
Greg Mendez First Time / Alone

Dead Oceans | Item No: 1176882
Vinyl 7" | 2024 / US – Original | New
20,99 €
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Item Description
First Time / Alone, Greg Mendez's new EP and first release withDead Oceans, came together in late summer and early fall of2023; the songs here appear in the order in which they werewritten, recorded straight to four-track in the small spare roomof his West Philadelphia apartment. It's a four song arc, aspectral passageway, one brief and fluid body of work thathangs together from the mournful opening of "Mountain DewHell" to the pitched-up vocals on "Pain Meds," a tiny songfloundering in the enormity of grief. The experience of listeningthrough is like waking up from a half-remembered dream, ashadow in the corner of the room, a strange solitude, a temporalNew York autumn with gray skies and naked trees. But whilethe release is sparse and spontaneous, it's tactile andconsuming, a glimpse into the beautiful, lonely worlds that livein the core of a Greg Mendez song.First Time / Alone is the inverse of his 2023 self-titled album, ameticulous and labored-over collection of songs that went on tobecome a surprise slowburn success. Mendez has releasedmusic in various capacities across 15 years living in Philadelphiaand New York, but the self-titled was what propelled him to awider attention, a critical breakthrough on best-of lists fromRolling Stone, Pitchfork, Paste, and more. That forwardmomentum came to a quick halt following an intensive surgeryon his right wrist in the summer of 2023 - a four-monthpurgatory of bad TV, canceled touring, and physical therapyensued, a painful stretch of boredom leaving Mendez unable toplay guitar. "Mountain Dew Hell" and "First Time," the funerealA-side of the EP, are time capsules of that fever-dream; "Alone"was the first song Mendez wrote once he was able to play guitaragain. Likely none of the songs would have existed as-is ifMendez's right hand hadn't been out of commission, but they'reartful in their directness and simplicity. He initially thought hewould need to refine them, building them out to the same scaleas...
Item Details
Item No: 1176882
Artist: Greg Mendez
Title: First Time / Alone
Label: Dead Oceans
Format: Vinyl 7", Vinyl, Singles, 7"
Pressing: US – Original
Release Date: 2024
Genre: Rock & Indie
Style: Indierock | Alternative
Available since: 2024-12-02
Condition: New
Price: 20,99 €
Weight: 80g (plus 250g Packaging)
Product safety (manufacturer information): HHV Handels GmbH
Zur Alten Börse 55
12681 Berlin
A1 Mountain Dew Hell
A2 First Time
B1 Alone
B2 Pain Meds
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