
Lili Boulanger Prize at the same Conservatoire. He obtained the Halphen Prize in
During the winter of 1950-51, he wrote the “Sonata for two pianos”. Because of
its decisive and total stylistic novelty he designated this work as “Composition
No 1”, thus rejecting all his former work. With this sonata he created a structural
synthesis of the dodecaphonic system of Anton Webern and the teachings of
Olivier Messiaen and laid the foundations for generalized “punctual” serialism. He
demonstrated the application of this technique on the electronic medium in his
compositions Nrs. 4, 5 and 7. During the period 1951-1956, he influenced directly
through personal contact and intensive correspondence the musical creativity of
Karlheinz Stockhausen, whom he met during the summer-courses of 1951 in
Darmstadt. In 1953, Goeyvaerts and Stockhausen produced the first electronic
music in the studio of the NWDR in Cologne.
In 1 970 th e BRT app oin ted h im as pr oducer at th e “Institute of Psychoacoustics
and Electronic Music” (IPEM) in Ghent. Since 1974 he is in charge of the New Music
productions for BRT-3 in Brussels. Karel Goeyvaerts received several awards,
such as the Koopal Prize in 1967 and the Visser-Neerlandia Prize in 1969. He
also was given commissions by the BRT, the Festiv al o f Fland ers and the NOS
(Nede r- lan ds e Omroepstichting). His works have been performed in several
European countries, in Canada, the United States, Japan and at the festivals of the
“International Society for Contemporary Music” (ISCM) Brussels 1950, Oslo 1953,
Graz 1972 and Bonn 1977.
Lubos Fiser - OST Valerie And Her Week Of Wonders Black Sleeve Variation
Lubos Fiser
OST Valerie And Her Week Of Wonders Black Sleeve Variation
LP | 2006 | UK | Reissue (Finders Keepers)
18,99 €*
Release: 2006 / UK – Reissue
Genre: Soundtracks
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It has been exactly ten years since Finders Keepers Records first liberated Luboš Fišer’s
immaculate soundtrack music for Valerie And Her Week Of Wonders (Valerie A Týden
Divu) from the vaults of the Barrandov Studio in Prague. As the inaugural release of
an ongoing discography of previously unreleased scores from the hugely creative “Film
Miracle” that occurred during and after the Czech New Wave (CNW), this score will always
retain a special place in the heart of the label as well as our listeners who consistently
request an updated repress of this significant vinyl milestone. Having grown in status
from an obscure and misunderstood socialist-era art house oddity, via the hands of
risqué foreign fluff merchants, to finally find its rightful audience as a bona fide surrealist
cinematic masterpiece of world class standards, this 1970 film adaptation of Vítezslav
Nezval’s 1935 avant-garde novella (a film that literally cross-pollinated Max Ernst’s A
Week Of Kindness and Lewis Carols Alice In Wonderland) has garnered widespread
critical acclaim. Inspiring ongoing generations of visual artists, musicians, writers and
filmmakers - all of whom regard this truly individualistic and inimitable surrealist film
poem to be an indelible influence - Valerie continues to impregnate their daily artistic
referential fabric.
Commonly considered to be the swansong of the CNW, following a huge paranoia fuelled
government film cull in 1969, owing to the fact it is last government approved feature film
of the post-Prague Spring era to combine the efforts of controversial filmmakers from
the FAMU (Filmová A Televizní Fakulta Akademie Múzických Umení) film school, Valerie
would also be the first of an exciting and essential new fertile strain of Czech made
cinema fantastique. Successfully condensing the final drops of CNW lifeblood through a
series of presumed apolitical scary/fairy tales, directors like Jaromil Jireš and Juraj Herz
used surrealism, traditionalism and fantasy to rejuvenate the creative energy of apathetic
filmmakers evading government scrutiny via creatively coded artistic allegories. By
strategically choosing to adapt a pre-war surrealist melodrama written by a communist
convert author called Vítezslav Nezval and based in a non-specific traditional era, the
previously censored filmmaker Jaromil Jireš was able to craft what many consider his
finest filmic hour and what would later become his most universally received achievement.
Enlisting the individual talent of some of the CNW’s most formidable stalwarts, in what
might have been their most creatively challenging roles, Jireš managed to unintentionally
establish a new genre format that was both stylistically and sonically tuned to the trends
of the impending decade thus future-proofing his caree
Martin Hannett & Steve Hopkins - All Sorts Of Heroes
Martin Hannett & Steve Hopkins
All Sorts Of Heroes
7" | 2018 | UK | Original (Finders Keepers)
11,99 €*
Release: 2018 / UK – Original
Genre: Soundtracks
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Recorded in 1976 by Invisible Girls’ Steve Hopkins and Martin Hannett for a truly
bizarre stop-motion animation called All Sorts OF Heroes, this hard edged funk
instrumental theme reveals another side to this versatile production team joining the
hidden dots between ESG, Gyro, A Certain Ratio and Afro Express.

Like much of the lost and unreleased projects that stalled on the peripheries of early
proto-Madchester, including the disco-pogo music of Spider King, Gerry And The
Holograms, The 48 Chairs, Naffi and The Mothmen, this record has been frozen in
time waiting for the wider marathon of independent pop to catch up!

Pressed here by Finders Keepers for the first time on vinyl.
Serge Gainsbourg & Jean-Claude Vannier - OST Les Chemins De Katmandou
Serge Gainsbourg & Jean-Claude Vannier
OST Les Chemins De Katmandou
LP | 2017 | UK | Original (Finders Keepers)
18,99 €*
Release: 2017 / UK – Original
Genre: Soundtracks
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After decades in the making Finders Keepers Records are proud to present the first-ever pressing of Serge Gainsbourg’s most elusive and coveted soundtrack studio recordings – co-written, arranged and orchestrated by the genius Jean-Claude Vannier (Histoire De Melody Nelson) during what many consider to be the dynamic duo’s most definitive creative period. Believed to have been lost in a studio fire by Gainsbourg enthusiasts for over forty years (a myth that also shrouds Morricone’s lost Danger Diabolik soundtrack) the misplaced master-tapes for the drug-fuelled/Mai 68 cash-in/road-movie Les Chemins De Katmandou have been widely considered the final audio jigsaw piece in an immaculate discography/filmography thus earning this soundtrack bone-fide Holy Grail status amongst the most avid disc detectives. Featuring the original crack team of Paris based players now recognised as French library music royalty, this LP epitomises the inimitable musical direction and expert psychedelic pop musicianship that graced classic Gainsbourg/Vannier soundtracks like La Horse, Cannabis and Sex Shop. Laying the stylistic, future-proof foundations for subsequent decades of forward-thinking Gallic funk mastery. Comprising Vannier’s signature recipe of thick plucked bass lines, close-micced drums, biting Clavinet and Eastern influenced strings and percussion (and a sprinkling of subtle traditional French instrumentation) the soundtrack to Les Chemins De Katmandou (aka The Road To Katmandu or The Pleasure Pit) captures Vannier and Gainsbourg in the first year of their creative partnership capturing their unique embryonic energy.
Suzanne Ciani - Help, Help, The Globolinks
Suzanne Ciani
Help, Help, The Globolinks
LP | 2017 | UK | Original (Finders Keepers)
18,99 €*
Release: 2017 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Previously unreleased music from one of the most important and influential composers in
the history of multi-disciplinary electronic music.

Originally written and performed in 1968, and gaining worldwide acclaim throughout the
1970s, Gian Carlo Menotti would update and revise his play for the turn of the 80s which
called for a new approach to the music and sound effects - Suzanne Ciani was the perfect
candidate as demonstrated with her other cosmic cinematic itches with android music for
The Stepford Wives and The Incredible Shrinking Woman.
Maria Teresa Luciani - Sounds Of The City (Suoni Di Una Citta)
Maria Teresa Luciani
Sounds Of The City (Suoni Di Una Citta)
LP | 2017 | UK | Original (Finders Keepers)
17,99 €*
Release: 2017 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Welcome to the parallel musical universe of Miss Maria Teresa Luciani, a landscape of sonic architecture and theoretical composition constructed by a family of engineers that reinvented the wheel before the vehicle even began the journey. Imagine, if you will, the musical equivalent of Peter Cook’s Archigram group or the soundtrack to Charles and Ray Eames’ private sketchbooks, hinting at a new municipal, utopian metropolis just hours before the blueprints are suspiciously misplaced by the courier and mainstream pop building regulations piss on our asbestos bonfire. These 1972 constructions of progressive, cyclic, proto-industrial colour music were never intended for public habitation. These are the Sounds Of The City in a galaxy far, far beneath our radar and above your expectations that was never built. Pseudo-futurist pop music? Cubic folk? Tape-op-art? Sì, grazie!

Before the needle hits the first groove, the story of Maria Teresa Luciani reads like an Alphaville caper full of foreign intrigue, low intensity identification fraud, secret codes, family bonds, mistrust and wanderlust... Naturally, you are holding a genuine
Finders Keepers article. To say this rare Italian concept album is “unbelievable” is justified on multiple levels. This multi-storey storage facility of found sounds, radiophonic samples, tape loops, early electronic music experiments, mechanical
folk, cinematic vision, sound design, educated music theory, political pop and high concept art-as-noise successfully layers more musical ideas within its unique structure than one would think possible for a solo artist within any musical genre.
This is why Sounds Of The City presents us with a brand new genre defying compositional framework, pre-dating sampling culture, cut ‘n’ paste plunderism and industrial music in the process. Pre-digital, indefinable and genuinely
unbelievable. But who is Maria Teresa Luciani? On hearing this record respected collectors and enthusiasts have suggested “the female answer to Basil Kirchin,” or “the Italian Daphne Oram”. Both with justified cause. Mystery, myth, legend,
teacher, artist, inventor, author, musician, psychologist, daughter, and (possibly most importantly) sister.
Stefano Marcucci - Tempo Di Demoni, Papi, Angioli, Incen Si E Ciliici
Stefano Marcucci
Tempo Di Demoni, Papi, Angioli, Incen Si E Ciliici
10" | 2017 | UK | Original (Finders Keepers)
16,99 €*
Release: 2017 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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The mythical, mysterious and misfiled transcription disc of a lost Italian demonic religious rock opera recorded at Pierre Umiliani’s Sound Workshop by Stefano Marcucci - beat group veteran, Fernando Arrabal collaborator and Libra affiliate.

Featuring members of the wider Casa/Ducros family and future Federico Fellini collaborators, this previously commercially unavailable mini-LP features embryonic Minimoog, ecclesiastical organs and chorus alongside a tight psych funk rhythm section from Italian library music’s golden era.

Imagine Jean Pierre Massiera’s Visitors restoring a scene from Juliette Of The Spirits, backed by a skeleton staff from Jean-Claude Vannier’s Chorale des Jeunesses Musicales de France on a foreign exchange program; on Halloween, in the Vatican…

Continuing our mission to shine light on the genuine anomalies of 70’s Italian production music, Finders Keepers Records resurrects another unlikely transcription disc from the vaults of one of Rome’s most esoteric library music archives. This bizarre one-off theatrical project, composed and recorded at Umiliani’s studio, was commissioned for a short-run demonic religious performance entitled Tempo Di Demoni, Papi, Angioli, Incensi E Cilici under the musical direction of former Italian psychedelic beat-group member Stefano Marcucci.

Instantly recognised by Flower Records founder Romano Di Bari as having commercial potential beyond its handful of church and small theatre performances in the early months of 1975, Marcucci agreed that they should commit these bizarre recordings to vinyl as a form of preservation with hope of attracting a wider commercial audience through Di Bari’s Television and Films synchronisation contacts. Sitting slightly ajar to the custom-made projects of its label bedfellows (swapping schedules with experimental theme-music by Alessandro Alessandroni, Gerardo Iacoucci and Anthonio Ricardo Luciani) and confusingly sharing an identical catalog number to another collectable Flower release called Ritimico by (close friend) Paolo Ferrara (LEW 0551) this album has slipped under the radar of many Library label completists over the years attracting confusion, scepticism, polarised opinion but nothing short of astonishment at the bizarre hidden synth-ridden psychedelic concept pop found behind some of the most striking duo-tone artwork to come out of Italy’s most experimental era.
Masahiko Sato - OST Belladonna Black Vinyl Edition
Masahiko Sato
OST Belladonna Black Vinyl Edition
LP | 1975 | UK | Reissue (Finders Keepers)
21,99 €*
Release: 1975 / UK – Reissue
Genre: Soundtracks
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Preorder shipping from 2025-04-04
An unholy grail of near mythical status finally joins the Finders Keepers Records discography in the form of this first-ever reissue of Masahiko Sato’s elusive sensual psychedelic free jazz score to the stunning Japanese witchcraft animation Belladonna Of Sadness (Kanashimi no Belladonna) directed by anime screenwriter Eiichi Yamamoto in 1973. asn early feature-length example of a micro-genre in which Japanese anime producers collaborated with the “pink” film genre.
Jean-Claude Vannier - L'Enfant Assassin Des Mouches
Jean-Claude Vannier
L'Enfant Assassin Des Mouches
LP | 1972 | UK | Reissue (Finders Keepers)
24,99 €*
Release: 1972 / UK – Reissue
Genre: Rock & Indie
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To mark the ten years of Finders Keepers we present a lovingly remastered and repackaged release of the album where it all began. Within the last ten years the resurgence of sixties Gallic pop, once known as Ye-Ye music, has escalated beyond an inter-stellar dizzy height. What might have been a waning, embarrassing genre destined for a shelf life/death gathering dust amongst the Eurovisions of yesteryear, the ‘jerk-beat’ psychsploitation records of the latter day French disco had soon found new floor space in some of the most credible nightspots in London and Japan.

Without a shadow of doubt, the flagship LP with best odds on becoming a discerning household object was Histoire de Melody Nelson by one Serge Gainsbourg. An inimitable, 45-minute concept LP handcrafted by a bass-driven psychedelic rock group and a heaven sent, 1001 piece orchestral and choral symphony. The album left hip hop producers alongside progressive rock aficionados crying out for more and more for years to come. This LP was in a league of its very own… or was it?

The seldom-sung musical arranger for Melody Nelson has become one of the most enigmatic names in French-funk; lorded by many as the “French David Axelrod” Jean-Claude Vannier’s name is the lesser-spotted, tell-tale seal of sample-friendly quality when it comes to crate-digging ‘en Francais’. Suitably, when rumours amongst French record dealers claiming “the band who played Melody Nelson recorded a follow-up lp” became a legend of psychedelic folklore. Another unconfirmed rumour about JCV taking the remaining out-takes of the beloved Melody Nelson to create a promo-only experimental rock LP left sample hungry producers and DJs in turmoil…

For those in the know the answers to these mysteries lay flat between the anonymous gatefold sleeve of an undiscovered conceptual album bizarrely entitled “L’Enfant Assassin des Mouches” by a custom-built avant-rock entourage called Insolitudes. The rocking-horse manure treasure hunt began.

So here we have it. The mythical teen-tonic for all those suffering from Melody Nelson withdrawal symptoms. For record collectors looking for that special something, this LP contains the extra special everything. Peruse the following genres: psychedelic, classical, soundtracks, jazz, hip hop, samples, avant-garde, funk. Then place a copy of L’Enfant Assassin des Mouches in each section. History denotes that when ‘our man in Paris’ Msr. Gainsbourg first heard the initial bones of this LP he took his poetic pencil to paper providing bizarre liner notes, thus consummating the most extraordinary concept album of all time. The story “The Child Assassin Of The Flies” was to be included as the only information to grace the LPs highly collectible, concertina gatefold sleeve. The story in full is reproduced in its native-tongue on this very special re-release package.

DJs and Producers such as Jim O’Rourke, Stereolab’s Tim Gane and David Holmes have spent sleepless nights in perusal of original copies of this perfect release and now regard it as ‘One Of The Best’. Recent copies on eBay have commanded ridiculous price tags, and is now one of the most sought-after articles amongst the vinyl hungry hip-hop community
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Strain Crack & Break: Music From The Nurse With Wound List Volume Two (Germany) (Defective Sleeves)
LP | 2021 | UK | Original (Finders Keepers)
23,99 €*
Release: 2021 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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With his ongoing commitment to like-minded archivist label Finders Keepers Records, industrial music pioneer Steven Stapleton further entrusts us to lift the veil and expose “the right tracks” from his uber-legendary and oft misinterpreted psych/prog/punk peculiarity shopping list known as The Nurse With Wound List. Following the critically lauded first instalment and it’s exclusively French tracklisting both parties now combine their vinylvulturous penchants to bring you the next Strain Crack & Break edition which consists of twelve lesser-known German records that played a hugely important part in the initial foundations of the list which began to unfold when Stapleton was just thirteen-years-old. From the perspective of a schoolboy Amon Düül (one) victim, at the start of a journey that commenced before phrases like kosmische and the xeno-ignant Krautrock tag had become mag hack currency, this compendium is devoid of the tropes that united what many would accurately argue to be the greatest progressive pop bands in Europe (namely CAN, Neu! and Kraftwerk) and rather shatters the ingredients across a ground zero landscape for both inquisitive fans and socially rehabbing musos to begin to assemble a unique self-styled identity. If Krautrock was the music that journalist told us lurked behind schlager (German pop) in the 1970s, then this record includes the music that skulked behind Krautrock and perhaps refused to polish its backhanded name belt. Including lesser-known artists like the late Wolfgang Dauner whose career proceeded and outlived the kosmische movement while consistently informing and outsmarting ‘em whenever they got stuck in their metronomic ruts, or how about Fritz Müller, the man who was to Kraftwerk what Stuart Sutcliffe was to The Beatles but had more in common with Yoko and quite rightly couldn’t give a shit about the Fab Four’s Hamburg roots. Elsewhere we have a plethora of German bands made for German audiences as they try and shed second hand flower power Americanisms and feel the benefits of much harder drugs and the realisations of difficult second album budgets while Kommune 1 newsflashes wipe smiles from everybody’s faces and replace them with opioid chic or acid-sarcastic grins. Bonzo Cockettes show us their Big Muffs and drummers ask for extra mics while Conny Plank goes for parliamentary office and gives babies good firm hand shakes for the camera. Strain Crack & Break Volume Two is the sound of Steve Stapleton’s sponge-like mind and the dividends of anyone who was brave enough to even peek inside those brick-thick gatefold covers never mind drop the needle, with tracks by Mr. and Mrs. Fuchs (aka Anima-Sound) who played their instruments completely naked throughout their anticareer alongside previously unpressed tracks by the scene’s leading Detroit-born African American drummer Fred Braceful who’s band Exmagma officially had the coolest record sleeves and track titles of ALL Time (Torpedo Tits? Yes Please!). From an era where it was embarrassing to go into your local record shop and hum the tune over the counter, well that young lad Steve Stapleton was braver than that, and besides, these tracks are unhummable and at times unutterable. Did somebody in the crowd shout out for Joel Vandroogenbroeck! Good luck with that one. Stapleton is sharing. Even Stevens. Over forty years since Nurse With Wound’s first album was released, Finders Keepers Records and Steve Stapleton take connoisseurs of OUR kind of music, back to the disused elevator shaft towards ground zero. Arrriving at the same checkout from different departments, Finders Keepers and Nurse With Wound continue to sing from the same hymnal with this ongoing collaborative attempt to officially, authentically and legally compile the best tracks from Steve’s list, where many overzealous nerds have faltered (or simply, got the wrong end of the stick). After Strain Crack & Break Volume One merely scratched the surface of this DIY dossier of elongated punkprog peculiarities, our second lavish metallic gatefold double vinyl compendium drives a much deeper groove, which, in accordance with Steve’s wishes, focusses exclusively on individual tracks of German origin - the country whose music forged the prototype of the NWW inventory in the form of his secondary school vinyl want-list in the early 1970s. Comprising of disassembled free jazz, unshowered stoner psych, hypnotic prog, deranged monk funk and fuzzed out Deutschmark bin bonzo beats this second volume of the series throws us straight back in the deep end, putting the Bad in Baden and the odour in The Oder with little need for cheap Cologne. Willkommen to another forgotten plateau found beneath the psychedelic underground, as Steve Stapleton and Finders Keepers dig new tunnels through the fabric of your vinyl wish-list, these German records are heavy, so find Solid Ground or watch you floorboards Strain Crack & Break before your bloody ears
Beth Anderson - I Can't Stand It
Beth Anderson
I Can't Stand It
LP | 2024 | UK | Original (Finders Keepers)
24,99 €*
Release: 2024 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Private press sound poet and Text–Sound pillar Beth Anderson brings drummy tant rum raps and yoga punk to the 1970’s New York art/loft scene with a tight-knit ensemble that counts Phill Niblock, John Cage, Sonic Youth, Suzanne Ciani and Ear Magazine among its gallery guestlis The music of Beth Anderson has successfully evaded the pressing plant for most of her creative career and it has taken decades to successfully collect and contextualise these early recordings - expanding her elusive discography beyond the rare and mysterious solo single entry in the process.
John Hill - Six Moons Of Jupiter
John Hill
Six Moons Of Jupiter
LP | 2009 | UK | Original (Finders Keepers)
19,99 €*
Release: 2009 / UK – Original
Genre: Organic Grooves, Rock & Indie
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Used Vinyl
Medium: VG, Cover: VG+
Gerardo Iacoucci - Le Avventure (Split Spine)
Gerardo Iacoucci
Le Avventure (Split Spine)
LP | 2017 | UK | Original (Finders Keepers)
12,99 €*
Release: 2017 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Andrzej Korzynski - Possession
Andrzej Korzynski
LP | 2012 | UK | Reissue (Finders Keepers)
25,99 €*
Release: 2012 / UK – Reissue
Genre: Soundtracks
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During the maiden voyage into an expansive vat of unreleased music by Polish composer Andrzej Korzynski, Finders Keepers Records originally presented his previously unreleased electro / orchestral / experimental score for Andrzej Zulawski's surrealist '80s horror classic Possession in 2012. These 25 cues were written and recorded exclusively for the 1981 award-winning film starring Isabelle Adjani and Sam Neil, but due to the progressive, stark and modernist nature of the finished film less than half of them made it on to the actual director's cut—leaving many of the tracks on this package totally unheard outside of Korzynski's studio. The intended Possession score in its entirety marks an important axis in Korzynski's career where his various musical disciplines overlap. In one respect it marks his first forays into to synth driven electronics and disco drum machines, while other tracks epitomize the well-honed techniques used in previous Zulawski scores, such as Third Part Of The Night and The Devil, which rely on his inimitable orchestral arrangements and combination of clavinet, Rhodes, piano and electric guitar. Available once again on black 12" vinyl for the first time since its original release some 11 years ago, Finders Keepers' ongoing commitment to the important restoration of Korzynski's music aims to shed new light on the seldom manufactured productions of the composer whose vast cinematic catalogue warrants overdue global status alongside other golden era Eastern European composers such as Kryzstof Komeda, Jan Hammer, and Zdenek Liska—not to mention the best of the French and Italian soundtrackers, such as Roubaix, Vannier, and Nicolai. Duplicated and carefully remastered directly from Korzynski's original master tapes this album boasts the uninhibited studio experiments and retains the pre-cut ambience.
Andrzej Korzynski - Secret Enigma
Andrzej Korzynski
Secret Enigma
2LP | 1993 | UK | Reissue (Finders Keepers)
27,99 €*
Release: 1993 / UK – Reissue
Genre: Soundtracks
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Back due to unprecedented demand and available for the first time since the original 2012 pressing, Finders Keepers Records is proud to once again present these twenty-two rare and unreleased vintage tracks from the secret vaults of one of the most enigmatic composers in 60s/70s/80s European cinema, Andrzej Korzyński. Originally recorded in the best studios in Poland, Italy and France for experimental film, political allegories, lost television shows, sound libraries and radio – these tracks have been hidden behind the Iron Curtain on lost master tapes and film reels until now! Secret Enigma represents the first ever dedicated anthology of this great composer’s work.

Originally released exactly thirty years ago In artistic cinema Andrzej Korzyński’s unique experiments with jazz, pop, rock, orchestral and electronic music make his name synonymous with the most praised (Andrzej Wajda) and the most provocative (Andrzej Żuławski) Polish filmmakers (counting many more in between). As an early patron of the Polish New Wave and a key exponent of the development of conceptual Polish pop music his expansive portfolio has remained commercially unreleased and untravelled (like many of the original socialist era Polish made films) and has yet to find its deserved place next to the work of Ennio Morricone, François de Roubaix and John Barry. Now enhanced by a renewed interest in vintage art house film and a subculture of open minded music collectors many Easter European artists, such as Krzysztof Komeda (Poland), Zdeněk Liška (Czechoslovakia) and now Andrzej Korzyński, have finally begun to earn their place alongside their Central European peers.

For lovers of film music and experimental pop, this debut anthology and appraisal of Korzyński’s work is long overdue, and stylistically, probably never more relevant.
Classroom - Classroom
LP | 2023 | UK | Original (Finders Keepers)
26,99 €*
Release: 2023 / UK – Original
Genre: Organic Grooves
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The lost Belgian blueprint of Brussels based jazz fusion and how free form Franco-Flemish punk put Zeuhl school in the Classroom via to the conception of COS.

Emerging from behind the same clouds that kept formative Belgian progressive jazz records like Brussels Art Quintet and Kiosk’s Mona Call in tangible obscurity, these impossibly rare early Euro jazz recordings shed a new ray of light on the intricate foundations of the scene that elevated COS, Marc Moulin, Placebo, Marc Hollander and Telex to Zen master status, while also capturing one of Europe’s best female vocal artists in the midst of her wide eyed and uninhibited prime.

Idiosyncratic, intrepid, psychedelic, scholastic? Affirmative. But not once do these recordings resemble pages of a dog-eared sketchbook. Expertly executed and recorded, this semester of progressive proto jazz fusion symposiums capture the group as they unveil the unique strain of experimental ‘Flower Music’ (a title worthy of a lost Don Cherry album?) that would imminently blossom into the trailblazing COS powerhouse. Listen closely and hear the sound of this outernational mutating quintet as they tear up the rule book and still graduate onto the International jazz rock scene with flying psychedelic colours. Fans of COS tracks such as Mein maschine ist schön and L’Idiot Léon will herein identify the foundations of Pascale Son’s early experimental, non-lyrical and onomatopoeic vocalisations which would earn the band favour amongst early Zeuhl aficionados, thus winning the group support slots with Magma and historically leading directly to the Classroom/COS overnight metamorphosis. These recordings capture that precise chink in time and the eureka moment where Daniel Schell’s experiments become a leading life force. Constantly forward-thinking with a don’t look back mantra, these recordings have remained nestled on old acetates and magnetic tape akin to similar lost Low Country albums such as Alain Pierre’s mythical L’enfant grandit synth opus and Placebo’s coveted Three Days In April TV recordings.

Never before released on vinyl, these tracks provide us with a sonic chalkboard of Daniel Schell’s ambitious musical equations, recalculated by precocious polymaths, then conveyed via Pascale Son’s inquisitive child-like vocal explorations. For those keen to learn the Histoire De Melody COS? The classroom door is open – prepare to be schooled!
Daniel Schell & Dick Annegarn - Egmont And The FF Boom
Daniel Schell & Dick Annegarn
Egmont And The FF Boom
LP | 1979 | UK | Reissue (Finders Keepers)
24,99 €*
Release: 1979 / UK – Reissue
Genre: Rock & Indie
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Part fantastical historic sonic biopic, part anthropologic journey into the deep roots of Belgium’s monstrous cosmic rock sound, this wholly individualistic concept album combines the lead members of the mighty COS (Daniel Schell and Pascale Son) with studio genius Alain Pierre (Ô Sidarta/Des Morts) and celebrated Dutch progressive rock singer Dick Annegarn, for what many consider to be both the overlooked hiding place of Belgium’s deepest psychedelic moment and European prog’s lost map to the ‘Franco-Flemish Boom’.

Emerging from the wider musical family that counted Marc Moulin, Placebo and Marc Hollander amongst its creative kin, Daniel Schell’s most profound conceptual project ambitiously combines the tale of the heroic historical figure of Count Egmont, while simultaneously tracing the evolution of the ud, or oud, (‘the grandfather of the guitar’) in this multifarious hallucinogenic epic. Featuring key members of other collectable groups such as drummer Felix Simtaine from Solis Lacus and bass player Jean-Louis Baudoin from the mythical Classroom (cos predecessor), this best-kept secret vinyl release also harbours the voices of Dirk Bogaert (of Belgian hard rockers Waterloo) as well as Catalan singer Ilona Chale (Marc Hollander/Aksak Maboul) before her later tenure as the COS front woman.

Initially released in 1978 via Zeuhl school distributors Free Bird alongside French pressings of Don Cherry, Jacques Thollot and CAN, it is plain to understand the niche nature of this maligned “lost Cos” LP as it finally blooms from between the cracked branches of European jazz-rock-synth-psych-prog-pop history… and beyond!
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Finders Keepers HHV Records

Finders Keepers Records is a London-based record label, specializing in re-issues and rarities. It is run by Andy Votel, Dominic Thomas and Doug Shipton. Their first release in 2005 called people’s attention already. L’Enfant Assassin Des Mouches by Claude Vannier from 1972 was a widely known and praised record but still rare until they re-released it. Since then Finders Keepers Records kept looking for musical jewels beyond genres and subjects. Welsh Folk, French jazz, British psychedelic are on their roster as well as Czech film music, Pakistani pop and Persian funk. Besides they keep re-publishing books like the novel Ritual by David Pinner from 1973.