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Moderat (Apparat & Modeselektor) - Moderat
Moderat (Apparat & Modeselektor)
LP | 2009 | DE | Original (BPitch)
25,99 €*
Release: 2009 / DE – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Modeselektor and Apparat collaborate on this eclectic album. A moody yet bouncing record with some ridiculous Dubstep basslines, 2-Step drums, paranoid Berghain Techno and emotive vocals. A clever and thoroughly entertaining affair. The Special Edition includes awesome visuals courtesy of Die Pfadfinderei and a brilliant Shackleton remix of the Übertrack Rusty Nails.
Joy Orbison - Still Slipping
Joy Orbison
Still Slipping
LP | 2021 | UK | Original (XL)
27,99 €*
Release: 2021 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Highly anticipated would be an understatement - so influential are his releases to date, it's difficult to believe he's never released a full length project. The name of the mixtape may already be familiar - an evolution from 2019's acclaimed "Slipping" EP and also the name of a Joy Orbison curated radio station ("Still Slipping: Los Santos") within Grand Theft Auto's immersive world - but in terms of scope and ambition, "still slipping vol.1" is without doubt O'Grady's boldest and most expansive project yet.

First coming to prominence in 2009 with his debut single “Hyph Mngo” - a track that became a bonafide phenomenon and changed the dance music underground forever - the London musician, DJ and producer is undoubtedly one of the most renowned, respected and influential electronic artists of his generation. Whether through his own game-changing releases such as “Ellipsis”, “GR Etiquette”, “Big Room Tech House DJ Tool-TIP!” or the “Slipping” EP, collaborations with the likes of Mansur Brown, Overmono and cutting edge Japanese clothing label Cav Empt, a run of genre-defining releases on his Hinge Finger label, a BBC Radio 1 residency and live appearances that span the most credible underground nights to festival headline slots around the world, the name Joy Orbison has been a constant byword for understated, uncompromising quality. "still slipping vol.1" is the next evolution in his journey. Fans of Joy Orbison's DJ sets and radio shows will already be aware of his diverse tastes and inspirations, represented here through a roll call of delicately curated, mainly UK, collaborators that include Herron, James Massiah, Bathe, Lea Sen, Goya Gumbani and Tyson. Just as important are the voices Joy Orbison's family - mum, dad, sister Sarah, uncle Frankie, uncle Keith (recently departed), auntie Helen and cousins Lola, Mia and Leighann, who was the first person to introduce O’Grady to drum and bass and garage as a kid and stars on the mixtape’s cover art. They appear throughout the record via a series of voice notes, his only contact with his family during this year of worldwide lockdown and an intimate, vicarious glimpse into the personal world of an artist who has generally side-stepped the public gaze. The result is Joy Orbison's best music to date and a powerful distillation of his musical career so far. Recorded in his Walworth Window studio in south east London, this is serious, future-facing sound system music cut through with a sense of warmth and playfulness much needed for these times. In O'Grady's own words, "I made a point of making it feel really human. I wanted it to be quite light hearted and humorous so that the weirder bits of the record didn't seem too wanky or self-indulgent. In my head it’s a soul record but I'm not sure that's how people will hear it”

Schon seit seinen Teenager-Jahren gehört Peter O’Grady, alias Joy Orbison, zu den treibenden Kräften der elektronischen Musik-Szene, der er immer wieder mit seinen Veröffentlichungen neue Wege aufzeigen konnte. Nun erscheint endlich sein erstes Mixtape „still slipping vol. 1“, das beweist, dass er auch in 2021 nichts an Relevanz oder Aktualität verloren hat.

„Heiß erwartet“, trifft es hier wohl, wenn man sich vor Augen ruft, dass Orbison bisher noch kein Album oder mehr als eine EP in seiner Karriere veröffentlicht hat. Der Titel erinnert dabei an die gefeierte 2019er EP „Slipping“ sowie an seinen kuratierten Radio-Kanal „Still Slipping: Los Santos“ in der Grand Theft Auto-Gaming-Welt – gleichzeitig ist dieses 14-Songs umfassende Mixtape die wohl ambitionierteste Veröffentlichung Orbisons bisher und ein Meilenstein in seiner Karriere. 2009 begann diese mit der Debüt-Single „Hype Mngo“, mit der der Londoner Musiker, DJ und Produzent hohe Wellen im Dance Music Underground erzeugte. Es folgten weitere Singles, EPs, Kollaborationen mit Acts wie Mansur Brown oder Overmono, eine BBC One Residency, DJ-Sets und Live-Auftritte in Clubs und bei Festivals auf der ganzen Welt. „still slipping vol.1“ zeugt wie gewohnt von den mannigfaltigen Einflüssen und Strömungen, von denen sich Joy Orbison treiben lässt und rollt den Teppich aus für Kollaborationen mit Acts wie Herron, James Massiah, Bathe, Lea Sen, Goya Gumbani und Tyson. Daneben bietet es einen intimen Einblick auch in die persönliche Welt des Künstlers während den vergangenen Lockdown-Monaten, beinhaltet das Mixtape doch auch einige persönliche Voice Messages seiner Mutter, seines Vaters, der Schwester und Cousinen.
LP | 2011 | UK | Original (XL)
27,99 €*
Release: 2011 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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After MSSV singles & remixes: This is the full length!
Flying Lotus - Los Angeles
Flying Lotus
Los Angeles
2LP | 2008 | EU | Original (Warp)
38,99 €*
Release: 2008 / EU – Original
Genre: Hip Hop, Electronic & Dance
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The blueprint for today's growing beatscene and a must-have from 2008. Appearences from Laura Darlington, Gonjasufi, Ahu (as Dolly) and more.
Radikal Guru - Subconscious 2025 Repress
Radikal Guru
Subconscious 2025 Repress
2LP | 2013 | EU | Reissue (Moonshine)
32,99 €*
Release: 2013 / EU – Reissue
Genre: Electronic & Dance, Reggae & Dancehall
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Preorder shipping from 2025-04-04
Repress 2025 -

Poland's finest reggae dubstep export is back to guide us through the long dark winter with his highly anticipated second studio album, Subconcious. Mat Miller solidified his position as one of the most exciting global ambassadors for the sound with his 2011 debut album and he returns to the mighty Moonshine Recordings with another killer full length selection of thick dread bassweight and proper roots vibes. Matt's influences have always been varied, and his music's rich diversity is in full effect across the LP as he adeptly shifts between tempos and moods, utilizing his ear for melody and rhythm to create an absorbing collection of timeless sounds. The ground shaking sub-frequencies central to each track are built to challenge soundsystems and ignite dancefloors, whether it's on the livewire rhythms of his jungle indebted track "Wicked Dub", the driving sonic force of the drum and bass styled "Different Dub" or the dubbed out, skank-ready movements of tracks like "Earthwalker" and "Indra". As well as the all-powerful bass pressure, Radikal Guru works with a colorful array of instrumentation, and brings in characterful vocalists YT, Danman and Echo Ranks to provide melodic lead and reggae lyricism on "Stay Calm", "Know Yourself" and "Warning!" respectively. The final result is shining example of modern roots/ reggae-centred music in 2013, executed brilliantly and certain to last the test of time.
Martyn - Through Lines
Through Lines
2LP | 2024 | UK | Original (3024)
31,99 €*
Release: 2024 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Culprate - Deliverance Green Smoked Vinyl Edtion
Deliverance Green Smoked Vinyl Edtion
LP | 2023 | UK | Original (Open Outlets)
44,99 €*
Release: 2023 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Froid Dub - An Iceberg Cruising The Jamaican Coastline Black Vinyl Edition
Froid Dub
An Iceberg Cruising The Jamaican Coastline Black Vinyl Edition
LP | 2021 | EU | Reissue (Delodio)
18,99 €*
Release: 2021 / EU – Reissue
Genre: Electronic & Dance, Reggae & Dancehall
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Mai Mai Mai - Rimorso
Mai Mai Mai
2LP | 2022 | EU | Original (Maple Death)
30,99 €*
Release: 2022 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Somah - Irked
12" | 2022 | EU | Original (Deep Medi Musik)
17,99 €*
Release: 2022 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Somah returns for his second MEDi EP.
Radikal Guru - Dub Mentalist
Radikal Guru
Dub Mentalist
2LP | 2016 | EU | Original (Moonshine)
26,99 €*
Release: 2016 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance, Reggae & Dancehall
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Radikal Guru returns to the trusted Moonshine Recordings to deliver his third album, which highlights his refreshing take on the beloved, dub sound of 2016. A selected few of the cuts involve exciting collaborations, not to be missed.

The dub master Radikal Guru returns to the trusted Moonshine Recordings to deliver his third album, which highlights his refreshing take on the beloved, dub sound of 2016. A selected few of the cuts involve exciting collaborations that are not to be missed. Similar to King Yoof’s recent album endeavour called ‘Homage To The King’, Radikal Guru exerts his speciality in various tempo ranges with the ‘Dub Mentalist’ LP. The result is just as exciting as his existing back catalogue; all mastered to meet the requirements of the true Moonshine vibration. The polish producer once again shows appreciation to both the dancefloor fans and the more meditating listeners. Fusing his compelling sound in dub, reggae and dubstep with timeless, old school samples makes every release a reminiscing journey. The amount of dread and energy will most definitely spark a riot across the globe.

Radikal Guru executes his mix-up of dub by incorporating a dose of happiness and psychedelics. The effects take over the mixes in wild fashion; delays spin off the tasty spring reverberation tails, delivering a comfortable setting. Radikal’s horns, including the trumpet, saxophone and trombone joined the Radikal Guru’s live melodica to complement each other in rhythm and sound. The collaborations featuring Moonshine familiars Jay Spaker, Echo Ranks, Solo Banton, Violinbwoy and Earl 16 bless the righteous sound waves, as the bassweight, immersive vocals and tight arrangements speak for themselves. Whether it is the bass weight, vocal parts or simply the rhythms, you know exactly when Radikal Guru’s music is being played on a true sound system. The contribution of the polish dub genius, to the healing of the nations and to global dub culture trembles, as he immediately reveals why his ‘Dub Mentalist’ LP forms an important chapter in our history of Moonshine Recordings material.
700 Bliss - Nothing To Declare Clear Vinyl Edition
700 Bliss
Nothing To Declare Clear Vinyl Edition
LP | 2022 | UK | Original (Hyperdub)
24,99 €*
Release: 2022 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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700 Bliss is the forward-thinking duo of DJ Haram and Moor Mother. Their first full length for Hyperdub is an album of noise rap that ties together the raw edges of club music and hip hop with punk energy, jazz, house-party catharsis, percussion-heavy analogue sound design, and cheeky skits, ranging from experimental rap tracks with rolling hi hats and lyrical bravado, to poetry set to noise and sound collage. Moor Mother and DJ Haram started collaborating in 2014 and eventually formed 700 Bliss, a blistering live act in Philly's DIY scene, releasing their 2018 debut, Spa 700 on Halcyon Veil / Don Giovanni Records. Since that time, both artists have grown global followings. Moor Mother is a prolific solo artist and collaborator, writer, and member of Black Quantum Futurism while Haram has been curating and creating radio shows, DJing, and producing (including an EP for Hyperdub in 2019). ‘Nothing To Declare’ is a smart, danceable revelation, a chiseled soundscape of dive bombing bass, piercing bleeps, crunchy distortion, and wavering synth lines. Welcoming in a variety of voices from their extended, cross-genre scene, 700 Bliss also bring along a cast of collaborators, including vocalists Orion Sun, Lawfandah, Ase Manual, and Ali Logout (from the band Special Interest), plus Palestinian producer Muqata'a, and writer M Téllez who delivers a surreal sci fi monologue over a pounding kick drum on ‘More Victories’. ‘Nothing To Declare’ is a deeply layered rewriting of hip hop and electronic music that gives more with each listen. You won't hear another rap album like it in 2022.
The Bug - Fire Grey Vinyl Edition
The Bug
Fire Grey Vinyl Edition
2LP | 2021 | UK | Original (Ninja Tune)
27,99 €*
Release: 2021 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Ikonika - Distractions
2LP | 2017 | EU | Original (Hyperdub)
19,99 €*
Release: 2017 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Ikonika’s third album ‘Distractions’ builds on 2013’s ‘Aerotropolis’, and the title answers the question “Why has the album taken so long?” In the last few years she’s been building up a strong CV of remixes, from Chvurches to Dawn Richard, Austra and Junior Boys, as well as DJing and working on ‘Distractions’. ‘Distractions’ distils the character of Ikonika’s music productions across a wider set of styles than previous albums, and she subtly fuses and switches elements from contrasting genres, giving the whole set a uniqueness and consistency that puts it in its own lane. Furthermore what sits at the centre of ‘Distractions’ more than ever is her love of R&B and hip hop, in all its forms, which has opened the door to bring in a selection of guests in a way she’s not fully explored before. From the full throttle blend of grime and 80s synth soul ‘Noblest’ with Andrea Galaxy, to the reflective ‘Sacrifice’ with up and coming MC Jammz, a slowjam that merges dubstep with hip house drums. The final vocal track is the languid ‘Hazefield’ co-produced with Sweyn J and featuring Jessy Lanza on vocals. Its mix of mechanic clunk and minimalist, lulling funk could only happen in 2017. The LP artwork takes its inspiration from West London’s Golden Mile, a stretch of the Great West Road where the A4 meets the M4, and the road takes on the character of the arcade game Poll Position, with art deco factories and illuminated, hi-tech signage selling lifestyle products. It’s this kind of mix of futuristic and industrious with a touch of gentle glamour that the album exudes.
Prince Jammy - Crucial In Dub
Prince Jammy
Crucial In Dub
LP | 2011 | UK | Original (Greensleeves)
16,99 €*
Release: 2011 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance, Reggae & Dancehall
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Kabeaushé - Hold On To Deer Life, There's A Black Boy Behind
Hold On To Deer Life, There's A Black Boy Behind
LP | 2023 | EU | Original (Monkeytown)
23,99 €*
Release: 2023 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Burial - Burial
2LP | 2007 | UK | Reissue (Hyperdub)
36,99 €*
Release: 2007 / UK – Reissue
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Preorder shipping from 2025-04-25
V.A. - 20 (Hotflush 20th Year Anniversary Compilation)
20 (Hotflush 20th Year Anniversary Compilation)
3LP | 2023 | UK | Original (Hotflush)
41,99 €*
Release: 2023 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Hotflush Recordings celebrates 20 years in the game this year, with a triple pack vinyl compilation featuring some of the key musical events in the label’s catalogue.

Born in 2003, Hotflush stands as one of electronic music’s most influential labels. A multi-dimensional imprint that helped define the development of bass music throughout the mid-2000s, in the last decade it would evolve towards the liminal spaces between house, techno, and beyond - a journey which has given the dancefloor some of its true underground classics.

This celebratory release covers every era and stylistic area of the Hotflush output. 2005’s proto-dubstep face melter ‘The Knowledge’ by Toasty kicks off Side A, with the key sides of bass music development all covered with tracks from James Blake, Loefah, Sepalcure, and Scuba.

UK techno legend Surgeon appears with his seminal remix of Scuba’s ‘Ruptured’ (2008), while the early Paul Woolford classic ‘mdma’ reminds us of how ended up working with Diplo.

George FitzGerald and Recondite reprise some of their key formative material, while newer names Lawrence Hart, OR:LA and breakout Seoul artist Closet Yi also make appearances.

Canadian mastermind Jacques Greene rounds off the release with his slamming remix of Kiimi’s Breaking My Mind.

This is a compilation 20 years in the making, containing some of the key tracks from the electronic underground - curated and compiled by label boss Scuba.
Argo - One More For My Father Clear Vinyl Edtion
One More For My Father Clear Vinyl Edtion
2LP | 2023 | UK | Original (Encrypted Audio)
33,99 €*
Release: 2023 / UK – Original
Genre: Hip Hop, Electronic & Dance
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Abraxas - Dancing As An Act Of Rebellion
Dancing As An Act Of Rebellion
2LP | 2023 | EU | Original (Soil)
31,99 €*
Release: 2023 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Dancing as an act of rebellion is the first Abraxas LP in collaboration with the Valencian label Soil Records. A compilation of the first project recordings released between 2020 and 2021 plus some new tracks and, in addition to this, a second vinyl by other darkwave electronic artists remixing the first one: Geistform, We Are Not Brothers, Ober Dada, Melting Dogmas, SMforma, Hbk1, José Rodríguez, SOJ and PanDemian. Abraxas is a halfway project between dark dance electronic music, philosophical reflection, socio-political activism and musical entrepreneurship. Its main goal is to shake bodies and minds by spreading messages of individual and social self-criticism from the point of view of duality, extremes and contradiction, inherent to the human being and capitalist society
Ma Spaventi - Vicino Lontano
Ma Spaventi
Vicino Lontano
LP | 2023 | EU | Original (Bordello A Parigi)
21,99 €*
Release: 2023 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Ma Spaventi is a wonderfully versatile artist. Over his decade-long career, the Italian musician has turned his capable hand to everything from ambient to techno. Once again, he is expanding his sound palette and challenging expectations with Vicino Lontano. Across eight tracks, an array of ideas and influences are explored with additional guitar work coming care of Odeon’s Michele Righini. The reflective hues of “Solitario” give way to the warming strings and peaceful brightness of “Crepuscolo.” Written and produced in Amsterdam between 2017 and 2019, beautiful memories of the past are the source of inspiration. Radiating Summer sunshine bathes “Bring Me Back” in a comforting glow, while “Velvet Lights” teases rhythm sections with thick bass lines and shimmering synth work. Moments of introspection arrive in the elegant gliding forms of “Bomber” and “Intermezzo.” The rumbling “End Line” finds harmony amongst a spread of styles, cascading chords and rich textures, all combining beautifully. A moon rise closes, the grand curtain falls on “Bidderosa”, calling time of this stunning collection.
Whitney K - Hard To Be A God
Whitney K
Hard To Be A God
LP | 2022 | EU | Original (Maple Death)
27,99 €*
Release: 2022 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Everest Magma - Alto // Piano
Everest Magma
Alto // Piano
LP | 2022 | EU | Original (Maple Death)
15,74 €* 20,99 € -25%
Release: 2022 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Holiday Inn - 2013-2016
Holiday Inn
LP | 2022 | EU | Original (Maple Death)
20,99 €*
Release: 2022 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Jerome - Lp2
LP | 2022 | EU | Original (Maple Death)
18,99 €*
Release: 2022 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Dead Horses - Sunny Days
Dead Horses
Sunny Days
LP | 2022 | EU | Original (Maple Death)
18,99 €*
Release: 2022 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Theoreme - Les Artisans
Les Artisans
LP | 2022 | EU | Original (Maple Death)
18,99 €*
Release: 2022 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Wow - Falene
LP | 2022 | EU | Original (Maple Death)
20,99 €*
Release: 2022 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Wavecraft x Saturate! - Halftone
Wavecraft x Saturate!
LP | 2023 | EU | Original (Saturate!)
28,99 €*
Release: 2023 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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HALFTONE The future of heavy bass music has always found its portal via SATURATE! Records, and now alongside WAVECRAFT, we have another glimpse into infinity in the form of HALFTONE! From the onset of this compilation, you can feel the ominous bass ballast even before it first hits you…. Swelling up like a tsunami to engulf your brain with grinding terror. The heaviness is abundant across these tracks, with contributions from synth destroyers like Suahn, Kryptt and Low Poly melting your speakers and eardrums alike. Dark atmospherics rule the day here, which effectively sets the tone for the rabid roughness on display when the bass morphology takes hold of each track so mercilessly. Slow knuckle draggers and upbeat head bangers both hold dominion in this realm, leaving no sonic stone unturned. Always at the crest of the future music wave, HALFTONE shows you just how deep this rabbit hole can get.
Kode9 - Escapology
LP | 2023 | UK | Original (Hyperdub)
24,99 €*
Release: 2023 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Kode9's most ambitious work yet as a multi-disciplinary artist, `Escapology' is the soundtrack album to the sonic fiction `Astro-Darien', itself soon to be released on Hyperdub sub-label Flatlines. Already available as a special edition CD and digital album, we now offer a 1000 piece limited pressing on lucent orange vinyl, in spot-gloss sleeve with additional artwork by Optigram. `Escapology' reconfigures `Astro-Darien's tense, off-world atmospheres into slices of high definition, asymmetric club rhythms, woven through thrilling sound design and vertiginous sonics. "A record brimming with ideas and novel sounds, departing from genre exercises to offer something genuinely different." - Album of the Month -DJ Mag "[Kode9's] most dextrous and intuitive club music yet, full of mind-bending rhythmic nuggets. He's still the brilliant master behind the scenes, quietly one-upping everyone else." - Resident Advisor "The 15 tracks become proper dancefloor scorchers _ `Escapology' builds a futuristic jumble of aesthetics and sound design." - The Wire
Mount Kimbie - Mk 3.5: Die Cuts / City Planning Clear Vinyl Edition
Mount Kimbie
Mk 3.5: Die Cuts / City Planning Clear Vinyl Edition
2LP | 2022 | UK | Original (Warp)
36,99 €*
Release: 2022 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Dom Maker and Kai Campos have always known how to masterfully synthesise their talents into one singular yet ever changing vision. Since beginning in 2009, their work has morphed from their distinctly British sound of dubstep and techno to the boundaryless and densely packed collaborations of Love What Survives. Five years after that scintillating record, the two take their talents as Mount Kimbie to new extremes by splitting them in half entirely.

Having walked separate paths musically and physically in the world over the years since Love What Survives, Dom and Kai took a literal approach to their latest record, separating it into two distinct, independently produced albums - but linked through shared senses of sonic haziness and melody. Die Cuts shows Dom Maker at a collaborative peak, interspersing vocal cuts, samples, and urban sounds in swiftly stitched vignettes with a slowed down, lo-fi flair. Meanwhile, the chugging beats of City Planning mimic train tracks, as Kai Campos’ album contains rhythmic paintings of urbanity with detailed sonic architecture. These two sides of Mount Kimbie are as different as day and night, yet they inform each other greatly, speaking a simultaneous message from separate locations.

The opening track ‘dvd’ on Die Cuts features a mystical siren song fading in, before slowthai and Danny Brown’s expressive vocals cut through on ‘in your eyes’, trading bittersweet and apoplectic verses. An eerie alarm echoes on ‘heat on, lips on', subsiding with punchy beat and skittering keys, and a scathing, mercurial spoken word spiralling to jazzy loops depicting intimate struggles. City Planning in similar fashion shifts from tense, burrowing bass rumbles to fluttering synth droplets forming rivers of sound. The molten underground beat of ‘Transit Map (Flattened)’ lurches and groans, with piano notes sprawling like the many-coloured intersecting lines of a subway map.

Even when split in two, Mount Kimbie provide yet another total upheaval of their sound, combining their individual strengths for a roaringly creative album on MK 3.5.
Mount Kimbie - Mk 3.5: Die Cuts / City Planning Black Vinyl Edition
Mount Kimbie
Mk 3.5: Die Cuts / City Planning Black Vinyl Edition
2LP | 2022 | UK | Original (Warp)
36,99 €*
Release: 2022 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Dom Maker and Kai Campos have always known how to masterfully synthesise their talents into one singular yet ever changing vision. Since beginning in 2009, their work has morphed from their distinctly British sound of dubstep and techno to the boundaryless and densely packed collaborations of Love What Survives. Five years after that scintillating record, the two take their talents as Mount Kimbie to new extremes by splitting them in half entirely.

Having walked separate paths musically and physically in the world over the years since Love What Survives, Dom and Kai took a literal approach to their latest record, separating it into two distinct, independently produced albums - but linked through shared senses of sonic haziness and melody. Die Cuts shows Dom Maker at a collaborative peak, interspersing vocal cuts, samples, and urban sounds in swiftly stitched vignettes with a slowed down, lo-fi flair. Meanwhile, the chugging beats of City Planning mimic train tracks, as Kai Campos’ album contains rhythmic paintings of urbanity with detailed sonic architecture. These two sides of Mount Kimbie are as different as day and night, yet they inform each other greatly, speaking a simultaneous message from separate locations.

The opening track ‘dvd’ on Die Cuts features a mystical siren song fading in, before slowthai and Danny Brown’s expressive vocals cut through on ‘in your eyes’, trading bittersweet and apoplectic verses. An eerie alarm echoes on ‘heat on, lips on', subsiding with punchy beat and skittering keys, and a scathing, mercurial spoken word spiralling to jazzy loops depicting intimate struggles. City Planning in similar fashion shifts from tense, burrowing bass rumbles to fluttering synth droplets forming rivers of sound. The molten underground beat of ‘Transit Map (Flattened)’ lurches and groans, with piano notes sprawling like the many-coloured intersecting lines of a subway map.

Even when split in two, Mount Kimbie provide yet another total upheaval of their sound, combining their individual strengths for a roaringly creative album on MK 3.5.
V.A. - Saturated! Volume 9
Saturated! Volume 9
LP | 2022 | EU | Original (Saturate!)
16,89 €* 25,99 € -35%
Release: 2022 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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"Since it's inception, the various artist compilation series Saturated! has proven to be the epitome of curation in this small niche scene called bass music or whatever. Each volume is carefully hand picked and is a picture in sound of the music at that point in time but overall has proven to be timeless. The arrangement works in such ways that each tune flows perfectly into the next one and actually (given that you have two vinyls like a real dj), you could mix seamlessly from the first through the last track.

Saturate Records has become a hotspot for those seeking fresh sounds from well known and emerging artists within the scene. Channeling the quintessential stylings of low-end driven beats from across the globe, they have been leading the way in all things bass heavy, broken-beat, experimental, glitch, hip-hop, psychedelic and trap for years now. Having featured releases from names like heRobust and G Jones early on in their careers, Saturate! continues to help push the new school, hip-hop influenced sound forward with their fingers firmly on the pulse of future freshness. A weird, wonky and wonderful journey through the raw attitude of the blistering beat driven electronic music scene.
Truth - Acceptance Colored Vinyl Edition
Acceptance Colored Vinyl Edition
2LP | 2022 | EU | Original (Deep Dark & Dangerous)
26,99 €*
Release: 2022 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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New Zealand-based, award-winning duo Truth are champions of contemporary dubstep. Back with their first studio album in over 4 years, Truth unveil the second and final single taken from Acceptance. The mystical title track from the LP “Acceptance” is due for release Friday, July 2 via Deep Dark & Dangerous.

Following a long, quarantined year and a string of heavily-trafficked Twitch streams, Truth is now back in full effect with ‘Acceptance’ - their 5th album. Combining their razor sharp synchronization and innovative flair, this 13-track opus is a dreamlike journey through lush basslines, eerie rhythms, and vintage synths. At the heels of “Pages,” the widely-celebrated lead single from the album, Truth unveils the album’s namesake and title track “Acceptance.” A brilliant follow up to its predecessor, “Acceptance” is at once technical, ethereal, and deeply affecting. A psychedelic musing that encompasses the kaleidoscope fractals of sound that make up the album, “Acceptance” is a cornerstone of the project it belongs to.
What So Not - Anomaly
What So Not
LP | 2022 | UK | Original (Sweat It Out)
26,99 €*
Release: 2022 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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What So Not announces his sophomore album, Anomaly, off the back of being inspired by traveling the world and exploring sounds globally just prior to the Covid-19 pandemic. Anomaly is set to be a cohesive journey of far-off adventures, self-discovery and scintillating electronic wizardry.
V.A. - Saturated! Volume 8
Saturated! Volume 8
LP | 2022 | EU | Original (Saturate!)
19,49 €* 25,99 € -25%
Release: 2022 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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"saturated! The various artist series on vinyl has proven to be the epitome of curation in bass music since its inception. The whole package is curated such that each track perfectly flows into the next. Each volume is carefully hand-picked and serves as a snapshot of bass music at that moment, Saturate! has earned its spot as the first choice for those seeking fresh sounds from established and emerging artists. and has been leading the way in all thing's bass heavy, breakbeat, experimental, glitch, hip-hop, psychedelic and trap for years now. They have a track record of propelling artists to the next level. Their roster includes some of the scene's biggest names. These compilations present A weird, wonky and wonderful journey through the raw attitude of the blistering beat driven electronic music scene. Get it now!"
V.A. - Saturated! Volume 7
Saturated! Volume 7
LP | 2021 | EU | Original (Saturate!)
19,49 €* 25,99 € -25%
Release: 2021 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Saturated! the various artist series on vinyl has proven to be the epitome of curation in bass music since its inception. The whole package is curated such that each track perfectly flows into the next. Each volume is carefully hand-picked and serves as a snapshot of bass music at that moment, Saturate! has earned its spot as the first choice for those seeking fresh sounds from established and emerging artists. and has been leading the way in all thing's bass heavy, breakbeat, experimental, glitch, hip-hop, psychedelic and trap for years now. They have a track record of propelling artists to the next level. Their roster includes some of the scenes biggest names. These compilations present A weird, wonky and wonderful journey through the raw attitude of the blistering beat driven electronic music scene. Get it now!
V.A. - Saturated Warriors!
Saturated Warriors!
LP | 2019 | EU | Original (Saturate!)
24,99 €*
Release: 2019 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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"Saturate Records, a bass music label based in Hamburg, Germany that started in 2010, has come together with Stylust's (formerly Stylust Beats) Sleeveless Records to bring the world Saturated Warriors, a sweltering new compilation album featuring heavy-hitters from all around. Both labels pride themselves on only putting out the freshest music, always catering to the counterculture crowds and only accelerating with the times. Over the years, Saturate and Sleeveless have had releases from some of the current biggest names in the bass-music scene, including Herobust, G Jones, Zeke Beats, Conrank, Shlump, and more. Finding their niche in giving young talent a platform, these labels have become a home for young producers that aren't afraid to experiment. Now Presenting Saturated Warriors!"
Pixelord - Demonslayer
LP | 2021 | EU | Original (Saturate!)
23,99 €*
Release: 2021 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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"Insane and heavy beats by the og don Pixelord featuring great remixes by an all-star line-up comprising Dj Ride, Dj Pound, Starkey and Dranq!

Like a lightning bolt in the middle of a dark sea, Pixelord has returned once again from the frozen lands to shock and disquiet the tides of Futuristic Bass Music. Perhaps the best thing about Russian electronic music godfather Alexey Devyanin's Pixelord project returning to Saturate! for this "Demonslayer" release is not simply the exciting and hard-hitting beats contained within, but the simple fact that it shall be offered on delicious, glorious Vinyl. An artifact for all time, perhaps to be found in future wastelands by those who would consider this "Demonslayer" to be the VanHelsing (or perhaps Trevor Belmont) of the 21st century bass music scene.

The last decade has seen Pixelord riding the wave of forward-thinking bass music, and always staying at the crest, and 2020 is no different. "Doomguy" comes tearing straight in with menacing, distorted synth weaponry, assaulting with ballistic beats (even some nods to Junglism) until finally bestowing some glittering melody atop the fray, showing that not only is Alexey an elder-statesman of the genre, he's still the eager bass monster that explores his own depths. The depths are again evident in "Pain Elemental" where the vibe is established immediately, and only delves deeper into the slightly-detuned bass signals and ominous creeping atmosphere. The melodic elements are no longer here to sooth, they are newly charged laser beams that sear the flesh, scorching the eardrums.

This foreboding, demon-dispatching vibe is indeed present throughout this entire release, as you enter the "Bonus Stage" of this deadly game, where the aggression does not abate, and the bass plays backseat to the synth bell sonic geometry on display. The drums especially feel the wrath of Pixelord on this track, where some impossibly tortured tambourines take a beating, and the chopping and relentless reorganization of the rhythm keeps you churning with intensity. The title track brings the "wild style", even though the drums are less frantic, the bass frequencies and laser blasts from our protagonist, the ever-ready "Demonslayer", are sure to dismantle any submissive subwoofer in range.

"bfg" rounds out this collection in a disheveled fashion, dishing out low frequency divebombs and squelches, whilst otherworldly transmissions from synth realms afar come leaping in trying to assert their dominance, only to be eaten alive by daemonic bass and telluric currents of seismic drum activity. An utterly destructive end to this tale… BUT Wait, IT Gets Worse! We have here on hand Saturate! stalwarts DJ Ride, DJ Pound, Dranq and big daddy Starkey on remix duty, who all take the tracks down their own rabbit holes to parts unknown, with equal aplomb. The result is equal in intensity and aggression, but the textures by which this is conveyed are wholly transformed and re-imagined skillfully.

All this on one slab of gorgeous Vinyl. No demon shall stand a chance against Pixelord's battalion of beats and bass."
Gantz - Pusher Acid EP
Pusher Acid EP
2LP | 2021 | EU | Original (Innamind)
17,99 €*
Release: 2021 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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V.A. - Crimson
3LP | 2021 | EU | Original (Infernal Sounds)
23,99 €*
Release: 2021 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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With nearly 30 vinyl releases rapidly fired out over the past 5 years, alongside a host of digital downloads, mixes and more, it’s safe to say that Infernal Sounds have truly and firmly left their stamp on the UK’s ever-evolving dubstep scene. It seems only fitting now that, half a decade into their journey, they’re pleased to announce their first long-play release, in the form of the Crimson LP.
Aagentah - From Empire Ep Pink Vinyl Edition
From Empire Ep Pink Vinyl Edition
LP | 2021 | EU | Original (Yuku)
19,99 €*
Release: 2021 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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"With this release, I set out with a particular sound in mind - one through which I could amalgamate my inspirations from over the years to create something fresh and outline a unique approach. With these tracks, I wanted to walk the line of having something energetic enough to tease my UK Underground & Dance Music influences, and yet experimental enough to present the listener with a deeper landscape to explore through the FM sound design." Aagentah
V.A. - Full House
Full House
2LP | 2021 | UK | Original (Cncpt Collective)
33,99 €*
Release: 2021 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Mount Kimbie - Crooks & Lovers Special Vinyl Edition
Mount Kimbie
Crooks & Lovers Special Vinyl Edition
3LP | 2021 | EU | Original (Hotflush)
32,99 €*
Release: 2021 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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In 2010, Mount Kimbie released their debut album, Crooks & Lovers, to widespread acclaim. Perfectly capturing the heady atmosphere of the moment, the album melded the wide-eyed mentality of what had become known as ‘Post-Dubstep’ with an open-minded musical sensibility that produced an instant classic. Ten years later, the album is reissued on Hotflush with a bonus disc of the band’s first ever release.
Roel Funcken - Dragomane Misinize
Roel Funcken
Dragomane Misinize
LP | 2020 | EU | Original (Bion Glent)
39,99 €*
Release: 2020 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Abstrakt Sonance - Ishtar
Abstrakt Sonance
LP | 2020 | EU | Original (Deep, Dark & Dangerous)
13,99 €*
Release: 2020 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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This is Abstrakt Sonance's long awaited album on DDD.
Asian Dub Foundation - Access Denied
Asian Dub Foundation
Access Denied
2LP | 2020 | EU | Original (X-Ray)
25,99 €*
Release: 2020 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance, Reggae & Dancehall
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It was a busy 2019 for Asian Dub Foundation with the long-awaited reissue of their Mercury Prize-nominated 1998 classic Rafi’s Revenge. The reissue garnered ecstatic reviews, all of which agreed that the sound and the message that ADF threw down in 1998 is as relevant now as it was then-perhaps even more so. So it’s timely that in 2020 the band are set to release their 9th album “Access Denied” which finds them as uncompromising as ever. The album showcases ADF in full spectrum mode from the tough Jungle Punk sound of “Stealing The Future” and “Mind-lock” through to the orchestral meditation of “Realignment” and the reggae lament of the title track. With guestspots from Greta Thunberg, incendiary Palestinian shamstep warriors 47 Soul, Chilean revolt’s rap main figure Ana Tijoux and radical UK comedian Stewart Lee, Asian Dub Foundation continue their sonic opposition to the powers that be and “Access Denied” kicks harder and higher than ever.
Martyn - The Air Between Words
The Air Between Words
3LP | 2014 | UK | Original (Ninja Tune)
31,99 €*
Release: 2014 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Somewhere between House, Detroit Techno & Bass, Martyn comes through strong with a little help from Four Tet & Inga Copeland!
Desto - Emptier Streets
Emptier Streets
LP | 2013 | UK | Original (Rwina)
32,99 €*
Release: 2013 / UK – Original
Genre: Hip Hop, Electronic & Dance
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Finnish producer Desto returns to Rwina to deliver his first full length album, ‘Emptier Streets’. As with his previous releases on the Dutch label, Desto strips the music back to its bare-bone essentials, fulfilling the album’s title with a sound that’s spacious and eerie, bleak and punishing yet still offers warmth in its apparent coldness. Stylistically the album is most obviously aligned with the aesthetics of Dirty South hip hop and the dubstep diaspora, deploying booming drums, rolling hats and cold synthetic melodies and voices inside cavernous sonic landscapes.
kidkanevil & Daisuke Tanabe - Kidsuke Black Vinyl Edition
kidkanevil & Daisuke Tanabe
Kidsuke Black Vinyl Edition
2LP | 2012 | EU | Reissue (Project: Mooncircle)
15,99 €*
Release: 2012 / EU – Reissue
Genre: Hip Hop, Electronic & Dance
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2nd pressing on black vinyl! A child agrees then screams the name. Kid-o-suke. Did you hear that right? The music trickles in. It sounds like it was made in a toy factory. Hold on. Let me reach for the button over there. Childhood memories. The magical sounds of a roundabout sending you to sleep. The wonders of the world seen through eyes that don’t yet ully comprehend and ears that find musical potential in everything. Two kindred souls find each other, distance never the issue, they share and laugh the only way they know how.
kidkanevil & Daisuke Tanabe - Kidsuke Orange Vinyl Edition
kidkanevil & Daisuke Tanabe
Kidsuke Orange Vinyl Edition
2LP | 2012 | EU | Original (Project: Mooncircle)
15,99 €*
Release: 2012 / EU – Original
Genre: Hip Hop, Electronic & Dance
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A child agrees then screams the name. Kid-o-suke. Did you hear that right? The music trickles in. It sounds like it was made in a toy factory. Hold on. Let me reach for the button over there. Childhood memories. The magical sounds of a roundabout sending you to sleep. The wonders of the world seen through eyes that don’t yet fully comprehend and ears that find musical potential in everything. Two kindred souls find each other, distance never the issue, they share and laugh the only way they know how.

The wonderful pixelated world of a video game. Where does reality end and where does the imagination start? Somewhere in the distance an explosion can be heard, or was it a booming bass drum? There are birds singing a crystalline melody. One I heard before, in a dream perhaps. All of a sudden a child exclaims ‘come, let’s go’. Where did he come from? Is he real or another pixelated fragment of imagination?

Yokatta desu. There’s a castle in the sky. Two boys team up to reach it, carried by the power of their dreams. The same dreams that marked their childhood and brought them to be men. If ever there was music worthy of becoming the soundtrack to a Ghibli movie this could be it. There’s a girl asleep on a plastic deer, going around and around. She reminds me of the hand drawn versions of the pixelated heroes of my childhood. I imagine her dreams filled with exciting adventures.

I swear I heard the sounds of Tokyo’s public transport. It told me we’d arrived at Shibuya yet I can’t see the neon bright lights when I look around. Oh well, I’ll just have to imagine them.

It’s an album, so of course it’s real. The music is the result of a desire to create regardless of outcome, for the simple fact that there is a story to tell. People will consume it whichever way they want. Is it this sound or that sound? Does it really matter? Stop for a minute and enjoy the music for what it is. A synthesis of two aesthetics joined not just by a love of music but also a love of the abstract and the childish, the things that remind us we were all young one day and things were simpler. Things like dancing as if no one was looking or making music as if the outcome never mattered.

Kidsuke is a collaborative project between the UK’s Kidkanevil and Japan’s Daisuke Tanabe. Their self-titled debut is released by Project Mooncircle in November 2012 on double colored vinyl LP and digital.

Rumpistol / Red Baron - Floating
Rumpistol / Red Baron
2LP | 2012 | EU | Original (Project: Mooncircle)
15,99 €*
Release: 2012 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Danish electronic artist Rumpistol, aka Jens B. Christiansen, releases his fourth and most ambitious album yet – Floating – a collaboration with LA based vocalist Red Baron that further explores the post dub-step vocal territories opened up on last year’s Talk To You EP. With tighter song structures, intimate lyrics and the Baron’s ecstatic vocal projections, the two create a parallel world in which the domestic breakdowns of wintry Copenhagen are filtered through surreal sun-bleached Californian dreams, resulting in a robotic and hypnagogic hybrid of soul.
The sound, while still recognizably “Rumpistol” in its organically unstable clicks and gurgles, marks an evolution in Christiansen’s thinking, shedding light on the interior landscapes of existential crisis and bliss that he’s been essaying over the last ten years.

The introduction of Red Baron does a great deal to carry this forward. Many of the tracks were written in partnership with the elusive vocalist on an almost subconscious level, through a process where different phrases were recorded until the atmosphere was properly expressed. It’s through the Baron’s heavily processed voice, hovering between male and female timbres, that the ghost of American pop culture finds itself here too. In this way Grace Jones stands tall in a frozen stream on I’m Not Listening, Lionel Richie gets stuck in traffic on a bad trip in Colors Breaking while Kanye pushes his auto-tuned bicycle through the blizzard of Floating. But as the arctic arpeggiated synths let you know, the album is more about the future than any past, a future where Rumpistol and Red Baron dare to take current genres from the post dub-step and wonky scenes and defy them with the human voice for a dystopic soul music of their own.

Project: Mooncircle - 10th Anniversary Box Compilation HHV Bundle
Project: Mooncircle
10th Anniversary Box Compilation HHV Bundle
LP | 2012 | EU | Original (Project: Mooncircle)
34,99 €*
Release: 2012 / EU – Original
Genre: Hip Hop, Electronic & Dance
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Project: Mooncircle, as the name reveals, has been on a journey to the moon since day one, exploring the frontiers of music and art, always looking for new discoveries and giving a different perspective to look at the earth. In it’s 10 year history the label has published roughly 100 releases by equally as many artists from all corners of this globe and, therefore, the selection of sounds on this compilation represents the development of the label from the past, present and going into the future.

Some of the artists featured on this compilation have been a part of the label from its very beginning, like CYNE, Manuvers and Jahbitat, whose song will be the last one he produced and published under this moniker, while others, like Robot Koch, fLako and Long Arm, are outstanding examples of its growing popularity and success. Furthermore, the box also features an exceptional selection of close musical friends and inspirational artists like Jehst, Dday One, Kwala and Ichiro_, just to name a few.

The logo and artwork represent someone who was very close to the label, especially in the early years but unfortunately passed on and whom this box is dedicated to. Featured on the compilation are artists such as Mike Slott x Diane Badié, CYNE, Sweatson Klank aka Take, Jahbitat, Robot Koch, fLako, Jehst, Beat Butcha, Long Arm, Kelpe, Pavel Dovgal, Blossom, Daisuke Tanabe, Dday One, Inner Science, Substantial, Arts The Beatdoctor, Rain Dog, Kidkanevil + Microkorg by Dorian Concept, John Robinson, Sorrow, Rumpistol, The Red Baron, Christoph El’ Truento, 40 Winks, Sina., 1000Names, DZA, Ichiro_, EAN, Tom Dicicco, Headshotboyz, Graciela Maria, Gards From KC, Sekuoia of Kilimanjaro, Sense of The Q4, Sneaky, I.V.A., Empt, John LaMonica, Mike Gao, Bambooman, Manuvers, Krts, Kwala, Soosh, Memotone, Sun Glitters, Called Understandable Souls & Szenario.
The limited box includes 2 white & 2 black vinyl LP’s with 32 tracks, 13 additional digital bonus tracks, a T-shirt (only at HHV) and a poster (with digital download code) all in a specially designed box that features a special light-reflecting varnish, which makes this truly a collectors and music lovers item.

Berlin-based label Project: Mooncircle and it’s two sublabels Project Squared and Finest Ego is an official label from HHV. It was founded in 2002 and is specializing in the conjunction between electronic and organic music. The label, at first envisaged as a compilation project only, soon released the first instrumental and vocal solo releases by such artists as The Q4, CYNE, Mr Cooper, Robot Koch, fLako, 40 Winks, John Robinson & MF Doom, DZA, Krts, Sina., Graciela Maria, Manuvers, Lambent, Lewis Parker, Non of Shadowhuntaz, Strand, Ta-Ku, Mika Gao, Onra, Obba Supa, Asusu, Furesshu, AnD. Kowton or Glen Porter. The work of illustrators and graphic designers such as Bioniq, Dan May, Iain McArthur, Ima One, LNY, Gordon, 44 Flavours, La Mano Fria, and The Binh create images that accompany the acoustic spaces.
Project: Mooncircle with its various producers & vocalist shall be an interesting experience for anyone looking for the extraordinary.

A&R: Laurent Fintoni, Jinna Morocha, Karolina Kaczor, Gordon Gieseking and Malte Tarnow. Mastering by Sven Friederichs. Artwork and original paintings by Gordon, LNY & Bioniq. Webdesign 2006 – 2012 by Thimo Hörster & Hendrik Stein. Animation trailer by Sebastian Muñoz.

Release date: March, 23rd.

10th Anniversary Showcase with Mike Slott, Robot Koch, fLako, Long Arm, Jehst, Arts The Beatdoctor, Sekuoia of Kilimanjaro, & Graciela Maria @ Club Gretchen in Berlin, Kreuzberg – March, 17th!

Project: Mooncircle - 10th Anniversary Box Compilation
Project: Mooncircle
10th Anniversary Box Compilation
4LP | 2012 | EU | Original (Project: Mooncircle)
29,99 €*
Release: 2012 / EU – Original
Genre: Hip Hop, Electronic & Dance
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Project: Mooncircle, as the name reveals, has been on a journey to the moon since day one, exploring the frontiers of music and art, always looking for new discoveries and giving a different perspective to look at the earth. In it’s 10 year history the label has published roughly 100 releases by equally as many artists from all corners of this globe and, therefore, the selection of sounds on this compilation represents the development of the label from the past, present and going into the future.

Some of the artists featured on this compilation have been a part of the label from its very beginning, like CYNE, Manuvers and Jahbitat, whose song will be the last one he produced and published under this moniker, while others, like Robot Koch, fLako and Long Arm, are outstanding examples of its growing popularity and success. Furthermore, the box also features an exceptional selection of close musical friends and inspirational artists like Jehst, Dday One, Kwala and Ichiro_, just to name a few.

The logo and artwork represent someone who was very close to the label, especially in the early years but unfortunately passed on and whom this box is dedicated to. Featured on the compilation are artists such as Mike Slott x Diane Badié, CYNE, Sweatson Klank aka Take, Jahbitat, Robot Koch, fLako, Jehst, Beat Butcha, Long Arm, Kelpe, Pavel Dovgal, Blossom, Daisuke Tanabe, Dday One, Inner Science, Substantial, Arts The Beatdoctor, Rain Dog, Kidkanevil + Microkorg by Dorian Concept, John Robinson, Sorrow, Rumpistol, The Red Baron, Christoph El’ Truento, 40 Winks, Sina., 1000Names, DZA, Ichiro_, EAN, Tom Dicicco, Headshotboyz, Graciela Maria, Gards From KC, Sekuoia of Kilimanjaro, Sense of The Q4, Sneaky, I.V.A., Empt, John LaMonica, Mike Gao, Bambooman, Manuvers, Krts, Kwala, Soosh, Memotone, Sun Glitters, Called Understandable Souls & Szenario.
The limited box includes 4 white vinyls LP’s with 32 tracks, 13 additional digital bonus tracks, and a poster (with digital download code) all in a specially designed box that features a special light-reflecting varnish, which makes this truly a collectors and music lovers item.

Berlin-based label Project: Mooncircle and it’s two sublabels Project Squared and Finest Ego is an official label from HHV. It was founded in 2002 and is specializing in the conjunction between electronic and organic music. The label, at first envisaged as a compilation project only, soon released the first instrumental and vocal solo releases by such artists as The Q4, CYNE, Mr Cooper, Robot Koch, fLako, 40 Winks, John Robinson & MF Doom, DZA, Krts, Sina., Graciela Maria, Manuvers, Lambent, Lewis Parker, Non of Shadowhuntaz, Strand, Ta-Ku, Mika Gao, Onra, Obba Supa, Asusu, Furesshu, AnD. Kowton or Glen Porter. The work of illustrators and graphic designers such as Bioniq, Dan May, Iain McArthur, Ima One, LNY, Gordon, 44 Flavours, La Mano Fria, and The Binh create images that accompany the acoustic spaces.
Project: Mooncircle with its various producers & vocalist shall be an interesting experience for anyone looking for the extraordinary.

A&R: Laurent Fintoni, Jinna Morocha, Karolina Kaczor, Gordon Gieseking and Malte Tarnow. Mastering by Sven Friederichs. Artwork and original paintings by Gordon, LNY & Bioniq. Webdesign 2006 – 2012 by Thimo Hörster & Hendrik Stein. Animation trailer by Sebastian Muñoz.

Release date: March, 23rd.

10th Anniversary Showcase with Mike Slott, Robot Koch, fLako, Long Arm, Jehst, Arts The Beatdoctor, Sekuoia of Kilimanjaro, & Graciela Maria @ Club Gretchen in Berlin, Kreuzberg – March, 17th!

Pinch & Shackleton - Pinch & Shackleton
Pinch & Shackleton
Pinch & Shackleton
2LP | 2011 | UK | Original (Honest Jon's)
27,99 €*
Release: 2011 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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The two dubstep pioneers at the top of their game. The deadly concision, the rhythmic punch and dramatic timing, the spry, side-to-side detailing of a cavernous stage, the crisp-biscuit vocal sampling and Middle Eastern percussion — their sound signatures are not so much totalled as squared. Truly an album, the music is multi-levelled — dark as anything at times, but engrossingly varied and emotionally shaded, always on the move.
Robot Koch - The Other Side HHV Bundle
Robot Koch
The Other Side HHV Bundle
LP | 2011 | EU | Original (Project: Mooncircle)
18,99 €*
Release: 2011 / EU – Original
Genre: Rock & Indie, Electronic & Dance
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Berlin producer Robot Koch is back for his third full length release, “The Other Side”.

Although Robot Koch has an international reputation as being “One of Europe's finest producers of the beat generation“ (Low End Theory), he is much more than just a beatmaker… “(Post)-dubstep infused Electronic Hip Hop“ is far too constrained a label to understand what this producer is all about. Instead of following the sound of his previous albums “Death Star Droid” (“Essential listening” – Bobby Friction BBC) and “Songs For Trees and Cyborgs“ (“Music for a modern age that has rarely sounded so good” – Boomkat), Koch takes the genre defying ingredients from these previous records to another level. There still are some of those “Galactic ten ton beats and space age melodies“ (Dazed and Confused) that made the previous albums staple drops in the playlists of Mary Anne Hobbs, Starkey, Daedelus and Gaslamp Killer to name a few, but there is a new dimension to Koch's production and songwriting that didn’t show on his previous records.

The cinematic vibe of tracks like “Nitesky”, the quirky and moody feel of “Bugs” and the electricity of “Tapedeck” show how Koch more than ever manages to create intimate and timeless pieces of music that are soulful, deep, mysterious and that will appeal to fans of cutting edge Electronica and modern pop music alike. This is the most personal record of Robot Koch to date. Instead of going for big name features Koch teamed up with lesser know artists like Kansas based vocal talent John LaMonica, long time friend and theatre composer Nielson and mexican singer/songwriter Graciela Maria to find the right voices for his compositions. John LaMonica infuses his whimsical and heartfelt melodies that breathe an air of darkness and nostalgia with Koch's fresh and forward thinking instrumentals to create something that fans of Radiohead, The XX and Jamie Lidell should not sleep on.

After the release of the John Robinson collaboration album (“Robot Robinson” – Project Mooncircle) earlier this year, it seems surprising how extensive Robert’s output is, but don’t be mistaken, this album is a longer term project than just releasing the songs Koch made in the last year. Some of the songs found on “The Other Side” were made seven years ago.

Rustie - Glass Swords
Glass Swords
2LP | 2011 | UK | Original (Warp)
44,99 €*
Release: 2011 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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After taking shape in the studio over the course of the past two years, ‘Glass Swords’ arrives, and as the otherworldly landscape of the album artwork suggests, it is epic and alien. Right, aaaaaalien!
KRTS - Hold On EP
Hold On EP
LP | 2011 | EU | Original (Project: Mooncircle)
9,99 €*
Release: 2011 / EU – Original
Genre: Hip Hop, Electronic & Dance
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Last year, Brooklyn’s Krts released Remixes for Beards and Flannels, a mix-tape of top shelf classics from hip-hop’s ‘80s and ‘90s heyday. This September, he’ll follow this with his newest and first-ever proper EP release, Hold On, on the Berlin label Project Mooncircle.

With sounds ranging from the eclectic side of Hip-Hop, Broken Beat, Downtempo, soulful Dubstep, Indie Rock, and Fusion Jazz, Krts crafts a soundtrack to an ever-changing NYC landscape, fraught with struggles and flashbacks of what-was, all while letting go of ideals in favor of a new, raw, and heartfelt future. The album’s title track, "Hold On”, concerns the battle of a fleeting love – electronic and psychedelic sounds lead to a heavy, mid-range looped chorus and a deep, rumbling dubstep-style bassline. A taste of struggle is represented in “Whatever”, with it’s 808 kicks, layered snare, eerie and rattling samples, sweeping syths, and improvised piano… all as an ode to the cluttered market of Brooklyn’s indie art scene.

23 minutes in 5 tracks, with a bonus remix of “Hold On” by Afro-House/2-Step artist Glenn Astro. Beat culture thumbed and molded into one emotive EP.

Robot Koch - The Other Side
Robot Koch
The Other Side
2LP | 2011 | EU | Original (Project: Mooncircle)
15,99 €*
Release: 2011 / EU – Original
Genre: Rock & Indie, Electronic & Dance
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Berlin producer Robot Koch is back for his third full length release, “The Other Side”.

Although Robot Koch has an international reputation as being “One of Europe's finest producers of the beat generation“ (Low End Theory), he is much more than just a beatmaker… “(Post)-dubstep infused Electronic Hip Hop“ is far too constrained a label to understand what this producer is all about. Instead of following the sound of his previous albums “Death Star Droid” (“Essential listening” – Bobby Friction BBC) and “Songs For Trees and Cyborgs“ (“Music for a modern age that has rarely sounded so good” – Boomkat), Koch takes the genre defying ingredients from these previous records to another level. There still are some of those “Galactic ten ton beats and space age melodies“ (Dazed and Confused) that made the previous albums staple drops in the playlists of Mary Anne Hobbs, Starkey, Daedelus and Gaslamp Killer to name a few, but there is a new dimension to Koch's production and songwriting that didn’t show on his previous records.

The cinematic vibe of tracks like “Nitesky”, the quirky and moody feel of “Bugs” and the electricity of “Tapedeck” show how Koch more than ever manages to create intimate and timeless pieces of music that are soulful, deep, mysterious and that will appeal to fans of cutting edge Electronica and modern pop music alike. This is the most personal record of Robot Koch to date. Instead of going for big name features Koch teamed up with lesser know artists like Kansas based vocal talent John LaMonica, long time friend and theatre composer Nielson and mexican singer/songwriter Graciela Maria to find the right voices for his compositions. John LaMonica infuses his whimsical and heartfelt melodies that breathe an air of darkness and nostalgia with Koch's fresh and forward thinking instrumentals to create something that fans of Radiohead, The XX and Jamie Lidell should not sleep on.

After the release of the John Robinson collaboration album (“Robot Robinson” – Project Mooncircle) earlier this year, it seems surprising how extensive Robert’s output is, but don’t be mistaken, this album is a longer term project than just releasing the songs Koch made in the last year. Some of the songs found on “The Other Side” were made seven years ago.

Robot Koch & John Robinson - Robot Robinson
Robot Koch & John Robinson
Robot Robinson
LP | 2011 | EU | Original (Project: Mooncircle)
12,99 €*
Release: 2011 / EU – Original
Genre: Hip Hop, Electronic & Dance
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From a laments perspective you can call this Jahcoozi’s Robot Koch meets Scienz of Life’s John Robinson. However we here at Project: Mooncircle like to see this as two dynamic forces of nature coming together in parallel universes, delivering cosmic opted sonics with science-fiction narrative conventions in a metaphysical tone. Robot Robinson is the FUTURE from Earth to Mars to Venus to Jupiter and Beyond, this project spells out the attempts to bring a different pitch of vocals to the world of Electronic Music. Robinson being no stranger to the scientifical lyrical approach along with Robot’s evolutionary voyage prone soundscapes this one is a sure shot! The Future of Music is in Good Hands.
All tracks produced by Robot Koch. All lyrics by John Robinson.
Artwork and original paintings by Ima One (Japan). Design by Gordon Gieseking.
Graciela Maria & Robot Koch - Many Places
Graciela Maria & Robot Koch
Many Places
LP | 2010 | EU | Original (Project: Mooncircle)
12,99 €*
Release: 2010 / EU – Original
Genre: Organic Grooves, Rock & Indie, Electronic & Dance
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Mexican Singer/Songwriter Graciela Maria has been singing since she was a little kid. Having livied in Mexico City for many years, she was part of the mexican electronic music scene and made music with local producers signal deluxe.

In 2009 she met berlin based producer Robot Koch in New York at his show at Coco66 in Brooklyn.
They started making music together and Grace was featured on Robot's album “Death Star Droid” as well as on the Ep “Listen To Them Fade”. 2009 marked the beginning of a journey both musically and geographically for Graciela, as she moved from Mexico City to Berlin and started playing shows wolrdwide with Robot Koch.
They played everywhere from the Sonar Festival in Barcelona to some obscure art festivals in Bulgaria and Tunesia.

With Many Places, Graciela Maria's stunning debut album, she steps into the light as more than just a featured vocalist on Koch's electronica and dubstep driven compositions: Her own music breathes the vibe of classic singer/songwriters like Tim Buckley and Elliot Smith, with the music and the production being even more organic and live sounding than on the previous Koch tracks. The songwriting took place all over the world, as Graciela traveled and lived in many places recently, accompanied by her little notebook and her digital camera, which she uses to record song ideas on all the time. The topics she deals with are both surreal and personal and leave it up to the listener to be interpretated.

Producer Robot Koch teamed up with friend and fellow musician Sneaky (Fingathing / Ninja Tune) to create this organic and retro futuristic sounding album, that incorporates Double Bass, Live Drums, Cello and other String instruments and well as a subtle touch of cutting edge electronic production which Robot Koch is know for. The track "Many Places" features a string arrangement by Fiora Cutler.

Graciela Maria is an artist to watch out for in the future as she proves to create timeless pieces of music that are appealing to Indie/pop listeners and lover's of electronic music alike.
Pavel Dovgal - Cassiopeia HHV Bundle
Pavel Dovgal
Cassiopeia HHV Bundle
LP | 2010 | EU | Original (Project: Mooncircle)
13,99 €*
Release: 2010 / EU – Original
Genre: Hip Hop, Electronic & Dance
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Cassiopeia is a constellation in the northern sky. It was one of the 48 constellations listed by the 2nd century Greek astronomer Ptolemy and it remains one of the 88 modern constellations today. In the sky Cassiopeia sits with Andromeda on the South side. In Greek mythology it was considered to represent the vain queen Cassiopeia, who boasted about her unrivalled beauty.
This album is a mix between different sides of the concept of “Cassiopeia”. It’s about life, the universe, humans and the future. Cassiopeia includes musical approaches comparable to Prefuse 73, Robot Koch and Kryptic Minds. The record is predominantly Hip Hop, but features tracks with other artists that are not strictly part of this genre such as BekBekson, Verhovski and Fancy Mike. Pavel’s music is a trip into a fable and his medium is the music of different genres: Hip Hop, Dubstep, Glitch, Wonky and Downbeat, used to form pictures. His work is free spirited and there are hints of feelings, allusions, enigma and mystery. We won’t get into the inner workings of his music, how it finds its way into the hearts and souls of the audience, the important thing is that it serves its purpose. Tracks such as “LA” or “Andromeda” are very personal statements from Pavel, “Quant Magic” is composed using Overtone, Didgeridoo, Boomerang, Yedaki and other Australian instruments. “Sacred Chants Of Shiva” seizes the listener with a sensation of restlessness.
Pavel Dovgal’s “Cassiopeia”, the incision between intergalactic music and the human soul. The same formula that has been present for over a thousand years.
Pavel Dovgal - Cassiopeia
Pavel Dovgal
LP | 2010 | EU | Original (Project: Mooncircle)
12,99 €*
Release: 2010 / EU – Original
Genre: Hip Hop, Electronic & Dance
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Cassiopeia is a constellation in the northern sky. It was one of the 48 constellations listed by the 2nd century Greek astronomer Ptolemy and it remains one of the 88 modern constellations today. In the sky Cassiopeia sits with Andromeda on the South side. In Greek mythology it was considered to represent the vain queen Cassiopeia, who boasted about her unrivalled beauty.
This album is a mix between different sides of the concept of “Cassiopeia”. It’s about life, the universe, humans and the future. Cassiopeia includes musical approaches comparable to Prefuse 73, Robot Koch and Kryptic Minds. The record is predominantly Hip Hop, but features tracks with other artists that are not strictly part of this genre such as BekBekson, Verhovski and Fancy Mike. Pavel’s music is a trip into a fable and his medium is the music of different genres: Hip Hop, Dubstep, Glitch, Wonky and Downbeat, used to form pictures. His work is free spirited and there are hints of feelings, allusions, enigma and mystery. We won’t get into the inner workings of his music, how it finds its way into the hearts and souls of the audience, the important thing is that it serves its purpose. Tracks such as “LA” or “Andromeda” are very personal statements from Pavel, “Quant Magic” is composed using Overtone, Didgeridoo, Boomerang, Yedaki and other Australian instruments. “Sacred Chants Of Shiva” seizes the listener with a sensation of restlessness.
Pavel Dovgal’s “Cassiopeia”, the incision between intergalactic music and the human soul. The same formula that has been present for over a thousand years.
Robot Koch - Songs For Trees And Cyborgs HHV Bundle
Robot Koch
Songs For Trees And Cyborgs HHV Bundle
LP | 2010 | EU | Original (Project: Mooncircle)
15,99 €*
Release: 2010 / EU – Original
Genre: Hip Hop, Electronic & Dance
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After last year's release of his debut full length album entitled “Death Star Droid” Berlin stromtrooper Robot Koch kept himself hella busy. In 2010 alone he dropped the new Jahcoozi album “Barefoot Wanderer” on BPitch, released his EP “Listen To Them Fade“ on Project:Mooncircle, did a bunch of remixes and productions for both major and indie artsits and played stunnig live shows everywhere from Low End Theory in LA to the Sonar Festival in Barcelona.

And now he's back to do some serious damage with his 2nd LP “Songs for Trees and Cyborgs”.

The album shows Robot’s versatility as a producer – it mixes and blends fresh, forward thinking electronic beats with heartfelt melodies and organic live instumentation.

On choice tracks Mr. Koch teams up with the likes of Boxcutter (Planet Mu), 1000 Names (Black Acre), Doshy (Robox Neotech), RQM (Baby Sumo) and Graciela Maria (Project Mooncircle) to present the point where dubstep, hip-hop and its myriad of influences fuse into a kaleidoscopic collage of sounds.

Artwork by 44 Flavours.
Robot Koch - Songs For Trees And Cyborgs
Robot Koch
Songs For Trees And Cyborgs
2LP | 2010 | EU | Original (Project: Mooncircle)
15,99 €*
Release: 2010 / EU – Original
Genre: Hip Hop, Electronic & Dance
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After last year's release of his debut full length album entitled “Death Star Droid” Berlin stromtrooper Robot Koch kept himself hella busy. In 2010 alone he dropped the new Jahcoozi album “Barefoot Wanderer” on BPitch, released his EP “Listen To Them Fade“ on Project:Mooncircle, did a bunch of remixes and productions for both major and indie artsits and played stunnig live shows everywhere from Low End Theory in LA to the Sonar Festival in Barcelona.

And now he's back to do some serious damage with his 2nd LP “Songs for Trees and Cyborgs”.

The album shows Robot’s versatility as a producer – it mixes and blends fresh, forward thinking electronic beats with heartfelt melodies and organic live instumentation.

On choice tracks Mr. Koch teams up with the likes of Boxcutter (Planet Mu), 1000 Names (Black Acre), Doshy (Robox Neotech), RQM (Baby Sumo) and Graciela Maria (Project Mooncircle) to present the point where dubstep, hip-hop and its myriad of influences fuse into a kaleidoscopic collage of sounds.

Artwork by 44 Flavours.
V.A. - The Moon Comes Closer
The Moon Comes Closer
2LP | 2010 | EU | Original (Project: Mooncircle)
19,99 €*
Release: 2010 / EU – Original
Genre: Hip Hop, Electronic & Dance
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This is a story about a young Russian girl named Jinna Morocha who had a vision of one day flying to the Moon.
Many years ago during the hard times of life in Moscow, the young girl saw the Moon consciously for the first time and at that very moment the dream began. These vivid thoughts remained in her mind and she started to ask herself “How can I get to the Moon?“. Soon she found the label Project: Mooncircle over the internet and told them her story, at once she saw a chance to come a few steps closer to her dream. By now Jinna lived in Germany and it was possible for her and the label to meet, her key question was “Can you bring me to the Moon?“. The answer was a faltering “No, but maybe we can let you fly to the Moon in your mind. Let’s build the soundtrack to this vision, close your eyes, clear your thoughts and let us begin on your journey“.

That was the beginning of “The Moon Comes Closer“, come embark upon this voyage with us lead by the next level soundscapes of:

Robot Koch, fLako, Pavel Dovgal, I.D. 4 Windz, John Robinson, Lambent, 813, Nienvox, Juj, Mr Cooper, MyOwn, Long Arm, Daisuke Tanabe, Graciela Maria, Scienz Of Life, Andy Kayes, Abnormal, Capella, Comfort Fit, Kansano, Gards From KC, Puzzle, Sense of The Q4, Sotu The Traveller, V. Raeter, Himuro Yoshiteru, Skyence, Dexter, Portformat, 40 Winks, Dela, Brazzaville & Killing Skills.
V.A. - The Moon Comes Closer HHV Bundle
The Moon Comes Closer HHV Bundle
LP | EU | Original (Project: Mooncircle)
16,99 €*
Release: EU – Original
Genre: Hip Hop, Electronic & Dance
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This is a story about a young Russian girl named Jinna Morocha who had a vision of one day flying to the Moon.
Many years ago during the hard times of life in Moscow, the young girl saw the Moon consciously for the first time and at that very moment the dream began. These vivid thoughts remained in her mind and she started to ask herself “How can I get to the Moon?“. Soon she found the label Project: Mooncircle over the internet and told them her story, at once she saw a chance to come a few steps closer to her dream. By now Jinna lived in Germany and it was possible for her and the label to meet, her key question was “Can you bring me to the Moon?“. The answer was a faltering “No, but maybe we can let you fly to the Moon in your mind. Let’s build the soundtrack to this vision, close your eyes, clear your thoughts and let us begin on your journey“.

That was the beginning of “The Moon Comes Closer“, come embark upon this voyage with us lead by the next level soundscapes of:

Robot Koch, fLako, Pavel Dovgal, I.D. 4 Windz, John Robinson, Lambent, 813, Nienvox, Juj, Mr Cooper, MyOwn, Long Arm, Daisuke Tanabe, Graciela Maria, Scienz Of Life, Andy Kayes, Abnormal, Capella, Comfort Fit, Kansano, Gards From KC, Puzzle, Sense of The Q4, Sotu The Traveller, V. Raeter, Himuro Yoshiteru, Skyence, Dexter, Portformat, 40 Winks, Dela, Brazzaville & Killing Skills.
Actress - Splazsh
2LP | 2010 | UK | Original (Honest Jon's)
27,99 €*
Release: 2010 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Uk's electronic producer Darren Cunningham aka -Actress- drops his new record Splazsh via british label/record store Honest Jon's … got it?
Robot Koch - Listen To Them Fade EP
Robot Koch
Listen To Them Fade EP
LP | 2010 | EU | Original (Project: Mooncircle)
9,99 €*
Release: 2010 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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After last year's release “Death Star Droid” Berlin stromtrooper Robot Koch kept himself busy. He finished off the new Jahcoozi album “Barefoot Wanderer” which is coming out on BPitch this spring. Coinciding with the release of his “Death Star Droid Remix EP” (incl fresh mixes by Loops Haunt, Blue Daisy etc). Robot Koch was on tour in the USA and Mexico, stopping by in LA for a stunning gig at Low End Theory and finally settled down for 2 months in Mexcio City, where he found time to work on new material with his girlfriend and singer Grace . Visiting some ancient Maya and Atztec sites and Pyramids sure added to the spaced out magic of the new EP. The new material is dark, percussive and surreal. Like an audible painting my leonora carrington. Its dubby but not dubstep, rather next step maybe. The songs are heavy and dripping with analog and organic sounds…. Lo Fi field recording mashed up with heavy bass and unquantized grooves. Live sounds like guitars work like samples. Vocal talent Grace, that was already featured on the Death Star Droid album and the last EP brings in a dark and yet soulful gospel vibe over Koch’s twisted beat concoctions. This EP is only a taster of the new album that should be ready to drop in october on Project: Mooncircle. In the meantime Koch will keep himself busy with playing shows (with Dorian Concept, Stagga, Darkstar, Boxcutter) and festivals including a live show appearance at this year's Sonar Festival.
Robot Koch - Death Star Droid
Robot Koch
Death Star Droid
LP | 2009 | EU | Original (Project: Mooncircle)
12,99 €*
Release: 2009 / EU – Original
Genre: Hip Hop, Electronic & Dance
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Death Star Droid is technically Robot Koch’s debut LP, but all that this means is that the record drops with his name on it alone – the man is no rookie! Having released numerous records with his projects JAHCOOZI and THE TAPE VS RQM, as well as having made beats and remixes for for many artists internationally, Robot established himself as a household name in the world of Bass, Glitch and Lazerbeams. Lately his tunes became staple drops in the playlists of Bass Luminaries such as Starkey, Gas Lamp Killer, Hudson Mohawke, Mary Anne Hobbs and Rustie.
Death Star Droid is a Dubstep and Wonky Hip Hop infused affair, but the introduction of live acoustic instruments and heartfelt melodies is what sets it apart from the rest in the loosely defined genre.
It’s a sincere musical statement made in the tradition of his mixtapes. Expect to be surprised – this is music made for true music lovers.

Artwork by 44 Flavours
Robot Koch - Death Star Droid HHV Bundle
Robot Koch
Death Star Droid HHV Bundle
LP | 2009 | EU | Original (Project: Mooncircle)
12,99 €*
Release: 2009 / EU – Original
Genre: Hip Hop, Electronic & Dance
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Death Star Droid is technically Robot Koch’s debut LP, but all that this means is that the record drops with his name on it alone – the man is no rookie! Having released numerous records with his projects JAHCOOZI and THE TAPE VS RQM, as well as having made beats and remixes for for many artists internationally, Robot established himself as a household name in the world of Bass, Glitch and Lazerbeams. Lately his tunes became staple drops in the playlists of Bass Luminaries such as Starkey, Gas Lamp Killer, Hudson Mohawke, Mary Anne Hobbs and Rustie.
Death Star Droid is a Dubstep and Wonky Hip Hop infused affair, but the introduction of live acoustic instruments and heartfelt melodies is what sets it apart from the rest in the loosely defined genre.
It’s a sincere musical statement made in the tradition of his mixtapes. Expect to be surprised – this is music made for true music lovers.

Artwork by 44 Flavours
V.A. - Breaking Bass Lp Volume 02
Breaking Bass Lp Volume 02
LP | 2019 | EU | Original (Breaking Bass)
13,99 €*
Release: 2019 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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V.A. - Duploc Off Limits - Best Of
Duploc Off Limits - Best Of
2LP | 2025 | UK | Original (Duploc)
27,99 €*
Release: 2025 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Kami-O - Clash
LP | 2024 | EU | Original (White Peach)
15,99 €*
Release: 2024 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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V.A. - Fragments Volume 1
Fragments Volume 1
3LP | 2024 | UK | Original (1985 Music)
48,99 €*
Release: 2024 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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1985 Music presents the first edition of 'Fragment' their new various artist series. Featuring familiar faces from the imprint and special guests, this album combines the 1985 Music sound in all forms.

Featuring tracks from label head honcho Alix Perez with the strictly soulful 'Bloomsbury', while New Zealand producer/DJ Headland reworks 'Trust' the anthem from Eprom. Joining the fold GLM, Eijer and Satl make their debut on the imprint while regular artists Visages, Drone, Bredren and Ebb continue to deliver the goods.
Rednote Feat. Gnasha, Biome, Dark Entity - Sanctum
Rednote Feat. Gnasha, Biome, Dark Entity
LP | 2024 | EU | Original (Iron Shirt)
23,99 €*
Release: 2024 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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V.A. - Duploc Blxck Txpes - Best Of
Duploc Blxck Txpes - Best Of
2LP | 2024 | EU | Original (Duploc)
23,99 €*
Release: 2024 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Martyn - Through Lines Deluxe Edition
Through Lines Deluxe Edition
2LP | 2024 | UK | Original (3024)
44,99 €*
Release: 2024 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Includes Through Lines LP + a beautiful 40-page booklet featuring a collection of Martyn’s writings on music, inspired by the 9 tracks on the Through Lines vinyl release, designed by the very excellent Jeroen Erosie.
Stabber - Trueno
LP | 2024 | EU | Original (Virgin)
43,99 €*
Release: 2024 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Cliques - Dotted EP
Dotted EP
LP | 2016 | UK | Original (Tempa)
11,99 €*
Release: 2016 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Alex Coulton - Ambush / Direction
Alex Coulton
Ambush / Direction
LP | 2016 | UK | Original (Tempa)
11,99 €*
Release: 2016 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Skream - Skreamizm 8 Black Vinyl Edition
Skreamizm 8 Black Vinyl Edition
LP | 2023 | UK | Original (Skreamizm)
38,99 €*
Release: 2023 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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V.A. - 10/10
2LP | 2023 | UK | Original (Sector 7Sounds)
35,99 €*
Release: 2023 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Mystic State - Between These Moments
Mystic State
Between These Moments
2LP | 2023 | EU | Original (The Chikara Project)
32,99 €*
Release: 2023 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Bassnectar - The Golden Rule Multi-Colored Vinyl Edition
The Golden Rule Multi-Colored Vinyl Edition
3LP | 2023 | US | Original (Amorphous)
59,49 €* 69,99 € -15%
Release: 2023 / US – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance, Reggae & Dancehall
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Bassnectar is back with a new 17 track album, packed to the max with a diverse array of freestyle electronic music. The long wait for new music is (finally) over. Limited edition gatefold sleeve pressing on 180 gram multi-colored vinyl (blue, orange, yellow).
V.A. - Step Outward
Step Outward
2LP | 2023 | UK | Original (Locus Sound)
32,99 €*
Release: 2023 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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New tape from Levon Vincent
Glume & Phossa - Between Surface Translucent Vinyl Edition
Glume & Phossa
Between Surface Translucent Vinyl Edition
2LP | 2023 | UK | Original (White Peach)
29,99 €*
Release: 2023 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Culprate - Arithmos Tessera
Arithmos Tessera
2LP | 2023 | UK | Original (Open Outlets)
42,99 €*
Release: 2023 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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