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Pellegrino & Zodyaco - Koinè
Pellegrino & Zodyaco
LP | 2025 | EU | Original (Early Sounds)
28,99 €*
Release: 2025 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Preorder shipping from 2025-03-28
Koinè is the new album by Pellegrino & Zodyaco, a record that explores the desire to escape by interpreting it as an act of emancipation, an aimless journey in search of creative freedom. The demonstration that escapism, when it is conscious, can bring us back to the heart of things. Inspired by Éloge de la fuite by Henri Laborit, the album embarks on a journey to discover a “common language” (Koinè), blending Neapolitan roots with a global and contemporary musical vision. It blends melodic traditions with disco, funk, jazz fusion, and world music, experimenting with vintage instruments, ethnic percussion, and Mediterranean atmospheres. Pellegrino, a pioneer of the “new school” Neapolitan sound, after 4 years since his last LP “Morphé” (2020) continues the path started with Zodyaco I (2018), painting an authentic portrait of modern Naples and celebrating musical contamination as a form of creative euphoria.
Mystic Jungle - Deviant Disco 2024 Repress
Mystic Jungle
Deviant Disco 2024 Repress
LP | 2022 | EU | Reissue (Periodica)
19,99 €*
Release: 2022 / EU – Reissue
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Mystic Jungle makes a much awaited return with Deviant Disco, a new 12” of sun-soaked groovers released through Periodica Records. A culmination of several years of writing, vibing, and influence mining, these compositions represent the producer’s most varied and expansive works yet, and to fully realize his vision, Mystic Jungle invited the entire West Hill Studio crew to contribute narcotizing layers of pop vocal mesmerism, and additional touches of guitar, bass, percussion, and synth. Strains of Italo disco, balearic boogie, and freaky funk are interspersed amidst passages of Nigerian highlife, soft focus AOR, kinetic Hi-NRG, and exotic lover’s rock, resulting in a personalized voyage through a paradise of sound, one that is unmoored from the concerns of modernity, and celebrates instead a hedonistic naivety, and a desire to dance all day in spiritual ecstasy.
Chaos In The CBD - A Deeper Life
Chaos In The CBD
A Deeper Life
2LP | 2025 | UK | Original (In Dust We Trust)
31,99 €*
Release: 2025 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Preorder shipping from 2025-05-09
“We created a holiday inside our heads.”

A Deeper Life, Chaos In The CBD’s debut album over 10 years in the making, is nostalgic for the duo’s nature-filled youth, exploring the magical coastline and lush rainforest of New Zealand. “The title refers to our childhood, which was idyllic,” says Ben. “It was just the sun, the sand, the sea, waterfalls, birds and fish…” The album’s blissful setting is also depicted on the album cover: a painting, by a childhood friend, of the beach where they grew up in Devonport. A Deeper Life whirls that profound love of house music and wide-ranging influences – from Brazilian to R&B, ambient to Italo to deep house and downtempo pop – into a serene, cohesive whole with their signature finesse. The result is an international dance sound that feels unmistakably like Chaos and ebbs and flows from the beach party to the club to the afterhours. On the album they’ve teamed up with a number of US legends and married their vocals with the UK underground: Josh Milan of house pioneers Blaze brings his soulful vocals to the bossa nova beats of ‘I Wanna Tell Somebody,’ a future jazz-dance anthem. Unheralded Chicago house hero and Larry Heard collaborator Lee Pearson Jr. goes deep over ‘More Time’s broken beat flex. And on ‘Maintaining My Peace’, the brothers have matched veteran house singer-songwriter Stephanie Cooke with UK grime MC Novelist, on a slinky LDN interpretation of LA hip-hop and g-funk. Also featured on the album are New Zealand jazz artist Nathan Haines, frequent collaborator Isaac Asaeili and more.
Sam Ruffillo - Italianissimo EP Extended Mixes
Sam Ruffillo
Italianissimo EP Extended Mixes
12" | 2022 | EU | Original (Toy Tonics)
11,99 €*
Release: 2022 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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It’s Italian time! Sam Ruffillo is back. Sicilian producer doing smooth Balearic disco with Italian vocals. The direction is clear: Sam Ruffillo’s music brings us back into the Italian riviera and the hippy days of Ibiza in the late 1970ies. Even his way of production is similar to how the early days disco producers in Italia used to work: No samples needed. Instead a few guest musicians come to jam over Sam’s beats in his Italian studio space. Guitar, bass, percussions. Sam later makes the production and added keyboard solos and put together the vibes into what is this new EP. The girl voice comes from Ninfa. It’s the classic studio story: Ninfa is a singer and DJ and friend of Sam. She was hanging at the studio while Sam was finishing these tracks. She stated to sing along… the words came up spontaneously… so they decided to record her and finally decided to keep them. The vibe was too good. Why talk English if u can do it better: in Italian! :) This is second for Toy Tonics after his Sport House EP from last year. Sam also appeared on the solo record of Joel Holmes on Toy Tonics. Together with Kapote Modica he co-produced and made the beats on that record. Now Sam is back with this pure Italian EP. Inclusive remixes by new German artists Gome and Italian Musemeci - known to many from his fabulous Italo-trance releases on Diynamic records.
Haruomi Hosono - Omni Sight Seeing White Marbled Vinyl Edition
Haruomi Hosono
Omni Sight Seeing White Marbled Vinyl Edition
LP | 1989 | EU | Reissue (Victory)
20,99 €*
Release: 1989 / EU – Reissue
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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This was his first studio album in four years since his last album, "Endless Talking", and the first release since moving to Epic/sony Records. This work was the result of sessions and collaborations with Arabian musicians, with an inclination towards the 'world music' that was gaining attention at the time. Deployed often in pop culture as punchline, Hosono takes such sight-seeing and transforms it into a metaphor for sample-heavy electronic music, drawing from various cultures and weaving them together into a new holistic vision. Omni Sight Seeing is the clearest iteration of this concept, as he alights on Algerian raï, Martin Denny exotica, and acid house, too. It’s one part Jon Hassell-esque Fourth World, one part Duke Ellington “jungle music,” with Hosono’s singular outlook running through it all.
Milord - Party Line
Party Line
12" | 2024 | EU | Original (Periodica)
18,99 €*
Release: 2024 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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In making his long awaited return to Periodica, Milord steps away from the mysterious electro and new age mysticisms of past releases, and instead delivers the freaked out boogie funk free-for-alls, brain-bending disco dubs, and summertime pop perfections of ‘Party Line’. The club mix is an extended excursion through hypnotizing and ever-evolving club psychedelia, with wild phonecall detritus accenting a riffing and body-rocking banger led by svelte lyricisms, energized chants, and future gazing vocoder treatments. Elsewhere, the dub is a building body bomb of Afro-tribal grooves, techno bass, echoing cascades of drum fx, and pianos soaked in interstellar aether. And for the ultra infectious radio mix, touches of Kraftwerk meet sunshine pop jam band as a molten bubblegum bass guitar bounces on an earworm drum groove, while all around, vocals soar and six-strings jangle through solar-soaked licks.
Brochure - Joking
7" | 2025 | US | Original (Soft Rock For Hard Times)
19,99 €*
Release: 2025 / US – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Brochure is a new collaboration between Gee Dee, Miles Felix, and Nick Stropko. For their debut release, they opted to cover Joking by Celine Lomez, originally featured in Soft Rock for Hard Times Vol. 7. Drenching the arrangement with synthesizers and opting to record the tune half-time, Brochure recontextualizes the song into a longing ballad.

Osprey 2 is the latest nom de guerre of Ryan M Todd aka Paul Atreides, Tom Guycot, Darklord Disco, half of Private Sea, founder of Going Home Records and an instrumental part of Universal Cave productions and parties for well over a decade. Osprey 2's Version Verrückt flips the longing ballad into a funky, driving krautrock number for Side B.

The Universal Cave crew offers their Terrace Mix as a digital only bonus track. A stripped-down strummer for the summer, the Terrace mix is scenic overlook gear for the mind's eye.
V.A. - Naya Beat Volume 2: South Asian Dance And Electronic Music 1988-1994
Naya Beat Volume 2: South Asian Dance And Electronic Music 1988-1994
2LP | 2024 | EU | Original (Naya Beat)
29,99 €*
Release: 2024 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Naya Beat Records reveals Volume 2 of its critically acclaimed series dedicated to South Asian dance and electronic music. Label founders Turbotito and Ragz have curated an exceptional 13-track compilation with a focus on an overlooked era of house and electronic music released between '88 and '94. While Volume 1 explored early 80s Balearic, synth pop, and disco, Volume 2 uncovers lost or forgotten future classics from later in the decade. The release spotlights a unique era in the late 80s and early 90s when fertile cross-cultural collaboration abounded in diasporic communities in cities like London and New York and when South Asian music was infused with acid house, New Beat, and dub. There is a true wealth of sounds here, from The Jets Orkhestra’s organ-fuelled house workout ‘x-290’ to the downtempo splendour of the Asha Bhosle fronted West India Company. Lady M lends the Hindi house track and arpeggiated wonder of ‘Kali Raat’ and Mantra’s eponymously titled cut is a hypnotic gem. Featuring other scintillating Balearic house, dub, and street soul from the likes of Asha Puthli, Bappi Lahiri, Johnny Zee, and Kuljit Bhamra, this double album is a treasure of never-before-reissued and previously impossible-to-find holy grails. Often "too Asian for mainstream success in the West, and too Western for success in Asia," the pioneering music from this time was frequently released to short-lived success or relative anonymity. Naya Beat founders Filip Nikolic (aka Turbotito) and Raghav Mani (aka Ragz) have spent the last four years endlessly hunting through dusty records, obscure cassettes, and unreleased studio tapes to deliver a reference release for contemporary collectors, tastemakers, and bold selectors looking for fresh sounds. Featuring an incredible gatefold package with Naya Beat’s trademark stunning artwork and exhaustive liner notes, the 2LP release has been cut to vinyl for the discerning DJ and listener by Grammy-nominated Frank Merritt from The Carvery, London. Naya Beat Records is focused on uncovering foundational dance and electronic music from the subcontinent and South Asian diaspora through reissues, remixes and compilations. Success came immediately with ‘Naya Beat Volume 1’, which was named Vinyl Factory’s number 1 reissue of 2021, and has been followed up with more fascinating releases such as a two-part remix project with disco-jazz legend Asha Puthli, a scintillating bhangra acid house EP with Mr. Scruff, a reissue of Pinky Ann Rihal’s 1985 Hindi new wave album, and the superb Bollywood compilation ‘Awaaz Series 1’.
V.A. - Hosono House Covers
Hosono House Covers
LP | 2024 | JP | Original (Kakubarhythm / Bayon)
46,99 €*
Release: 2024 / JP – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Preorder shipping from 2025-03-28
The "hosono House" cover project, which began this February, has expanded with the addition of new participating artists. The cover album is set for LP release on November 6. The album, consisting of 11 tracks, includes new contributions from Towa TEI and SE SO Neon (kr), as well as a previously released cover of "Owari no Kisetsu" by rei harakami. The cover illustration is by Tomoo Gokita.

"hosono HOUSE," Haruomi Hosono's first album released in 1973, continues to be cherished and influential worldwide. For instance, Harry Styles' Grammy-winning album "Harry’s House" was inspired by "hosono HOUSE," showcasing its impact on a new generation of listeners around the globe.

This cover album, commemorating 50 years since the original release, features outstanding contributions from artists and bands who hold Hosono in high regard. It offers a fresh perspective on the timeless allure of "hosono HOUSE," which still shines brightly today.
Anadol - Uzun Havalar
Uzun Havalar
LP | 2019 | EU | Reissue (Pingipung / Kinship)
22,99 €*
Release: 2019 / EU – Reissue
Genre: Organic Grooves, Electronic & Dance
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Anadol is a psychedelic synth folk project by Gözen Atila, a Turkish sound artist and photographer based in Berlin. Her third album Uzun Havalar is based on collective improvisations of middle eastern folk songs called „uzun hava“. They turn out as rich, atmospheric synth ballads. A diverse roster of improvising musicians creates their fascinating complexity. Anadol recorded them during extensive sessions in Istanbul. You can hear drummers laughing and playing guitars, composers howling, announcements in French and screams in no language, record collectors playing oscillators, and trumpets through spacious echoes. Anadol represents Gözen Atila’s liberation from a rather academic approach to electronic composition which she pursued during her music technology studies in Istanbul. She calls her education the „darkness of serious music“ where she first tried to belong, then to break free with the help of lo-fi synth pop. As a producer of radio plays and an expert field recording artist she has developed a distinct sense of timing, editing and sound design. Her Anadol project walks in the footsteps of lone synth experimentalists like Bruce Haack and The Space Lady with their childlike curiosity for electronic sounds, pushing the boundaries of minimal equipment. On Uzun Havalar she translates her experimental background into these floating folk ballads. The album was originally released on tape via Kinship in 2018.
Whodammany - Volveran
12" | 2024 | EU | Original (Biloba)
18,99 €*
Release: 2024 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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The newest single from Whodamanny’s Biloba sublabel of Periodica Records is “Volveràn,” a dark and delirious saxophonic strut given four different variations. In the Club version, gang vocals chant to the sky, pads hover like neon mist, and technoid synths twinkle through moonlit boulevards as basslines clad in black leather stomp over a futuristic disco dance. The Radio mix distills these characteristics into sorcerous display of pop songcraft, whereas the Dub goes elsewhere, omitting the sax completely in favor of delayed drum dynamics, cosmic chords climaxes, sunbaked guitar jangles, and vocals shrouded in a hallucinatory haze. And in a bold display of disco house minimalism, the Sax Only cut strips down to saxophone, bass, and drums, with accents of guitar and synth providing subtle pops of color.
Jack J - Blue Desert
Jack J
Blue Desert
LP | 2024 | UK | Original (Mood Hut)
24,99 €*
Release: 2024 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Just a little over two years since the release of his debut album Opening the Door, Jack re-emgerges with a new full length album. On Blue Desert, the Australian-born Vancouver-based multi-instrumentalist, singer, songwriter and producer wades deeper into the stylistically prismatic pool of his own creation: melancholy dub-funk, jangling psychedelia, moon-burnt sophisti-pop and stained glass folk mutations float freely together.

Entirely self-produced at Mood Hut Studios in Chinatown, Vancouver between 2022 and 2024, the album picks up where Opening the Door left off; the songwriting concise and refined, the voice front and centre on almost every song, the pensive mood irresistible and dense.

The apparently effortless melodic interplay of voice, guitar, synthesizers and bass that Jack is well known for is ever present but despite the clear-eyed harmonies and energetic rhythms there is a shadow that quietly haunts the album. The lyrical buoyancy of his early EPs and even some of the more explicitly sunburnt instrumental moments of his last record have continued to fade and peel like paint. Regret, remorse and melancholy are woven into almost every turn of phrase; the self-deprecating longing of Tracey Thorn and Sade Adu can be heard alongside the plaintive echos of Mark Hollis and Arthur Russell. The Mood Hut Records founder and NTS host digs deeper in all the directions that he only brushed upon on Opening the Door, creating a kaleidoscopic index of his omnivorous listening habits: from Underworld to Kate Bush, Disco Inferno to Bryan Ferry, Julian Cope to Arthur Verocai.

The LP will be released on Jack’s own Mood Hut Records on November 1st and will be followed by a live tour in the UK and Europe in November and December, featuring a string of dates opening for revered Los Angeles artist Jessica Pratt. - Mood Hut Records, Vancouver

Produced by Jack Jutson at Mood Hut Studios, Chinatown Vancouver Mixed by Jack Jutson and CZ Wang Saxophone by Linda Fox Strings on Falling Down a Well by Aiden Ayers Bass on Down the Line by Diego Herrera Additional synth on Red Cloud by Liam Butler Artwork by Mela Melania + Jack Jutson
Asha Puthli - Disco Mystic: Select Remixes Volume 1
Asha Puthli
Disco Mystic: Select Remixes Volume 1
12" | 2023 | EU | Original (Naya Beat)
19,99 €*
Release: 2023 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Turbotito and Ragz's electrifying Naya Beat label has curated a cultured list of remixers to add their spin to the work of legendary Indian vocalist Asha Puthli. This essential remix album features Yuksek, Maurice Fulton, Psychemagik, Kraak & Smaak, Jitwam, and Turbotito & Ragz. Naya Beat, which translates from Hindi as 'new beat', is focused on uncovering foundational electronic sounds from the subcontinent and South Asian diaspora through reissues, remixes and compilations. It found quick success with its first release, 'Naya Beat Volume 1: South Asian Dance and Electronic Music 1983 - 1992', followed by a rare 1985 Hindi New Wave album by Pinky Ann Rihal and more recently a ground-breaking compilation ‘Awaaz’ uncovering Bollywood electro and leftfield 80s original soundtrack recordings. Hot off their highly sought after EP of Dimitri From Paris’ seminal remixes of Asha Puthli’s iconic track ‘Space Talk’, the label now offers up the first of two full-length releases based around her music. For this LP, Naya Beat tracked down the long mythologised original stems and recordings of Puthli's most seminal albums, including ‘The Devil is Loose’, and working closely with Asha, they have tasked a series of producers inspired by her work to remix her music. Yuksek opens up with a pumping disco remix of 'I Am Song (Sing Me)' awash with uplifting synths and big claps next to the original vocals, which soar to the heavens. The seminal 'Space Talk' is remixed by Maurice Fulton into super steamy and late-night territory. The live drums and jumbled percussion are lit up with soulful chords as Puthli's carefully delivered vocals seduce up top. 'Lies' (Kraak & Smaak Remix) rides on fat-bottomed drums and bass that unfold with a dub swagger beneath a nebulous eco-system of cosmic synths and dramatic vocals. Label heads Turbotito & Ragz flip 'One Night Affair' into a leggy disco celebration with sweeping synths and bright effects, and Psychemagik's 'Right Down Here' is a pulsating mix of dark, snaking bass and drums with deep space ambience and raw hits making for a turbulent and tense atmosphere. Lastly, Jitwam closes out with a smooth disco sound laced with dynamic drums and cruising chords next to another sensuous top line from Asha Puthli. This is a stunning collection of remixes that pay homage to the originals while taking them into new sonic territoryA series of single drops will precede the whole LP; Yuksek (21st July), Maurice Fulton (4th August), Turbotito & Ragz (18th August), Psychemagik (1st September), Kraak & Smaak (15th September), Jitwam + LP (22nd September).
Chaos In The CBD - A Deeper Life Deluxe Edition
Chaos In The CBD
A Deeper Life Deluxe Edition
2LP | 2025 | UK | Original (In Dust We Trust)
40,99 €*
Release: 2025 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Preorder shipping from 2025-05-09
, Limited Edition Gatefold Sleeve with Liner Notes and Satin finish.

“We created a holiday inside our heads.”

A Deeper Life, Chaos In The CBD’s debut album over 10 years in the making, is nostalgic for the duo’s nature-filled youth, exploring the magical coastline and lush rainforest of New Zealand. “The title refers to our childhood, which was idyllic,” says Ben. “It was just the sun, the sand, the sea, waterfalls, birds and fish…” The album’s blissful setting is also depicted on the album cover: a painting, by a childhood friend, of the beach where they grew up in Devonport. A Deeper Life whirls that profound love of house music and wide-ranging influences – from Brazilian to R&B, ambient to Italo to deep house and downtempo pop – into a serene, cohesive whole with their signature finesse. The result is an international dance sound that feels unmistakably like Chaos and ebbs and flows from the beach party to the club to the afterhours. On the album they’ve teamed up with a number of US legends and married their vocals with the UK underground: Josh Milan of house pioneers Blaze brings his soulful vocals to the bossa nova beats of ‘I Wanna Tell Somebody,’ a future jazz-dance anthem. Unheralded Chicago house hero and Larry Heard collaborator Lee Pearson Jr. goes deep over ‘More Time’s broken beat flex. And on ‘Maintaining My Peace’, the brothers have matched veteran house singer-songwriter Stephanie Cooke with UK grime MC Novelist, on a slinky LDN interpretation of LA hip-hop and g-funk. Also featured on the album are New Zealand jazz artist Nathan Haines, frequent collaborator Isaac Asaeili and more.
Alex Kassian - Leave Your Life
Alex Kassian
Leave Your Life
12" | 2021 | UK | Original (Pinchy & Friends)
18,99 €*
Release: 2021 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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For our fifth release, P&f Recordings is pleased to welcome Berlin-based musician, producer, and DJ, Alex Kassian. Over the past few years, Kassian has made a name for himself in Berlin and beyond as a solo act, as well as with his project Opal Sunn, via a clutch of well received, dancefloor-focused 12s. But on our first release of 2021, Kassian swaps the techy pulse of the German capital for a sound that’s altogether more melodic and atmospheric. Side A kicks off with 'Leave Your Life (Lonely Hearts Mix)' which began as a way for the producer to realize some of his early—and so far unrequited—dreams of playing in a rock band. Next up he delivers 'Leave Your Life (Dance Mix)', which ups the energy and echoes some of the production that made the musician’s 'Oolong Trance' (Love on the Rocks) one of 2020’s best club tunes. On the flip, the gorgeous 'Spirit of Eden' unfurls like a lost Lyle Mays classic, but with a mesmerizing loop that keeps the song’s feet placed firmly on the dancefloor. Concluding the EP is a bass-heavy remix from none other than U.S. dub legend Bill Laswell. 'Eden’s' melodic focus is underpinned by a propulsive groove and filtered through Laswell's trademark sonic dynamics. The EP, comes packaged in a full-color jacket from Parisian artist Alexis Jamet with OBI strip.
Sgt Slick - Volume 1
Sgt Slick
Volume 1
12" | 2024 | UK | Original (Sgt Slick Recuts)
17,99 €*
Release: 2024 / UK – Original
Genre: Organic Grooves, Electronic & Dance
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Melbourne's Sgt Slick slides on over with five of his finest re-edits on a newly formed label Sgt Slick Recuts. 20 years deep in the game, accolades aplenty, collabs with some the finest out there and a serious string of his own productions, Sgt Slick knows what works on the dancefloor and these edits showcase that to a T. Some out and out classics, reworked with the club clearly in mind.
DJ 1985 - We Trippin'
DJ 1985
We Trippin'
12" | 2024 | UK | Original ([Emotional] Especial)
21,99 €*
Release: 2024 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Especial welcomes new artist DJ 1985 to the label. As so often, the idea of pushing new music has been the raison d'etre of the past decade. An EP of a love for Acid, from the breaks anthem of the title We Trippin’ to exploring the ethereal and even mind-melting Ambient House and Balearic of how the Roland Tb-303 has become a fundamental element in the history of electronic music. Soviet born; Belgrade exile Stanislav Grishchuk is DJ 1985. A man of many monikers, came to House later, originally progressing from Breaks, Hardcore and onto Drum and Bass as DJ Saint Man, a Mixmaster in the truest sense, switching it up to include Ghetto House and Booty, DJing led to producing, finally seeing DJ 1985 emerged to encompass Acid, Bleep, Breakbeat, Chicago and beyond. A DJ supreme from the old school – check his Boiler Room mix for live vinyl dexterity – his productions nod to Aphex Twin and the Rephlex / UK lineage, the Techno. Electro of masters Underground Resistance and Drexciya and on to Italo, Italian House and early 90s New Jersey and New York’s golden period and of course the masters Kraftwerk, all influence the sounds of this debut EP. Starting as 808 and 909 Electro and Techno jams, all the tracks are recorded live, MPC, synth and drum machines, no computers involved. We Trippin’ is built around the “Think” break, with trippy 303 line, some 808, synths and off we go “we trippin”. Dolphin and Sirens was inspired by the Boka Bay dolphins of Montenegro, near where the recording was made. A flotation bath of warm dreamy acid beats and aquatic found sound, fast, shifting breaks, the Adriatic Sea of Croatia and beyond beckoning. Catland’s title is a nod to Stanislav’s love of all the feline, but the breaks’n’303 cut is an endlessly uplifting spark, celestial, a cosmic evolutionary odyssey. DJ 1985 completes his debut EP with the aptly titled The Last One. Spherular, mysterious, this rise of spatial breaks is a reawakening of symbolic music that is touched by both East and West. Stanislav’s music intersects, trans-national, almost spiritual and psychedelic. Live jamming, more hearted, the snap electro percussion, dream-laden pads are twinned with an ethereal otherness via the endless possibilities of the Tb-303.
Total Blue - Total Blue
Total Blue
Total Blue
LP | 2024 | EU | Original (Music From Memory)
28,99 €*
Release: 2024 / EU – Original
Genre: Organic Grooves, Electronic & Dance
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Introducing ‘Total Blue’, the Los Angeles-based trio of Nicky Benedek, Alex Talan, and Anthony Calonico. Despite collaborating for over a decade, ‘Total Blue’ represents a new chapter in their artistic journey together as a trio.

Embracing chance, inviting the unknown, and guided by a spirit of sheer play and exploration, ‘Total Blue’ was driven by a desire to ‘touch the beyond’ in pursuit of an elusive vibe the three had been chasing for years.

Alex, Nick, and Anthony envision ‘Total Blue’ as the all-encompassing full picture, a place where the real and the imaginary begin to blur; a destination reached not through escapism but by expanding one's perspective; a widened scope of vision where personality both shines and disintegrates.

Across the album, their mission statement is expertly achieved with subtlety and delicate human touch; painting with a lush palette of digital synths, Akai EVI wind synthesizer, fretless bass, and guitar, the trio masterfully balance texture and color, evoking wide expansive vistas that stretch from Los Angeles right out to the furthest reaches of sky and sea. This is ‘Total Blue’ - a place of time and timelessness where echoes of history and tradition merge with rootless inhuman sonics.

Art and design by Michael Willis.
Gigi Masin - Wind
Gigi Masin
LP | 1985 | EU | Reissue (The Bear On The Moon)
22,99 €*
Release: 1985 / EU – Reissue
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Finally, this great record gets a nice re-press!
Restored and re-mastered from the original tapes comes Gigi Masin’s much sought after first album ‘Wind’. Never commercially released the LP was in fact only given away at a number of small concerts, with many of the remaining copies destroyed during floods in the Venice based musician’s house.
Blundetto - La Playa
La Playa
7" | 2024 | EU | Original (Les Rythmes Ruban)
12,99 €*
Release: 2024 / EU – Original
Genre: Rock & Indie, Electronic & Dance
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"La Playa" is a folk single infused with very acoustic sounds produced by Blundetto. It's a cover of originally sung by Marie Laforêt in 1970. It features the French singer Juliette Magnevasoa, a voice of rare singularity. Together, they have crafted the perfect blend for a moment of softness, melancholic and soothing, already resonating as a classic gem.
Rosa - Acqua Di Sale 2024 Repress
Acqua Di Sale 2024 Repress
LP | 2020 | EU | Reissue (Periodica)
21,99 €*
Release: 2020 / EU – Reissue
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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oogielicious Synth Pop made in Napoli! "Acqua Di Sale" is the first mini-album of the mysterious Rosa. Recorded at the West Hill Studio, this is the umpteenth creation of the well known Neapolitan production team which inaugurates the "Pegaso Series" on Periodica Records.

"A deserted beach and a rendezvous at the bar, with waves crashing gently in the distance and wine glasses catching the last rays of the setting sun. The seductive panorama of Posillipo unfolds before the eyes, evoking the charms of a photo-novella, though something mysterious lurks in the emerging dark, leading to unavoidable questions and temptations of the soul. This is the Napoli of the heart…no longer a physical manifestation, but instead, a stage for clandestine encounters and forbidden desires, where the most vivid emotions take the form of notes on the staff."
Hudson People - Trip To Your Mind (Delfonic & Ltj Reworks)
Hudson People
Trip To Your Mind (Delfonic & Ltj Reworks)
12" | 2025 | EU | Original (The Outer Edge)
18,99 €*
Release: 2025 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Preorder shipping from 2025-04-25
We are proud to present the first official reworks of the disco/jazz-funk masterpiece Trip To Your Mind - now available for the first time with a picture cover featuring a classic shot of composer Reginald Hudson on the front.

For decades, Trip To Your Mind was celebrated as a Brit Funk classic, though its true origins remained a mystery. While recorded at London's Advision Studio, Hudson People were neither local nor British - a fact first uncovered with its official 2022 reissue on Backatcha Records. In interviews with label owner DJ Scientist, Reg Hudson revealed that the backing band behind his composition was Body Heat, a GI group based in Germany. The recording, believed to date back to around 1977, remained shelved for some time. By the time it was finally released in 1979, Body Heat was on the verge of disbanding, leading to the track being credited to Hudson People. Since then, Trip To Your Mind has been heavily bootlegged and compiled since the late '90s, cementing its status as an in-demand classic.

For our rework release, the A-side features a brilliant DJ-friendly edit by Delfonic, based on the original Hithouse mix. Unlike the later Ensign Records remix, this version starts with an 8 bar intro crescendo that was missing from subsequent reworks. When we approached Delfonic about reworking the track, he was immediately hooked - especially since he had already started an edit years ago but never completed it. His version builds tension through an extended intro before leading into the beloved vocal line: "Take a trip through your mind, surprises you will find." Delfonic's masterful editing ensures the track keeps listeners engaged until the very end.

The B-side features a rework by Italian DJ and producer Luca Trevisi, aka LTJ Xperience. His version is based on the Ensign remix of "Trip To Your Mind" by Chris Hill and Robbie Vincent. Some may recall a slightly different, clubbier version of this rework, which was released by a UK label in 2010. That version became a sought-after gem - however, Hudson never received any payment from the label. When we reached out to Trevisi about an official re-release, he generously revisited his edit, resulting in a more organic and dynamic mix. His version will appeal not only to disco and funk lovers but also to house and club DJs. The new mix was mastered by Frederic Stader on an EMI TG124 - an iconic mixing desk, famously used at Abbey Road Studios.

Both edits preserve the psychedelic essence of the original while making it more compatible with modern listening habits. Pressed on a high-quality, loud-cut 12", this release is a must-have for any DJ's collection. It follows our label's GI-related releases by Grand Slam and "Shake It - Make It Loose" by J.D. Puma Lewis - another project that composer and keyboardist Reginald Hudson was involved in.
Ramzi - Hyphea
LP | 2022 | EU | Original (Music From Memory)
23,74 €* 24,99 € -5%
Release: 2022 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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New album by Montreal based artist Phoebé Guillemot aka RAMZi. Featuring ten mind-melting tracks 'hyphae' is RAMZi's latest sonic quest and is based around sketches she originally made as a score for a documentary about mushrooms called 'Fun Fungi' (directed by Frederic Lavoie).

Recorded between November 2021 and May 2022, writing 'hyphea' began as an attempt to transcend boredom and frustrations imposed by severe restrictions during the pandemic. For Phoebé the album was a way to reconnect with her alter ego RAMZi; who's energy brought her back to uniquely mystical feelings and hope for future magical adventures.

RAMZi is a uniquely wild spirit from the forest and refers to a parallel autonomous world that keeps evolving. In Phoebé's own words: "The music remains as a doorway to that world. It has never been about me, I always see that entity bigger than myself. The process of writing 'hyphea' was rather intuitive. I don't think about styles of music before producing tracks. Those are more like an adventure in itself, each one set in a different ecosystem."

Artwork by Marinka Grondel.
Interior - Interior
LP | 1982 | EU | Reissue (WRWTFWW)
24,99 €*
Release: 1982 / EU – Reissue
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Wrwtfww Records is very happy to announce the official vinyl reissue of the highly sought-after Haruomi Hosono-produced Interior self-titled debut, originally released in 1982 on legendary label Yen Records. The LP comes in a heavy 350gsm sleeve. Interior is Daisuke Hinata, Eiki Nonaka, Mitsuru Sawamura, and Tsukasa Betto. Their classic 1982 debut, produced by Yellow Magic Orchestra's Haruomi Hosono, is one of a kind - a very rare breed of feel-good ambient music blending instrumental synth-pop, soft electronic minimalism, and cozy sound design in the most heartwarming ways. It evokes the intimate pleasures of daydreaming in a hotel lobby, holding hands in a museum, or napping by the pool. It depicts the urban landscape as a caring environment, where simplicity and repetition is mind soothing and smile inducing. Interior takes you into an alternate reality, where nostalgic modernism makes the present time feel like the fondest memories. The unique sound of Interior caught the attention of William Ackerman and Anne Robinson who re-released the album in 1985 on their famed label Windham Hill Records (with a slightly different tracklisting) and then proceeded to put out their follow-up, Design, in 1987. After that, members of the group continued their careers separately, Daisuke Hinata notably recording an overlooked but absolutely amazing solo album, Tarzanland, in 1988.
Afrodesia - Afrodesia Episode One
Afrodesia Episode One
12" | 2019 | EU | Original (Best Record Italy)
16,99 €*
Release: 2019 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Here after a long time the first EP release on Best Record containing new unreleased music. Afrodesia project born from a close collaboration between Periodica Records and Best Italy featuring Mystic Jungle & Whodamanny.
Afrodesia took inspiration from the italian afro-movement that lasted for few years during mid-eighties expecially from those songs produced at the legendary Les Folies Studios in Milan. Afrodesia sounds balearic boogie afro and cosmic with heavy use of original past synths and drum machines programmed and played by Dario Di Pace, Raffaele Arcella and real acoustic instruments thanks to the musicians : Giulio Neri
Tenor Saxophone and vocals), Andrea Farias
Guitar), Davide Di Sauro
Bass) and the late George Aghedo
The System - The System EP
The System
The System EP
12" | 2016 | EU | Reissue (Music From Memory)
22,99 €*
Release: 2016 / EU – Reissue
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Finally, this great record gets a nice re-press!

Music From Memory’s latest release in their 12” series focuses on the little known UK band The System. A project masterminded by Bob Lamb, a somewhat cult figure in Birmingham's music history; the short lived group released only one album ‘Logic' and a single in 1983 on the somewhat obscure French label ‘Romantic Records’. This distinctively forward thinking new wave/synth pop album met with poor distribution and with almost no promotion to speak of at the time and quickly dwindled into obscurity. The albums sense of technological exploration, outstanding production value coupled with the band’s gift of writing deeply emotive, yearning pop tunes, make it sound though perhaps more relevant today than many other far more successful albums of its time.
The Unknown Artist - Les Dance Red Viny Repress Edition
The Unknown Artist
Les Dance Red Viny Repress Edition
12" | 2017 | UK | Reissue (Heartdb83)
18,99 €*
Release: 2017 / UK – Reissue
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Limited edition Red Vinyl Repress of the massive ‘Les Dance’

The original artist has been rather popular over the years, a hero to many, known for floating in tin cans, sporting screwed up eyes and a screwed down haircut, a man who has fallen towards his home planet and questioned life on others.

Needless to say JCG has taken the finest elements of the track and reworked them to bring joy to any serious dancefloor, moonlit or otherwise. Funky tribal percussion, dramatic synths and echoes add depth and modernity to the sound and vision of the original and of course that all-important instantly recognisable bass stab is stronger than ever. Flip for a stripped up, not down, dub and the result is a superb record that will be played far more than just for one day.
Robot 84 - Special Editions Robot 84
Robot 84
Special Editions Robot 84
12" | 2024 | UK | Original (Magic Wand)
15,99 €*
Release: 2024 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Eternal Love - L'amore E
Eternal Love
L'amore E
12" | 2024 | EU | Original (Groovin)
13,99 €*
Release: 2024 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Eternal Love's "L'Amore È" is a vibrant musical journey that radiates with nostalgic beats and modern electronic flair. Each track is a testament to the duo’s ability to reimagine their Italian roots through pulsating synths, captivating percussion, and ethereal vocals. With contributions from Marquis, Marianne Mirage and Dea Barandana, the EP intertwines stories of love, passion, and euphoria, all wrapped in infectious grooves that are sure to electrify any dance floor.
Sgt Slick - Volume 3
Sgt Slick
Volume 3
12" | 2024 | UK | Original (Sgt Slick Recuts)
17,99 €*
Release: 2024 / UK – Original
Genre: Organic Grooves, Electronic & Dance
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Melbourne's Sgt Slick returns with another 4 superb re-edits for Vol 3 of his massive Recuts imprint. 20 years deep in the game, accolades aplenty, collabs with some the finest out there and a serious string of his own productions, Sgt Slick knows what works on the dancefloor and these edits showcase that to a T. Featuring some of the biggest names around mixed for the floor, as always Buy or Cry.
Banco De Gaia - Trauma
Banco De Gaia
LP | 2024 | UK | Original (Disco Gecko)
18,99 €*
Release: 2024 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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For over three decades Toby Marks, aka Banco de Gaia, has been redefining world electronica, leaving an indelible footprint on the global music scene, rousing many a dancefloor, and inspiring countless musicians to follow. At the forefront of blending acoustic and electronic sounds, integrating themes and techniques from cultures and traditions the world over, Toby has worked with musicians and producers as ingenious and diverse as Pink Floyd's Dick Parry, Natacha Atlas, Tim Wheater and Hawkwind– to name just a few.
Ranging from cinematic ambience to pounding dancefloor-fillers, his music defies genres, and borrows from a wealth of musical sources and styles. Toby's background in jazz and rock combine with his love of dance and world music to produce a glorious, uplifting and, at times, mesmerizing sound.
Harri Pearson - Special Editions Harri Pearson
Harri Pearson
Special Editions Harri Pearson
12" | 2025 | UK | Original (Magic Wand)
16,99 €*
Release: 2025 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Preorder shipping from 2025-05-09
Harri Pearson is referred to as 'the Most Balearic Man in The World' and goes someway to prove that here on Magic Wand. 'Sweet Machine' is a lively disco cut with plenty of raw machine sounds, elements of peak-time party flavours and fat synths. 'Drums Of Fire' flips the script with a much more chilled out and exotic downtempo offering and 'Acid Reign' is a real dreamy excursion on bongo-laced drums. 'Trash Dubbing' brings a little grit and sleaze to close.
Guy Contact And Solar Suite - Perfect Harmony EP
Guy Contact And Solar Suite
Perfect Harmony EP
12" | 2025 | UK | Original (Wax'O Paradiso)
23,99 €*
Release: 2025 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Preorder shipping from 2025-03-21
Wax’o Paradiso Recordings continues their exploration of antipodean downtempo sounds with Wpr005 - The Perfect Harmony EP. Enlisting Guy contact and Solar Suite, who individually are known for more powerful club fodder across the progressive and trance adjacent sides of the genre spectrum, here we see them trading a few BPMs for a spacious, textural sound across four tracks recorded in 2023 in a shared studio in Naarm/Melbourne. Written and Produced by Callum Chute & Benjamin Stendell Mastered by Joseph Buchan Artwork by Beautiful Shrubs
V.A. - Le Grand Ouest 1978-1988
Le Grand Ouest 1978-1988
LP | 2024 | EU | Original (Les Editions Vermillon)
26,99 €*
Release: 2024 / EU – Original
Genre: Organic Grooves, Electronic & Dance
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This compilation features tracks released between 1978 and 1988 in Western France.

Through this compilation, we strove to highlight a little-known regional scene, characteristic of the diverse and sometimes opposing music movements of the 80s. Through this musical journey across the Brittany, Normandy, and Pays-de-la-Loire regions, we sought to showcase a resolutely indie aesthetic, sometimes conceived in some of France’s most unusual studios, such as a bunker and a caravan.

We’ve found it difficult to make attribute an established, well-defined genre to some of the tracks featured on this compilation. They draw, each in their own way, from the rock scene that dominated the 80s in France, from countercultures, from American stars who shone on the country’s radio stations and in its record stores, and even from local folk music.

While one could hear an harmony across the tracks featured on Le Grand Ouest, channeling this manifold energy onto a record required extensive research through the Brittany, Normandy, and Pays de la Loire regions’ discographies. Over the three years since the release of Le Grand Sud-Est, we have meticulously researched the references of artists, musicians, studios, labels, and publishers from each region. We sought to trace each artist to identify and listen to all their works from that period, and, when possible, collect unreleased recordings, left as demo cassettes on the artists' dusty shelves.

The synthesis of this research, presented here under the title Le Grand Ouest, hopes to remind us of the timelessness of the indie scene in our country, through the lens of the 80s Western France’s scene. Whereas Le Grand Sud-Est exhibited the funkiest sides of the Provençale and Rhône-Alpes scene, Le Grand Ouest leans towards a more mellow, introverted music, an expression of groups of friends united by the joy of playing together.

The first 500 copies of the record come with an extensive booklet with unpublished photos, press clippings, and texts for each track.
F.Lli Paradiso - La Danza Della Giungla
F.Lli Paradiso
La Danza Della Giungla
12" | 2024 | EU | Original (La Sirenetta)
19,99 €*
Release: 2024 / EU – Original
Genre: Organic Grooves, Electronic & Dance
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Maledetta Discoteca proudly announces the birth of their first daughter LA Sirenetta (*The mermaid) and the release of her first record!

An hommage to the Italian Afro scene of the late 80s, La Sirenetta is a sub-label born to take World Music to the next level for the contemporary Dancing Club Scene. We aim at digging, selecting and editing obscure bangers from our analogue record collections, travelling from Martinique to Ivory Coast, from Nigeria to Haiti, and giving them back to deejays and dancefloors in high-quality, highly collectable, 12” releases.

PS : This is the first release of a series that will delight collectors of Afro and World Music…we won’t stop, we just started!
Harri Pierson - The Most Balearic Record In The World
Harri Pierson
The Most Balearic Record In The World
12" | 2024 | UK | Original (Duca Bianca)
18,99 €*
Release: 2024 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Pais Tropical - Melodya 2024 Repress
Pais Tropical
Melodya 2024 Repress
12" | 1990 | EU | Reissue (Thank You)
15,99 €*
Release: 1990 / EU – Reissue
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Without doubt a balearic anthem, sounding so familiar yet at the same time maybe never heard before on too many contemporary dance floors. This track checks all the boxes: generous synthetic low end bass lines, catchy piano/string riffs, Spanish vocals, Flamenco guitar accents, dreamy synth chords, early synthesized flutes. Play this on any outdoor festival dance floor this summer and see for yourself, sunset or sunrise this will establish a moment of truth on the floor. Comes with 3 different remixes to choose from, all great, no fluff. Seriously remastered with new highly suggestive full color artwork.
Lono Ritmo - Luz De Luna Feat. Leo Power & Pablo Dominguez
Lono Ritmo
Luz De Luna Feat. Leo Power & Pablo Dominguez
12" | 2024 | UK | Original (Is It Balearic)
16,99 €*
Release: 2024 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Lono Ritmo arrive at IIB HQ from some distant mysterious exotic land bringing a deeply authentic gypsy flamenco rhythm with them. Luz de Luna has a Spine tingling vocals and emotive guitar transporting you to a Spanish mountain side camp under the setting sun. Pablo's Groove highlights the percussion tracks. Ibiza legends Dj Pippi and Willie Graf turn the OG into a trademark deep dance floor groove that would sound right at home in their Ibiza dj sets The Dubstrumental drops the Vox and the hypnotic dance is on. Already roadtested on the white Isle last summer, Authentico!
Psychemagik - Undercover Lovers Volume 3
Undercover Lovers Volume 3
12" | 2024 | UK | Original (Undercover Lovers)
16,99 €*
Release: 2024 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Undercover Lovers AKA Psychemagik's spectacular cover version excursion returns ! Ultra-Limited pressing on this one…
Jura Soundsystem - Remix Special
Jura Soundsystem
Remix Special
12" | 2024 | EU | Original (Temples Of Jura)
16,99 €*
Release: 2024 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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3mm spine Kraftboard sleeve with sticker. Quiet Village, Tapes (Jahtari / Rezzett / Good Morning Tapes etc ) and Goodblock remixes

The label say: "A remix 12” of three Jura Soundsystem classics featuring interpretations from Quiet Village, Tapes and Good Block. “Having released a few Eps and an LP it felt like a fun thing to get some remixes. I’ve ticked off a few musical bucket list items with this 12”, Quiet Village being the big one. I’m a bit of a fanboy and Joel & Matt have not disappointed with a remix that sounds simultaneously futuristic and classic. Tapes brings his unique brand of Dub House and Good Block round off the party with a 90’s influenced slice of Balearic house”. (Kevin / Jura Soundsystem).

Designed by Bradley Pinkerton.
Catching Flies - Beats & Pieces Colored Vinyl Edition
Catching Flies
Beats & Pieces Colored Vinyl Edition
LP | 2024 | UK | Original (Indigo Soul)
23,99 €*
Release: 2024 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Preorder shipping from 2025-04-11
'I hired an Airbnb in Ojai after a tour of the US West Coast and made a Beat Tape. It's an ode to the 90's/2000's Downtempo Beats scene I grew up listening to.' CF's BBC Radio 1 Essential Mix aired in November 2024. Artist support from Bonobo, Maribou State, Hnny, Parra for Cuva. Previous support from Billboard, The Guardian, iD Magazine, Nowness, Diplo, Jungle, Loyle Carner & Nils Frahm.
Catching Flies – aka multi-instrumentalist, producer and DJ George King - is known for his unique take on soulful and melodic electronic music. His music is a bass heavy yet melodic mesh of broody electronics and intricate rhythms, containing shades of everything from hip-hop to house, from soul to jazz. He has released music on Ninja Tune, Anjunadeep and Cercle, as well as his own label Indigo Soul. 2024 highlights include an Essential Mix for BBC Radio 1 and a Live Performance video with a String Quartet for Anjunadeep. He also recorded a live performance video of 'Orsay' at the iconic Musee d'Orsay in Paris. He has collaborated with and been remixed by some of the biggest names in Electronic music including Sofia Kourtesis, Hot Chip, Pretty Girl and DJ Seinfeld. Artist support for Catching Flies' music has come far and wide - from Diplo, Bonobo and Keinemusik, to Jungle, Nils Frahm and Loyle Carner… to name a few. This is perhaps a testament to his effortless versatility and skill as a Producer. You never really know where he will go next, but the results are always spectacular.
Catching Flies debut album 'Silver Linings' contained shades of everything from hip-hop to house, from soul to jazz, and was hailed as 'a soundtrack to Summertime' by the 405 - and was awarded album of the month by Future Music who described it as 'a brilliantly eclectic record… a moving journey that will last long in the memory.' Clash Magazine praised the LP's 'killer beats' and 'artfully orchestrated introspection,' whilst London In Stereo praised it's 'exceptional production.' Other press coverage for the album included The Guardian, Complex, Nowness, Mixmag, iD Magazine, Dazed & Confused, The Line of Best Fit and more. He has received radio support from the likes of Gilles Peterson, Pete Tong, Benji B, Annie Mac, Lauren Laverne, Mary Anne Hobbes & Huw Stephens. Artist support for 'Silver Linings' has come from the likes of Diplo, Bonobo, Caribou, Loyle Carner, The Blessed Madonna, Keinemusik, Rufus Du Sol, George Fitzgerald and Lane 8. He toured the album performing headline Live shows throughout the UK, Europe, Asia and North America, as well as DJ shows at Bonobo's 'outlier' event series in Europe and North America.
Sade - Somebody Already Broke My Heart / Hang On To Your Love Remixes
Somebody Already Broke My Heart / Hang On To Your Love Remixes
12" | US
14,99 €*
Release: US
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Sade - Surrender Your Love / Haunt Me Remixes
Surrender Your Love / Haunt Me Remixes
12" | US
14,99 €*
Release: US
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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T3al - Bluish Green
Bluish Green
12" | 2025 | UK | Original (Spiritual World)
20,99 €*
Release: 2025 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Bluish Green was 15 + years in the making, passively percolating bi-coastly in the background of three family members' lives, waiting for the perfect opportunity to present itself. That moment came in January 2024 when Ball Sisters & N1_Sound settled into the Spiritual World home base of Studio Z in Toronto, Canada. What started as three casually blissful days, resulted in a debut album, combining a unique blend of dub, neo soul, ambient & downtempo. Bluish Green sits halfway between a low-key dance floor and late night back room.

The album was almost entirely created live in the studio with very little discussion, conversation or conscious direction. There were no goals or future plans, just mutual appreciation for the moment. Repeat takes were few and far between, with the group moving fluidly from one track to the next. This preservation of emotion and human touch is deeply embedded into the music, allowing the listener to share in the raw moments that were experienced while Bluish Green was organically taking shape.

Sonic themes of the natural world run throughout the five song, 30 minute album. “R U 4 Real” welcomes the listener into T3al’s unique ecosystem with intimate cicade-esque shakers. A reverberous güiro frog (acquired on a family trip one year ago) and synthesized ocean waves create an ambient wetland on the album's 8 minute instrument track “Frog Legacy ''. Bluish Green comes to a shimmering close on “Flip That Switch” with dubbed out crystalline slide-flute melodies resembling ocean birds that fade into an iridescent horizon.

Digital drum patterns skip & stride around contemplative circular lyrical themes on four of the five album tracks, while spatial flute melodies simultaneously spin just under the surface. The bass guitar on Bluish Green is a continuous harmonic support system, repeating on a different tectonic rotation, much slower and deeper, offering familiar footing that stops the listener from drifting out in the rippling undertow of analogue delay feedback.

“R U 4 Real”?... A question that T3al revisits frequently when thinking of the surreal weekend that resulted in the trio’s debut album, Bluish Green
Coming Soon
Plastic Bamboo
Cinerama EP
12" | 2025 | US | Original (Star Creature)
19,99 €*
Release: 2025 / US – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Preorder shipping from 2025-04-04
This is a delicious slice of Balearic meets Parisian translation of Italo boogie of the finest degree. A 6-track slab of cosmic disco perfection and crime jazz seductions. TIM ZAWADA's Star Creature continues to unearth these highly skilled scene new-comers like some sort of literal funk monk.
Coyote - Coyote Special Editions Volume 2
Coyote Special Editions Volume 2
12" | 2023 | UK | Original (Magic Wand)
14,99 €*
Release: 2023 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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It is time to succumb to the sounds of the Magic Wand label once more and this eighth sonic spell is another one that will leave you happily helpless. It finds the Coyote lads step away from their fine work on Is It Balearic? to cook up two top edits. First up they offer 'Lonely' - a broody, steamy and shimmering tropical Balearic workout and then comes the organic and lazy drums of 'Western Revolution' with an iconic gravelly vocal from Gil Scott Heron. There are folk-tinged Americana sounds on 'Love Home' and laid-back disco licks on the seductive 'Luca' to make this a summer party essential.
Hideki Matsutake, Chojuro Imafuji, Masashi Komatsubara - Edo Black Vinyl Edition
Hideki Matsutake, Chojuro Imafuji, Masashi Komatsubara
Edo Black Vinyl Edition
LP | 1977 | EU | Reissue (Soave)
23,99 €*
Release: 1977 / EU – Reissue
Genre: Organic Grooves, Electronic & Dance
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Edo” is a cosmic ambient experimental masterpiece conceived in 1977 by Masashi Komatsubara and developed alongside with Hideki Matsutake (a.k.a. Logic System and reductively defined by many as the "fourth member of the Yellow Magic Orchestra"). As a true sound scientist, he pours all his efforts into this record, and aimed at the widest possible use of an electronic instrument that was at the forefront at that time — the Moog IIIc. He extends his research by trying to break down the last wall between modernity and the past: the union and eurythmy between artificial sounds and traditional sounds. All this through a perfect three-way collaboration together with the shamisen musician Konae Imato, and the creation of a unique and extraordinary charming work dedicated to the double soul of the capital of Japan: ancient Edo, now the current day city of Tokyo.
Jack J - Opening The Door
Jack J
Opening The Door
LP | 2022 | UK | Original (Mood Hut)
24,99 €*
Release: 2022 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Seven years since releasing two back to back dance floor hits, Jack J returns to the airwaves with this amazing LP on Mood Hut Records. Worth the wait!
Space Ghost - Private Paradise
Space Ghost
Private Paradise
LP | 2022 | UK | Original (Pacific Rhythm)
24,99 €*
Release: 2022 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Pacific Rhythm is elated to present a grounding offering from Oakland's Space Ghost entitled Private Paradise as our first release of 2022. The LP is an ode to Space Ghost's time spent at Sea Ranch on the Northern California coast, a place he and his partner visit to refresh their spirit and regain optimism and enthusiasm for the outside world. Private Paradise possesses a rare ability to restore, rejuvenate, and inspire through each listen and is something we've only grown more and more fond of during the unforeseen complications we encountered during its release over the past two years. It's a piece of music that feels like a perfect nod to where we've been musically for the past 8 years and where we see ourselves heading in the future. Deep, contemplative, and uplifting audio that compels its listeners to focus on the positive forces in the world and the power of being present in a moment.
Maugli - Alba
LP | 2021 | EU | Original (YNFND)
17,99 €*
Release: 2021 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Maugli blends vibrant sounds and driving rhythms from all over the globe. With a background as a drummer and of various styles, his genre-bending music blends sampling and recording into a lively collage. His crisp arrangements balance an electronic yet organic feeling. His debut album “Alba” (translated from Italian as “sunset“) is inspired by traditional music and the dance rituals of various Afro cultures and their diaspora such as capoeira, work songs or gnawa. While seeking to translate their spirit into the present day, MAUGLI combines these elements with electronic music, wobbling synthesizers and stomping beats. “Ladainha” is a soulful homage to the capoeira culture featuring Professor Chipreu PDM and "Baksheesh" to the rich American blues tradition, with hypnotic synth riffs and chopped up guitar licks resolving in a south african chant (recorded in the late 1950`s). “Mizan” opens with a pounding Guembri (a traditional gnawa three-stringed lute) accompanied by it’s descendant the ’banjo‘, allowing the sampled berber vocals to shine through. “Rawa’s” striking guitar riff is set up against biting synth blobs and piano chords, Nigerian fiddles and chants that swing us deeply into the groove. Get your ticket, for this album is an outernational roundtrip.
Jazz N Palms - Jazz N Palms 05
Jazz N Palms
Jazz N Palms 05
12" | 2021 | EU | Original (Jazz N Palms)
14,99 €*
Release: 2021 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Volume 5: Jazz N Palms returns with another selection of some of the most iconic sunset, poolside sounds to be heard at Pikes Hotel (Ibiza), reworked, retouched and edited for your listening pleasure. A trusted taste, Jazz N Palms warms up the monthly exclusive Ronnie Scott's (London) jazz concerts held at Pikes, fusing jazz sartorially with Latin, funk, rock and international sounds to be enjoyed under the palms and the sun of the Mediterranean sea.
Beppe Loda - Obscure Italian Space Prog
Beppe Loda
Obscure Italian Space Prog
12" | 2018 | US | Original (Gail Force Disco)
14,99 €*
Release: 2018 / US – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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BEPPE LODA is back with OBSCURE ITALIAN SPACE PROG. This is the 2nd release on GAIL FORCE DISCO RECORDS which explores rare tracks that blur the line between disco and prog rock from 70's and 80's Italy.
Il Guardiano Del Faro - Oasis
Il Guardiano Del Faro
LP | 1978 | EU | Reissue (Time Capsule)
18,99 €*
Release: 1978 / EU – Reissue
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Time Capsule is a new reissue label that unites the record collectors and DJs of the brilliant corners and Beauty & The Beat communities in London. For each release, Kay Suzuki works alongside one co-curator to reinstate and repackage the music they hold dear into perfectly restored historic artifacts.
For the first release, brilliant corners regular and Meda Fury signing Ryota OPP curates the reissue of Il Guardiano Del Faro’s 1978 album Oasis.
Born 1940 in Milan, Federico Monti Arduini was a child prodigy who studied piano and was already performing at concerts from the age of eight. He composed pop songs for other artists which sold millions of copies, but his own solo success came after he encountered synthesizers in the early 70s. Viewed as a precursor of New Age sound art, Arduini was one of the first producers in Italy to use the Moog synthesizer and a meeting with Bob Moog in New York only added to this obsession. He was also an early adopter of the tradition among electronic producers to use a moniker to disguise his identity. Il Guardiano Del Faro (translated as “the guardian of lighthouse”) is a nod to the small Italian fishing town Porto Santo Stefano, where Arduini created his studio in the mid-70s.
He produced a number of albums from this seaside idyl of electronic instruments and tape recorders, but Oasis stands out from the pack. Released in 1978, it became a cult classic for its experimental sounds and emotional expressions. Spiritual synth sounds cover the album in a dreamy haze, oscillating between ambient and psychedelic. Sparing deployment of the Roland rhythm box gives dance floor favourites ‘Disco Divina’ and ‘Oasis’ touches of space disco and even teases proto-house elements like the great Sun Palace.
“The passionate and dramatic sound of Il Guardiano Del Faro made me fantasise about so many romantic aspects of Italian culture. Oasis is sonically more interesting than his other albums and these exotic, eccentric rhythms sound quite familiar to the modern music fans.” Ryota
Lord Echo - The Sweetest Meditation Remixes
Lord Echo
The Sweetest Meditation Remixes
12" | 2017 | EU | Original (Soundway)
13,99 €*
Release: 2017 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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DJs and fans alike can look forward to another helping of Lord Echo, with a new 12” featuring fresh takes on his high-rolling summertime opus “The Sweetest Meditation” from his latest hit album “Harmonies”. Expect luxurious slices of disco dub with a new mix cooked up by the Lord himself, a remix by long time collaborator Julien Dyne, a Black Ark style disco-dub of a rare early version as well as the original mix heard for the first time at 45 RRM. Please enjoy™.
Adolf Stern - More... I Like It
Adolf Stern
More... I Like It
12" | 1979 | EU | Reissue (Best Record Italy)
16,99 €*
Release: 1979 / EU – Reissue
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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The most obscure and sought after italian electronic release, but also another extraordinary 70s output from the legendary Regson Studio of Milan remembering in 1976 "Funky Bump" and a year later "Disco Shitan", both produced by Pino Presti. The eclectic brother of Vangelis chit> he was playing keyboards like him, helped by Yorgos Pentzikis for the "vocoder" vocals, reached the right sound for one of the craziest electronic disco song now available for for the first time on 12, containing also the unreleased instrumental version. Nikos Papathanassiou in 1976 achieving success with the disco-hit "U" by Chrisma, but Maurizio Arcieri cousin of Pino Presti and Chrisma's leader, moved towards new-wave and punk. So for the orchestral conducting of a new cosmic-disco project titled MoreI Like It he involved Rodolfo Grieco who later produced in the emerging genre of Italo-Disco great classics like "Going Crazy" by Lily Ann."
V.A. - Earthly Tapes 04
Earthly Tapes 04
12" | 2025 | UK | Original (Earthly Measures)
17,99 €*
Release: 2025 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Preorder shipping from 2025-03-14
Restoring balance to our series of earthly compilations, one that has brought to you an array of different artists, all with the collective goal of sharing the joy of exploring musical wonders with no borders, we have Earthly Tapes 04.

In keeping with the series so far, nature and electronica intertwine in unison to share a space as befitting to hedonistic dancefloor groovers as it is to homebound explorations. With this release, we have 7 wonderful artists expressing their creativity across 6 carefully curated tracks, with native roots connected to 5 different countries across South America and Europe.

2 years in the making and chopping and changing as it’s passed through the motions, what has remained is the concept behind it. On this edition, we're shining a light on a small portion of female producers within a music scene that we’re fortunate to be a part of.

Each artist that has carefully created a track for this compilation, has also contributed their beautiful crafts within the Organica/Folkloric/Downtempo scene and we’re truly blessed to be able to share them with you. The countdown to the release of this next chapter finds us coinciding fittingly with International Women’s Day.
Andy Somoza & The Cap Boy - Tscl002
Andy Somoza & The Cap Boy
12" | 2025 | EU | Original (Toscal)
13,99 €*
Release: 2025 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Toscal Records proudly presents its second vinyl release, Tscl002. Following the success of its debut, the label continues to showcase extraordinary talent with this transatlantic collaboration. Bolivian producer Andy Somoza and Valencian artist The Cap Boy unite their creative forces on one captivating record. The release features two standout tracks from each artist. Andy Somoza delivers the cosmic groove of UFO DJ and the electrifying rhythm of Random Danzer. On the flip side, The Cap Boy offers the infectious energy of Willys and the raw intensity of Angry Cooper.
T3al - Bluish Green Remixes
Bluish Green Remixes
12" | 2025 | UK | Original (Spiritual World)
20,99 €*
Release: 2025 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Om Unit, Skrs Intl, Frankie Downbeat & N1_sound reimagine T3al’s debut 12” with four new remixes ranging from casio digi, dubby street soul, dance floor euphoria & lofty exotica. T3al’s debut offering, Bluish Green was released in May of 2024, selling out its initial limited edition 12” run almost immediately.

When It came time to explore what to do next, it just seemed logical to reach out to close friends and explore a companion remix record to release in tandem with a repress of the original 12”.

Each track on Bluish Green Remixes hones in with razor precision on the sounds and influences that T3al blend together to create their unique soulful dub sound. Frankie Downbeat’s take on album opener ‘R U 4 Real” puts the digi back into dub with a crunchy Casio rework. N1_sound’s “Stretch Mix” cranks up the low end with a thumping Roland 808 beat. Om Unit’s “Weightless - Sunrise Dub” is deep dance floor crusher & Skrs Intl smooth it all out with a smoke filled lofty version of album closer “Flip That Switch”.

The end result is a 12” that covers a lot of ground while simultaneously remaining incredibly cohesive & complementary to the original
Heart Sphere (Tornado Wallace & Jamie Tiller) - E.R. (Emergency Relief) 2024 Repress
Heart Sphere (Tornado Wallace & Jamie Tiller)
E.R. (Emergency Relief) 2024 Repress
12" | 2021 | UK | Reissue (Basic Spirit)
20,99 €*
Release: 2021 / UK – Reissue
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Limited 2024 Repress

Tornado Wallace and Jamie Tiller present Heart Sphere, on their new imprint Basic Spirit. The first release "E.R. (Emergency Relief)", is a mid-tempo, cosmic trance manifestation with three revisions; Guitar Mix, Piano MIx, and the vinyl only Children Mix. For disciples of Big Room Balearic ™️, new-normal-beat, classic-trance, and George Clooney.
V.A. - Balearic Headspace Volume 7 Sampler
Balearic Headspace Volume 7 Sampler
12" | 2024 | UK | Original (Riot)
17,99 €*
Release: 2024 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Riot records return with the next installment of their Balearic Headspace compilation here we have a sampler featuring some of the biggest tracks.
Gosha Martynov & Natasha Sinyakova - Imena Rek
Gosha Martynov & Natasha Sinyakova
Imena Rek
LP | 2024 | EU | Original (Growing Bin)
24,99 €*
Release: 2024 / EU – Original
Genre: Organic Grooves, Electronic & Dance
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Following a fallow 2023, a rejuvenated Growing Bin return to your turntable with this sublime collaborative LP from Gosha Martynov & Natasha Sinyakova. On their first foray into the physical, the duo expand the spectral ambience and medicated breaks of their earlier work with lithe touches of organic jazz and Cafe Del Mar cool, creating a complex assemblage of dreamy downbeat and emotive electronica that's entirely easy on the ears.

Opener "Pozhaluysta" seduces with smart syncopation and beguiling melody, its flute and fretwork finding ample space to slip around Natasha's voice, equal parts Cocteau operatics and jazz-club coquette, in an expression of a want beyond words. The mood shifting "Osvobodi Menia" sees the solemn, snaking sound of a sampled duduk drift into an optimism of airy pads and escapist mantra, suspended in reverb until the end of time. "Ya Tebia Zhdala" began life as a break-led experiment, gradually evolving into a romantic and naive sketch rich with splashes of piano and dynamic chorus pads. Naturalist hymn "O Dereve" weaves a dark and intimate tale from the point of view of a veteran tree as its buzzsaw guitar loops blossom into multilayered vocals full of emotion.

Awash with sonar sweeps, sumptuous pads and rolling subs, the titular "Imena Rek" channels post-rave bliss into the hypnagogic anthem the contemporary IDM-ographic have been searching for. Infectious hooks and spaced out pads ride the breakbeat rhythm for a dreamy experimental pop banger from another planet. The sombre sway of "Rany", filtered through the fog of a broken cassette recorder, trance djembe and unpredictable bass tones rivals the finest Motion Ward or In:dex releases for crepuscular charm, while "Smeshno" sees serrated drones sink into a slinking rhythm, playing counterpoint to the tender chords and yearning vocals.

"Iskra" closes out the chiasmus with a return to the organic experience of the opener, the flute and acoustic guitar augmented with nuanced hand percussion and a music box refrain. Listening to this album is like a midnight walk through an ancient forest - an experience which both scares and tempts you at the same time. From touching damp moss to feeling the thick fog with your body and watching mushrooms glow in the dark, 'Imena Rek' guides you through the terrain.

Flawlessly arranged and executed, this LP alludes to a long lineage of innovative downbeat, feels absolutely essential in the present and pushes the trip hop revivalists towards a fascinating future - Gosha Martynov & Natasha Sinyakova have created a timeless piece of music,
but what else do you expect from the Bin?

A1 Pozhaluysta B1 Imena Rek
A2 Osvobodi Menia B2 Rany
A3 Ya Tebia Zhdala B3 Smeshno
A4 O Dereve B4 Iskra

Music by Gosha Martynov & Natasha Sinyakova
Mastered by Sergey Luginin @ Luginin Studio in Moscow
Distributed by wordandsound from Hamburg
Sales notes by Patrick Ryder
V.A. - The Other Sound Of Music
The Other Sound Of Music
LP | 2024 | EU | Original (Editions Hawara)
28,99 €*
Release: 2024 / EU – Original
Genre: Organic Grooves, Electronic & Dance
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Preorder shipping from 2025-03-14
The Other Sound of Music is Edition Hawara’s first compilation of forgotten Austrian treasures from the 1980s. Plucked from dusty basements, flea markets and bespoke stores across the small Alpine country, it features eight quirky and charming pieces that afford a glimpse into largely unknown but surprisingly rich musical subcultures. The lovingly curated selection brings to light early soul, boogie and proto-house productions, as well as some of the most balearic tracks that have ever been made in a landlocked country. Finally giving this music the stage it deserves, The Other Sound of Music is the definitive guide to the outer limits of the Austrian underground.
Masahiro Sugaya - The Long Living Things
Masahiro Sugaya
The Long Living Things
LP | 2024 | JP | Original (P-Vine)
38,99 €*
Release: 2024 / JP – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Masahiro Sugaya, his name is now known worldwide as one of the leading artists of Japanese ambient, which has been re-evaluated worldwide in recent years. The Long Living Things, the album was released in 1988 by Japanese musician/composer Masahiro Sugaya for performing arts company "Pappa Tarahumara", which he also belonged to, and has long been overlooked by all but a few enthusiastic music lovers. P-vine is honoured to have the honour of reissuing this great work on vinyl for the first time in the world. The second track ‘Umi No Sunatsubu’ was included into the Grammy-nominated album "Kankyo Ongaku" released by Light In The Attic. Minimalistic, interwoven soft sequences give his music a feeling of floating and warming, this sound is representing the very essence of the Japanese ambient. His compilation album "Horizon, Volume 1" was released on the label Empire Of Signs, which produces some Japanese ambient reissues, such as Hiroshi Yoshimura's Music From Nine Postcards and Inoyama Land's Commissions: 1977-2000. 
Tom Noble Presents: House Of Spirits - Times Are Changing
Tom Noble Presents: House Of Spirits
Times Are Changing
12" | 2024 | UK | Original (Razor-N-Tape Reserve)
17,99 €*
Release: 2024 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Tom Noble, digger extraordinaire, owner of Superior Elevation Records, and general Brooklyn/LA legend, dons his House Of Sprits moniker for the first single from a forthcoming LP on Razor-N-Tape.

'Times Are Changing' sets the tone for this album project that collects the work of nearly 15 years, a gritty vision of modern-retro soul that throws a reverent nod to its Mizell Brothers and Patrick Adams influences as it brings the sound into the future. Recorded with all live instrumentation and mixed tough for the dance floor, this limited 12 Inch boasts an extended original and instrumental on the A side, and a huge remix from Aussie synth wizard Harvey Sutherland on the flip that highlights the rich instrumentation and extremely catchy vocal hook. A surefire summer jam, this is timeless music that is only the tip of the iceberg from a future classic album.
V.A. - Cosmosis: Journeys Into The Infinite Colored Vinyl Edition
Cosmosis: Journeys Into The Infinite Colored Vinyl Edition
LP | 2024 | UK | Original (Secrets Of Sound)
26,99 €*
Release: 2024 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Secrets Of Sound sold out their first release in quick fashion and now they return with a second instalment in the Exotic Origins series, designed to take you a million light years away from your current reality and deep into the far depths of space with eight superbly cosmic explorations of ambient and downtempo magic. Italians Do It Better man Johnny Jewel kicks off with some sultry sax-laced sounds, David Lynch's musical partner Dean Hurley crushes on shimmering pads and Pye Corner Audio bring a little intergalactic tension. Elsewhere there are sugary synths from Legowelt, suspensory pads from TM Solver and plenty more to help you escape to another dimension. Add to that the fact it arrives on a random variety of different vinyl colours and comes with a download code, and you've got rather a nice package.
Oscar Sulley & The Uhuru Dance Band - Bukom Mashie (Jkriv Reworks)
Oscar Sulley & The Uhuru Dance Band
Bukom Mashie (Jkriv Reworks)
7" | 2024 | UK | Original (Razor-N-Tape 45)
17,99 €*
Release: 2024 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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JKriv’s long out-of-press Bukom Mashie Rework gets a king-size reboot in this tasty 7 Inch package with a fresh new acid dub! J’s original 8 min opus is nipped and tucked in all the right places to make for a streamlined A-side stomper, and a brand new version on the flip, with a tastefully reimagined arrangement, punctuated with spicy 303 acid lines and live flute performed by the inimitable Domenica (of Underground System). Big summer banger alert!

Played on 6Music by Tom Ravenscroft & Deb Grant.
Louisa Miller / Wing An' A Prayer Band - Share The Love Around 2024 Repress
Louisa Miller / Wing An' A Prayer Band
Share The Love Around 2024 Repress
12" | 1989 | EU | Reissue (Miss You)
15,99 €*
Release: 1989 / EU – Reissue
Genre: Electronic & Dance, Reggae & Dancehall
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Reissue from 1989, amazing leftfield Lovers Rock featuring extended dub version - emotional love bomb. Re-mastered and restored.
Paranoid Pyramid - Analog Dream Simulator Marbled Vinyl Edition
Paranoid Pyramid
Analog Dream Simulator Marbled Vinyl Edition
LP | 2024 | US | Original (Mystical Disco)
14,99 €* 19,99 € -25%
Release: 2024 / US – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Mystical Disco presents Analog Dream Simulator, the first full length ambient LP from Paranoid Pyramid. Utilizing Sequential Circuits and Moog synthesizers, each song reveals a secret door into the subconscious. Mystical pads conjure visions of distant dream-realms accompanied by melodies that evoke the simplicity of childhood memories. Analog Dream Simulator is by turns joyful and mysterious, intimate and cosmic. Journey to the antipodes of the mind with Paranoid Pyramid. Life is but a Dream
V.A. - Heisei No Oto - Japanese Left-Field Pop From The CD Age 1989-1996 2024 Repress
Heisei No Oto - Japanese Left-Field Pop From The CD Age 1989-1996 2024 Repress
2LP | 2021 | EU | Reissue (Music From Memory)
28,99 €*
Release: 2021 / EU – Reissue
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Music From Memory is excited to announce a special compilation that they’ve been working on for some time now; Mfm053 – VA – Heisei No Oto – Japanese Left-field Pop From The CD Age (1989-1996). Compiled by long-time friends of the label, Eiji Taniguchi and Norio Sato, Heisei No Oto delves into a world of music released almost exclusively on CD and brings together a fascinating selection of discoveries from a little known and overlooked part of Japan’s musical history. The last ten or so years have seen a global wave of interest in Japanese music encompassing ambient, jazz, new wave and pop records from the 1980s, some of which is increasingly considered the most innovative and visionary music of that time. Although some music from this period, in the form of ‘City Pop’ or ‘rare groove’ records, had been coveted by collectors and DJs for a number of years, most Japanese music from the time was little known outside and often even within Japan. Sometime around the mid 2000s, two Osaka record store owners, Eiji Taniguchi of Revelation Time and Norio Sato of Rare Groove, along with a handful of deep Japanese diggers such as Chee Shimizu of Organic Music records in Tokyo, began to explore beyond the typical ‘grooves’ or ‘breaks’. Much like their counterparts in Europe and the US, they began delving into home-grown ambient, jazz, new wave and pop records, discovering visionary music, often driven by synthesizers or drum computers, that broke beyond the typical confines of their genres. Spending tireless hours in local record stores and embarking on digging trips across the country, Eiji Taniguchi and Norio Sato, much like Chee Shimizu, have been at the forefront of unearthing and introducing many of the very Japanese records now loved and sought after around the world. Yet as YouTube algorithms and vinyl reissues would transport such music into the global consciousness and demand and therefore scarcity intensified for such records, so Eiji and Norio have recently begun to turn their attention to CDs. The title of the compilation Heisei No Oto refers to the sound of the Heisei era, which began in 1989 and corresponds to the reign of Emperor Akihito until his abdication in 2019. Marking the culmination of one of the most rapid economic growths in Japanese history, 1989 also coincided with the music industry’s final shift away from vinyl in favour of CDs. And, although compact discs were first introduced seven years earlier it wasn’t until late into the ‘80s that, beyond dance music labels, CDs became the exclusive format for major and independent labels in Japan and throughout the world. This however didn’t signal the end of the innovation in Japan. Many of those same musicians who have become known for their work in the ‘80s would continue to produce outstanding music well into the mid ‘90s, as greater innovation and advances in musical equipment allowed Japanese musicians and producers to refine and explore new sounds. While musicians such as the seminal Haruomi Hosono, whose productions feature on a number of tracks, would continue to push the boundaries of these new technologies, these technological advances also meant less established musicians were able to make use of increasingly affordable but state-of-the-art equipment. Including music by Haruomi Hosono as well as Yasuaki Shimizu, Toshifumi Hinata and Ichiko Hashimoto who have become known and loved around the world in recent years, Hesei No Oto also features Japanese pop star Yosui Inoue, producers Jun Sato and Keisuke Kikuchi in aaddition to less established artists from the contemporary, jazz, new wave, pop and dance music scenes. Bringing together a selection of tracks that seem to define these specific genres and in fact move fluidly between a number of them, the music on the compilation is again underscored by experimentations with synthesizers and drum computers though with something of a gentle Pop sensibility. Reimagined here then under the encompassing term ‘Left-field Pop’, this is an exciting chapter in Japanese musical history that has only just begun to be fully explored.
Sgt Slick - Volume 2
Sgt Slick
Volume 2
12" | 2024 | UK | Original (Sgt Slick Recuts)
17,99 €*
Release: 2024 / UK – Original
Genre: Organic Grooves, Electronic & Dance
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Melbourne's Sgt Slick returns with another 4 supreb re-edits for his Recuts imprint. 20 years deep in the game, accolades aplenty, collabs with some the finest out there and a serious string of his own productions, Sgt Slick knows what works on the dancefloor and these edits showcase that to a T. Some out and out classics, reworked with the club clearly in mind.

Buy or Cry.
Sewell & The Gong - BiD006
Sewell & The Gong
12" | 2023 | UK | Original (Before I Die)
19,99 €*
Release: 2023 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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For BiD006 we're very pleased to announce that renowned Artist Matt Sewell has agreed to release his fledgling audio project, Sewell & The Gong on the label.

4 guitar led mystical meanderings and deep meditations of cosmic transcendental psychedelic folk. Matt's acoustic guitar has been a fixture of his studio for many years, although nobody would ever of known as he kept it pretty much to himself. Over the years he developed a self taught, repetitive, finger picked style in hushed tones to not bother anybody. Just a quiet little part of his studio practise, calming looping melodies.

Like his art, his music is very much inspired by nature, earth magic and cosmic wanderings. His 'A Crushing Glow' compilations are pretty much a defining list of inspirations. Never heard by anybody outside of the family home that all changed after Matt started working with Newcastle based multi-instrumentalist, fellow pathfinder and astral traveler Chris Tate. Combining forces Chris helped build a beautiful world for Matt's melodies to wander in, deep and lush and always, always positive.

It only feels right that this music now gets to stretch its legs in the outside world...
Coyote / Peaking Lights - Love Letters
Coyote / Peaking Lights
Love Letters
12" | 2025 | UK | Original (Is It Balearic)
17,99 €*
Release: 2025 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Preorder shipping from 2025-05-09
Coyote and Peaking Lights form a perfect pairing on this latest drop of bliss from Is It Balearic? They are artists who are drenched in dub influences and that comes to the fore on this direct collaboration which marries swirling dub with dreamy vocals and ghostly acid arpeggios to bring to mind a serene sunset after a long, hot and lazy day. 'Love Letters' is pure horizontal bliss, 'So Far Away' gets even slower and will drown you in synth succulence and Coyote's dub mix is laden with soothing delays and warm bass that transports you to an exotic world of weed-laced wonderment.
V.A. - Below The Horizon Volume 1
Below The Horizon Volume 1
LP | 2025 | UK | Original (Music For Swimming Pools)
21,99 €*
Release: 2025 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Preorder shipping from 2025-04-04
Pete Herbert is back with another tasteful assembled and escapist compilation. This one focuses on slowed-down, low-slung sounds for the golden hour when love is in the air and the vibes and blissful. Balearic mainstays feature throughout with Max Essa's 'Warm Enough' a delightfully humid and synth-laced deep house jaunt, Fernando's 'Moon Rocks' full of shimmering synth lushness and Pete Herbert's remix of Mantas & Vencla's 'Sun' offering some piano laced fun to rouse the 'floor.
Bo Wosticz - Suinga EP
Bo Wosticz
Suinga EP
12" | 2024 | UK | Original (Is It Balearic)
16,99 €*
Release: 2024 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Preorder shipping from 2025-04-04
Elkin & Nelson - Jibaro Red Vinyl Edition
Elkin & Nelson
Jibaro Red Vinyl Edition
12" | 1974 | EU | Reissue (CBS)
18,99 €*
Release: 1974 / EU – Reissue
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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A true Balearic classic. One of a handful of records that can comfortably boast this title, Elkin & Nelson's 1979 classic 'Jibaro' sits in the canon of selections that enlightened the ears of the jet-set and globe trotting music fanatics in the heady and much storied years of the White isle in the 1980's. The Colombian brothers Javier and Leon Marin Velez brought their own rustic brand of folksy-Rock-Psychedelia to the listening public in 1974 with their debut LP 'Angeles Y Demonios' on Columbia records. The brothers had relocated to Spain, snared a major label deal and ran with it. The first of 3 LP's it proved a big hit in later years with adventurous DJ's and selectors. A cult record you might say. Of course, this LP featured 'Jibaro' in all it's forms, but it is this 1986 reissue 12" promo pressing with it's iconic, distinctive jacket that was the coveted slab sonic adventurers were seeking. Fully sanctioned and legitimately remastered from the original sources and packaged in it's original Columbia promo sleeve 'Jibaro' is back on the shelves, still an incredible record that gets pulled by the most discerning selectors across the globe. A true classic, featured here in it's long and short versions as per the '86 release. Absolute top-shelf stuff here, essential, must own and classic.
Brightness Shallan Davar / Smackos Aka Legowelt - Whispers Of An Ancient World 2
Brightness Shallan Davar / Smackos Aka Legowelt
Whispers Of An Ancient World 2
LP | 2023 | UK | Original (Mystic & Quantum)
18,99 €*
Release: 2023 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Keeping up with the number of different aliases Legowelt has is as hard as keeping up with the number of personal beefs Prince Harry has, only far more worthy of your time. Here the prolific Dutch producer becomes Smackos and links up with Brightness Shallan Davar for a second of 10 proposed volumes of Whispers Of An Ancient World. Davar takes care of the first side, which offers four deeply atmospheric pieces of analogue ambient fuzz and cosmic imagery. Smackos steps up on the B-side with a more mystic ambient sound and plenty of his signature shapeshifting synth patterns that melt the mind and submerse you deep in an interplanetary world.
Mitka - Sound2
LP | 2023 | EU | Original (Dig)
20,99 €*
Release: 2023 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Mitka is a sound engineer and musician from Ekaterinburg, who mainly works in the film industry. We’ve contacted him after listening couple of his tracks on the web, his music amazed us, but we didn’t knew anything about Mitka himself. He doesn’t play live shows, doesn’t post on social media and in general it feels like he has an ascetic lifestyle. For “Sound2” album Mitka has been recording drums in the forest, because “acoustic there is better than at home” and he didn’t had money for a studio. He made a guitar by himself because regular fret position is not for him, many of his compositions are played in quarter tone. The titles of the songs on the album are just Mitka’s notes, for understanding harmonies and tunings. “Sound2” gives you the mystical and cinematic feeling, but at the same time sounds warm and familiar. While listenin this album you can imagine your walk through the green forest covered with fog. You might not know the way out, or how did you get there, but your mind can stay quiet and calm, because Mitka will be your guide.
V.A. - Itria Volume 3
Itria Volume 3
12" | 2022 | EU | Original (Polifonic)
13,99 €*
Release: 2022 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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#pf005 Itria VOL.3 is a slow techno-inspired cosmic journey that condenses in a single orbit a great cast of artists coming from different galaxies. It marks an evolution in sound and mood, taking us to a deeper and more visceral dimension. The first track by Interstellar Funk is a 100% pure electronic mind-trip, a machined groove where thoughts still roam frenetically paves the way for a more intimate experience. Tamburi Neri’s downtempo track shapes a space-time portal in which to sink; their sound is like a beat echoing from the bottom of the chest and spreading to the tips of the fingers softly. For the first time, Salamanda co-works with Polifonic framing a Korean unknown soundscape, an ambient loop track through which we break away from this dimension and move towards the exotic. Hiver restore a connection with reality through their pulsating bass. The heartbeat speeds up, but we still float into a dreamy techno atmosphere. Claudio PRC & Zippo come into play with a powerful combination of techno textures that gets us to resurface and awaken the senses.
Romanski - Karma Calling
Karma Calling
7" | 2022 | EU | Original (YNFND)
11,99 €*
Release: 2022 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Cosmopolitanism is creeping into the bedroom studios of producers worldwide. Romanski is another agent evolving transcultural hybrids, which blend from retained folkways to modern aged club grooves. A mixture of electronic beats in a rigid machine order and handmade organic moments woven together to form an eclectic sound. With a bit of drama, the hamburg based dj & producer Romanski, invites you on a diverse journey with his unique vision of club music. Balearic groove patterns accompanied by repetitive bongo motives & dimmed synth themes flow along the 4 tracks (2 of them featured on 7" vinyl) of this EP. The title track "Karma Calling" is a passionate homage to Mulatu Astatke, "Tagh Tagh" is surrounded by an iranian children’s song, "Gaugin" features a tahitian vocoder line about the french painter and on "Ants" Romanski reflects on lyrics that came to him when resident at a sanatorium years ago. Romanski is using his custom sound range & tools to express his downbeat grooves in this well balanced release. Hide below or turn around the umbrella with devotion and delight.
Hugo LX - The Platinum Wave
Hugo LX
The Platinum Wave
12" | 2022 | EU | Original (Doma Music)
13,99 €*
Release: 2022 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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It’s a new day – and 2022 marks a very special new chapter for Parisian producer Hugo LX, who delivers his latest sound offering on his freshly founded imprint Doma Music. A collective adventure, « The Platinum Wave » sees the return of Hugo’s most frequent collaborators – trumpeter Hermon Mehari and guitarist Christopher Johnson, with the addition of pianist Tony Tixier – the four of them connecting, building and weaving their sonic textures over these five sound cuts. A starting point in the Doma music catalogue, « The Platinum Wave » aims to propose a different sound in dance music, both a continuation of a certain musical legacy and an exploration of today’s boundless possibilities, as much as an intimate soundscape from four artists deeply involved in the Paris creative scene – and most definitely, a first taste of things to come on the label.
Coyote - Stand Your Ground / Grown From Seed
Stand Your Ground / Grown From Seed
7" | 2022 | EU | Original (Is It Balearic)
12,99 €*
Release: 2022 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Coyote drop a special 7 inch single. Inspired by recent events over the last 2 years and their continuing love affair with all things dub and reggae sound system.related. They have been playing lots of this type of stuff at their monthly night at The Bodega in Notts. Apparently causing some heat at recent Alfos parties too. Bubble Up!
Pleasure Voyage - Azzurro Blue
Pleasure Voyage
Azzurro Blue
12" | 2022 | EU | Original (Quattro Bambole Music)
14,99 €*
Release: 2022 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Azzurro is the soundtrack of a summer vacation in Italy of the Hungarian dj/producer duo "Pleasure Voyage". The label Quattro Bambole continues on his Adriatic Funk series blessing a new summer with the rightest vibes. Available on vinyl and on all digital stores. The concept of the record was like a week-long vacation in Italy. It starts with jazzy, slower sessions and progresses to an italo-jazzy-house gem, Summer Voyage. Passionate vocals with smooth Rhodes solo and licks on this track. Following some clubby tunes Electromarea and Dolphine Dance as a nightlife hangout, and a remix by the label founder Francesco FIsotti with cool vocals follows. Finally, with the last tune, you can feel the bittersweet emotions when you are on your way to the airport to leave this magical country, but you have some souvenirs on your skin that they call “Ambraskin” (tanned skin) and the visual memories of the crystal clear sea they often call Mare Azzurro.
The Zenmenn And John Moods - Hidden Gem
The Zenmenn And John Moods
Hidden Gem
LP | 2022 | EU | Original (Music From Memory)
23,99 €*
Release: 2022 / EU – Original
Genre: Organic Grooves, Electronic & Dance
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Hidden Gem' is the Zenmenn's first full album produced together with songwriter and vocalist John Moods and follows their much-loved debut record, 'Enter The Zenmenn'. Named after a country song that didn't quite make it to the final selection, 'Hidden Gem' is the result of an extended jam session at a friend’s studio, in a field of mystical meadows somewhere south of Hamburg, in which the band would experience a series of inexplicable phenomena.

It was their earlier collaboration on the future classic, 'Homage To A Friend' that kickstarted their idea to team up with John Moods again, and in the late summer of 2021 the band set to work on a full album of material together. Using The Zenmenn's trusted drum kit, good old DX7, an unusual Ukrainian bass and an almost discarded pedal steel guitar, combined with Moods’ uniquely fragile voice, the outcome resulted in six timeless songs. The resulting harmonic sound is, as the band put it, “something like Adult Oriented Rock with a teaspoon of Celtic sentimentalism, a pinch of big city Country wrapped in a late night '70s style jam”.

'Hidden Gem’, much like their previous LP, was recorded without pre-arranged songs or any fixed musical concept. Instead, it captures fleeting moments of creativity and reflects the joint musical sentiments of the band members at the time. “Some artists are amazing at vision and curating, our work-flow is opposite to that. We are pretty messy and all over the place in our creation, as in life. It has its advantages and disadvantages, but hopefully it comes out all right in the end.”
V.A. - La Torre Ibiza: Volumen Quatro
La Torre Ibiza: Volumen Quatro
2LP | 2022 | EU | Original (Hostel La Torre)
27,99 €*
Release: 2022 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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This 180g vinyl comes in a gatefold cover.

Mark Barrott and Pete Gooding present the fourth volume in their series of stellar collections, showcasing the sunset sounds spun at Ibiza`s Hostal La Torre. Sets, sequences, of music designed to celebrate the passing of another day and welcome the pleasures of night, as the Sun makes way for Sister Moon.
Nu Genea - Bar Mediterraneo
Nu Genea
Bar Mediterraneo
CD | 2022 | EU | Original (NG)
15,99 €*
Release: 2022 / EU – Original
Genre: Organic Grooves, Electronic & Dance
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Four years after Nuova Napoli, Nu Genea are back with Bar Mediterraneo, a new album and journey, which projects the sounds of the Neapolitan duo formed by Massimo Di Lena and Lucio Aquilina even further. Nu Genea's Bar Mediterraneo is an idea of a shared place where people meet and fuse together; a space that leaves its doors open to travellers and their lives, always exposed to the whims of fate. Some of this can be experienced through the multitude of sounds that come together in the tracks, layers of different acoustic instruments, voices and synthesizers merging in a unique musical blend. Opening up to the voices of many different people, separated by languages but united by the sea and the music, Nu Genea's hometown, Napoli, becomes a true place of encounter. You can hear this all along. In "Gelbi", a gorgeously deep and propulsive Ney flute plunges into murky waters of the melancholic Tunisian dialect sung by Marzouk Mejri. In "Marechia'", unbridled happiness and sun ooze from the delicate vocals of Célia Kameni and create an acrobatic bridge between French and Neapolitan language. In "Straniero", your soul is arrested from the moment the slow spell-binding mandolin ignites the hypnotic patterns recorded by the legendary Afrobeat drummer Tony Allen. In "Bar Mediterraneo", the title track, bittersweet guitar’s riffs, analog waves and choirs are overwhelming the song giving you what you would like to hear on a boat trip along the Amalfi Coast. Nu Genea couldn't afford to overlook their firmly anchored roots into the Neapolitan culture and its dialect with "Tienaté", where the power of neapolitan language (interpreted by Fabiana Martone) supports those quarter-tone strings and the uncessant folk-disco groove that spreads to the entire song. In "Praja Magia", repetitive mandolin riffs lead the song, giving space to a choral yet tight vocal line that speaks of Varcaturo, a village close to Napoli. In "Rire", a volley of poetic, deceptively laidback, lyrical fury interpreted by Sicilian Marco Castello intimately combines with a highly musical, multitextured instrumental backbone and the swoon of a chanson in its heart. In "La Crisi'', the lyrics of a Raffaele Viviani’s poem from 1930 have been adapted to a laidback jazz-funk groove in full NG style. In "Vesuvio", revaluing the evocative verses and powerful mantra of Vesuvio, Nu Genea re-adapted to the dancefloor a folk song by the working-class band E’ Zezi from Pomigliano D'Arco, combining the voices of a school choir with Jupiter-6 arpeggios and bold percussions. Bar Mediterraneo is the place where people constantly return to transform curiosity into participation, tradition into sharing, unfamiliar into familiar. When travellers come through its “doors”, carrying their treasures of words and emotions, they aren’t strangers any more. They take part in a shared experience, enriching themselves and others by leading to unexpected musical journeys
Lex - Waving
2LP | 2022 | UK | Original (Leng)
35,99 €*
Release: 2022 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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It can take a while for an artist to find their musical voice. For Alex Andrikopoulos, it’s been a journey that’s taken the best part of two decades. Now he’s set to mark a major milestone in his transition from record store owner, label co-founder and DJ to producer with the release of his long-promised first solo album for Leng, Waving. The Greek artist first joined the Leng Records roster in the autumn of 2020 and has since gone in to release the acclaimed ‘Punta Allen’ EP for the imprint. Before that, he spent the first decade of the century running the popular Radical Sounds record shop in Athens, before refocusing on running Quantized Music with fellow DJ/producer Tolis Q and developing his DJ career, where his unique blends of disco, house and techno tracks earned him bookings at some of Europe’s most storied clubs.

Waving, which appears on the back of a handful of fine EPs for a variety of labels, is his boldest and strongest statement yet as a musician and producer. Created with a little help from guest musicians and collaborators including keyboardist Artis Boriss, bassist Brotha Gilla, percussionists Ilario Arnel and Harold Perez, pianist Luciano Ledesma and guitarist Alex Searle, the album brilliantly blurs the boundary between 21st century disco, afternoon-ready downtempo grooves, and the kind of dancefloor-minded Balearic fare that’s devilishly difficult to pigeonhole.

Fittingly, the set begins with previous single ‘Punta Allen’, an eight-minute chunk of organic dancefloor goodness which slowly unfurls before rising towards and gorgeous and joyous conclusion, and ends with the squelchy, slo-mo cosmic funk of ‘Patrol Di Caribe’, where trippy synthesizer lines, layered percussion and more tuneful style pan style lead ins catch the ear.

In between, highlights are plentiful, from the driving, piano solo-laden dub disco brilliance of ‘Down My Soul’ and the languid, sun-kissed, beach-ready downtempo grooves of ‘The Jamail Pass’, to the rubbery, pitched-down electrofunk of ‘Window Spells’ (featuring a fine lead vocal from Max Giovara, the flash-friend, dubwise Balearic funk of ‘Waving’, and the throbbing brilliance of ‘La Di Da Di’, whose crunchy Clavinet lines, fluid electric piano solos, snappy drums and pulsating, arpeggio-style bass encapsulate all that is good about the album.

The digital edition of the album also comes bundled with eight more tracks not featured on the double-vinyl LP. Featuring the same blend of expansive musicality, organic drums and dancefloor nous, this octet effectively extends the album via a string of similarly playable, club-ready and sofa-friendly tracks. Standouts include the non-stop, nu-disco-meets-house excellence of ‘Large Stacks’, Hammond-laced head-nodder ‘Take The High Road’, horizontal Balearic funk shuffler ‘Prezend’ and hazy, vocal-sporting dub disco roller ‘Angels of Rhythm’, which previously appeared on the flipside of Lex’s ‘Punta Allen’ 12”.
Stacks - Love And Language
Love And Language
LP | 2022 | EU | Original (Knekelhuis)
25,99 €*
Release: 2022 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Stacks is the Belgian duo of Jan and Sis Matthé. These Antwerp residents build and undress different timbres and textures into vocal-hooked songs, flouting the rules of pop in the process. We at Knekelhuis appreciate this immensely and are delighted to work with them. ‘Love and Language’ is a romantic, moody pop-not-pop record in which everything falls perfectly into place.
Space Ghost - Heaven Sent Feat Teddy Bryant
Space Ghost
Heaven Sent Feat Teddy Bryant
12" | 2022 | US | Original (Peoples Potential Unlimited)
16,99 €*
Release: 2022 / US – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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V.A. - Equinox II
Equinox II
12" | 2022 | UK | Original (Multi Culti)
15,99 €*
Release: 2022 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Multi Culti seasonal balance series continues with Equinox II.

The EP kicks off with a beautiful Balearic gem from Italian musician Umberto Vitiello paired up with the amazing Donato Dozzy. It’s a spellbinding journey, one sure to be cherished by Tuluminatti ‘ritual’ djs as well as authentic shamans around the world.

Ofofo flies solo on the positively-ebullient ‘unlock the future,’ striking a rare note of lightness in its sublimely ethereal groove. Instant sunshine!

Flip it over for the funky, badass bassy bounce of the mighty diegors, a name not heard enough since his glory days on early comeme. He’s back in top form and this one is an effortlessly cool slice of groove.

Next up, Multi Culti wizard Nicola Cruz delivers a breaks mix of previous cult single Aima. It’s a wiggly modular fun-fest that showcases his endless evolutionary bloom as a super-producer.

Finally, a brand new project from Brazil’s Philippi (of deewee and fatnotronic fame). Ubaruh is an anthem designed for Mexican nu-disco dancers. Pinche funky disco!
Feel Fly - Mediterranean Dreams Part 2
Feel Fly
Mediterranean Dreams Part 2
12" | 2022 | EU | Original (International Feel)
11,99 €*
Release: 2022 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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With the two-part EP Mediterranean Dreams, Perugia producer and composer Feel Fly revisits his musical roots and pays tribute to the sounds and ‘sun-kissed nostalgia’ that informed his style. Mediterranean Dreams Part 1 collected four tracks, and added that Feel Fly touch of emotive chord progressions and layered production onto cosmic disco grooves to powerful dancefloor effect. Now with Mediterranean Dream Part 2, Feel Fly switches the tempo both up and down, to fully demonstrate his affinity for club moments of all shapes and sizes. Nebula flies out the gate with full intent, recalling classic Detroit techno while pushing the vibe even more wide-screen - it’s driving, melodic dance music that delivers on the fine details as much as it does on the life-affirming, big picture sentiment. Optical Bells opens in meditative style, not unlike a new dawn in a Tibetan monastery, before each element of the track slowly reveals itself and assumes its place. It’s an arrangement technique that Feel Fly employs masterfully, and gives the impression of a camera lens moving into focus, or a storyteller setting the scene. The revolving chord changes pull you in and while whisking you away, you’re compelled to engage with the moment - like being asked to dance by a mysterious stranger. The B side kicks off with Luce Eterna Ai Sognatori, still keeping the tempo high while cherry-picking disco house drum patterns and piano synths with a slight Italo flavor to create an irresistible slice of dancefloor dessert. This is a soundtrack for Sognatori, in whose dreams anything is possible. The EP finishes up with a superb cut of echoey balearic dub in the form of Templum Dub. Putting the drums through its mixing desk paces, Feel Fly reanimates the drum kit with delays, phasers and flangers, and wraps it up in hazy drifting pads that could accompany any moment of contemplation - from that morning espresso to a midnight phone call. Mediterranean Dreams Part 2 acts as the perfect compliment to its prequel Part 1, and shows a producer at the height of his powers, reimagining his musical roots and composing a love letter to the sounds and stories of his youth.
DJ Fede & Robert Owens - Need You
DJ Fede & Robert Owens
Need You
12" | 2022 | EU | Original (Balearia)
11,99 €*
Release: 2022 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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First move of the collaboration between Dj Fede and Robert Owens. Pure gold vibes, digging deep, with a warm house vibe and hard hitting beats. A 4 tracks Ep with different moods, that includes remixes from Don Carlos and LTJ Xperience.
Feel Fly - Mediterranean Dreams Part 1
Feel Fly
Mediterranean Dreams Part 1
12" | 2022 | EU | Original (International Feel)
11,99 €*
Release: 2022 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Perugia producer, synth collector and linchpin of the underground scene Feel Fly pokes his head above the trenches to deliver a consummate four track EP Mediterranean Dreams - Part 1. Onironauta rolls up all the best bits of spaced-out disco and italo house into an expansive dancefloor soundtrack that would sound equally at home in a Den Haag squat as by an Ibizan hillside pool. Sounding in turns both futuristic and nostalgic, it sets the tone for the dream-like timezone in which this EP resides. Meanwhile slowed-down 303 chugger Grace In Space sounds perfect for Room 2 - that is, if the room is on an orbiting space station and someone adjusted the gravity settings. The track concludes the side with timeless balearic drift and a dash of kosmiche afro percussion sprinkled on top. Flip the 12” over and the title track Mediterranean Dreams seeps through, with more than a slight nod to the summer of ‘88, like a faded photograph. The revolving chord progression and melodic synth phrases that weave through the groove fit together sweeter than the cogs in a swiss watch. EP closer Becalmed rounds proceedings out in fine cosmic disco style, firing more 16th note lasers through the dry ice than Kitt, as melancholic pads float over the rhythm section like a négligée. It’s a stylish way to sign off a collection of tracks that are equal parts fond memory, hopeful optimism, and hazy dance-fuelled hedonism.
V.A. - Canoo Club Volume 1
Canoo Club Volume 1
LP | 2022 | EU | Original (Sound Exhibitions)
15,99 €*
Release: 2022 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Santiago Cordoba & The Bauls Of Bengal - Doroja
Santiago Cordoba & The Bauls Of Bengal
LP | 2021 | EU | Original (Earthly Measures)
22,99 €*
Release: 2021 / EU – Original
Genre: Rock & Indie, Electronic & Dance
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Earthly Measures are very excited to bring to you 'Doroja', an album by Santiago Córdoba & The Bauls of Bengal. Different to past releases, EM explores another part of the world, introducing you to the traditional sounds of Bengal & its talented musicians. Doroja, is the third album by Argentinian musician Santiago Córdoba, this time in collaboration with The Bauls of Bengal. Recorded at the Hansadhwani Studio in Calcutta, India, where Santiago arrived with only a synthesiser, some effects, and a Legüero Bass Drum (an Argentine percussive instrument used mostly in local folklore) - this album was first conceived in December 2017 during a residency in this mythical city, together with The Bauls of Bengal. The Bauls believe the body and mind are the sources of all truths and that the expression of freedom cannot be restrained by the labelling of genres or religions, something which is evidently expressed in their music. This provides the perfect foundations for this album to develop without limitations and too effortlessly flow to whichever realms both Santiago and the Bauls of Bengal wish to take us too. The album combines traditional songs of the Bauls, rhythmic Jhumar instrumental improvisations with the Argentinian legüero bass drum, and other compositions created together in the studio. The result is a melodic mixture/dialogue of cultures, folklore and ancestral sounds with modern influences that help create an experimental and addictive sound full of electronic textures. Participating in these first recordings: Arpita Chakraborty (vocals), Chandan Ray (dotara), Pijush Baul (Vocals, Dubki) and Tanmoy Pan (percussion), who later, are joined by other artists from different latitudes to achieve a captivating fusion: Matías Romero on strings (Formosa, Argentina), Guilherme Peluci from Mineiro on winds and Daniel Guedes on percussion (Belo Horizonte, Brazil), Porteños Walter Broide on tabla and Cobra Rod on bass (both members of Poseidotica), and the Spanish Ángel Calvo on trumpet.

The album was mixed by Rodrigo Cursach at Delta Uno Estudio, mastered by Daniel Ovie, and the fascinating cover art is by Alejandro Sordi. It will be released on vinyl by the UK based label Earthly Measures, in addition to being available on all digital platforms. ‘Doroja’ means portal, and this album is indeed a magical portal to music, song and dance. Santiago's only means of communication with Bengali colleagues functioned as an astral portal to build the sounds of this journey through strange and unfathomable landscapes that captivate and surprise by building bridges between different cultures of our planet. Santiago Córdoba is a multi-instrumentalist musician born in the city of Buenos Aires who has been developing his unique sound both with his solo project and with prominent bands from the Argentinian independent music scene. He has been developing his solo career through deep musical and spiritual searching, with the infinite journey as a primary objective. In recent years, he has lived in places such as Madrid, Beirut and Berlin and has released two albums: ‘Corso’ (2015) and ‘En Other Places’ (2019).
Kaleema - Utera
LP | 2021 | EU | Original (Wonderwheel)
24,99 €*
Release: 2021 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Útera is the exceptional and hypnotic sophomore studio album from Buenos Aires native Kaleema (aka Heidi Lewandowski). The album flirts between disparate styles, weaving together elements such as dub with andean flutes, or classic string melodies with ambient overtures that allow the listener to float freely in a sea of emotions. A departure from the gritty urban compositions and tribal vibes of her first album Nómada, this record reveals Kaleema's emotional evolution. Útera is a product of her creative space, a high tech sanctuary wherein she has refined not only her sophisticated electronic production but also her characteristic and beguiling voice. Moving from forceful techno-like rhythms (such as on Rama Negra or Utera) that take us through deep dark jungles, into demure yet rapturous passages on tracks like Portales and Invoco, Útera is ultimately an album that taps into Heidi's deep sense of connection to the natural world, and how her growth as an individual reflects the growth around her. Kaleema is Heidi Lewandowski - a multi-instrumentalist, composer, producer, and singer from Buenos Aires who's planted herself deeply in the potent Latin American electronic scene. She released her debut album Nomada in 2017, receiving an array of critical acclaim for how she seamlessly and hypnotically weaves together contemporary electronic elements and tradition Latin American instrumentals. Since the release of the album, she's been catapulted onto renowned stages such as Mutek Montreal, Lollapalooza Chile among others and has collaborated with artists such as Chancha Via Circuito, Mateo Kingman, Lido Pimienta, and many more. Útera is Kaleema's second studio album and will be released via Wonderwheel Recordings in the Spring of 2021.
Elite Beat - Tom's By 2 / Unifi (Slab Creek Version)
Elite Beat
Tom's By 2 / Unifi (Slab Creek Version)
12" | 2021 | EU | Original (Research)
17,99 €*
Release: 2021 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance, Reggae & Dancehall
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Oregon sextet Elite Beat continue their dubwise world-groove mission with a two track 12" of what sounds like organic, in the moment live takes with an intro count to boot. Layers of psychedelic sax and drums ebb and flow alongside heavy low end, building on their compilation of 'healing and hypnosis' inspired jams Selected Rhythms Vol. 2. Despite being based across the ocean, big Jah Shaka dance vibrations occupy the A-side with a steady house tempo combining with the woodwind across ten minutes of proper body music. The slower, introspective approach to side B takes in elements of post-rock with flourishes of electric guitar yet grounds itself in the dub mentality through pulsing sub-bass and swirling synth work. The wide-reaching bed of influences present in Portland's bands, shops and labels shows itself time again in Elite Beat's work, evident through recent collaborations with Mdou Moctar and past outings here at Research.
My Friend Dario - Desertico / Sunset Outro
My Friend Dario
Desertico / Sunset Outro
12" | 2021 | EU | Original (Hell Yeah)
14,99 €*
Release: 2021 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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My Friend Dario is back on Hell Yeah this August with more of his low tempo, high-temperature dance floor bombs. Dario has been carefully nurtured by label head Marco over the course of a few fresh EPs in the last year. Just before this EP lands he will release on Nu Northern Soul, and earlier in the year he served up a stunning live set at the foot of iconic volcano Etna, so is very much part of the current wave of Balearic tastemakers. Opener 'Desertico' has already been caned by Alfos chief Sean Johnston who recognises the power of its heavyweight chug. Over the course of nearly ten minutes and two epic breakdowns, the tune builds on supple techno pulses, with tense synth phrases keeping you in suspense before the drop brings a sense of tropical rain and thunder. 'Sunset Outro' was the last track from his live set and gets your heady amongst the clouds. The churning drums, wooden hits and lush chords are dreamy yet heavy and have an effortlessly hypnotic effect that will lock in any dance floor. These two tunes prove My Friend Dario can do no wrong right now.
Cacao - Lambada / Children Record Store Day 2021 Edition
Lambada / Children Record Store Day 2021 Edition
7" | 2021 | EU | Original (Hell Yeah)
13,99 €*
Release: 2021 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Record Store Day 2021 Release. Cacao is an instrumental duo ,electric guitar and bass, based in Ravenna ,in the north-east coast of Italy, and here for RSD only they announce their take on 2 extremely different versions of 90's classic dance tunes, Robert Miles 'Children', and wedding and Euro family holiday, 'Lambada'. Think Nouvelle Vague in a Cantina on Acid. LTD Edition blue vinyl in picture sleeve.
Medlar - Aerial
12" | 2021 | UK | Original (Wolf Music)
15,99 €*
Release: 2021 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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It’s testament to the man they call Medlar, that you never quite know what you might get with one of his releases. Wolf Music family since the early days, his latest mini-LP on the label is no exception. Seven cuts that prove this man can do anything, taking you on an otherworldly, island tour. First stop, ‘Aerial’, channelling that inner Wally Badarou for a cosmic, sand-stomping chuggathon, heavy on the juiced-up basslines, tripped out synth wizardry and space delay goodness. Your pace quickens, ‘Iguanadon’ rattles the world around you, shamanic echoes swirling through your skull as that acidic stab hypnotises you into a stupor. Out the other side, you stumble across an ‘Elephant Bingo’. Cup of tea, track three. Slap bass, bongos and synth stabs lifting the spirits. Back on the beach you drift off into a slice of sleazed up Balearic business, turning the funk dial all the way up to 11 via ‘elv’. Suddenly things take a trippier turn. Are you dreaming? ‘cr78-108’ booms in the background, pure jungle-tinged, digi dubwise movements. A few stiff drinks and you’re on your feet again. ‘Phoenix Lights’ New York house stylings pump you with life, even if your hazy brain is still hearing wild echoes all over the place. How did you end up here, 10 hours later? One too many ‘Sin Prisa’ homebrews no doubt, yet you’re still stompin through, granted it’s of the slow-mo, acid-laced variety though. What was in that welcome drink Medlar handed you at the start? Who knows, who cares when you get that kinda bang for your buck.
Àbáse X Zeitgeist - Body Mind Spirit EP
Àbáse X Zeitgeist
Body Mind Spirit EP
12" | 2021 | EU | Original (Jazz & Milk)
11,99 €*
Release: 2021 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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We are delighted to present to you the forthcoming debut EP “Body Mind Spirit” - a masterful collaboration between multi-instrumentalist Àbáse and drummer/producer Ziggy Zeitgeist, also known for his live project Zeitgeist Freedom Energy Exchange and his work with Australian Nu-Soul juggernauts 30/70. As Àbáse x Zeitgeist, they share a deep musical understanding and respect, moving fluidly through future funk, deep electronica, house and techno while maintaining an undeniable organic, soulful and spiritual foundation, supported by the voice of the South African singer Dumama from the duo Dumama + Kechou.
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