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14th Wish
Adam Roth And His Band Of Men
Andew Schmidt
Burnt Envelope
Corey Du Browa & Friends
Disco Junk
Eric Shade
Jeff Drake
Marty Perez
Michael Goldberg
Robin Platts
Rozz Rezabek
Sal Maida / Mitchell Cohen & Friends
Screaming Urge
The Brides
The Revelons
The Rubs
Tim Hinely & Friends
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Sal Maida / Mitchell Cohen & Friends - The White Label Promo Preservation Society: 100 Flop Albums You Need To Know
Sal Maida / Mitchell Cohen & Friends
The White Label Promo Preservation Society: 100 Flop Albums You Need To Know
50,99 €*
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Preorder shipping from 2025-04-04
HoZac Books is proud to present The White Label Promo Preservation Society: 100 Flop Albums You Ought to Know, written and compiled by Sal Maida and Mitchell Cohen, who have recruited for their “society” a gang of esteemed music obsessives: musicians, label executives, and journalists who chose favorite albums from the 1960s and 1970s to rave about and expound upon. The only criterion was that the albums never made the top 100 on Billboard’s LP Top 200 (although in a few cases, they did quite well on the R&B or country chart). The selection ranges from east coast vocal-group harmony to punk and metal, from superstars like The Who and the Beach Boys to virtual unknowns. As Sal and Mitchell write in the book’s introduction, “These are the albums you might not read about, except here. No one needs to tell you why Pet Sounds, Revolver or Blonde On Blonde are essential parts of any decent record collection, or guide you towards classics – or even somewhat lesser efforts – by the Rolling Stones, Chuck Berry or the Jimi Hendrix Experience. Or which Pink Floyd album is indispensable (hint: the debut; you can stop right there). Although we have strong opinions about pantheon artists like Led Zeppelin and Marvin Gaye, and are happy to share those views with anyone in earshot, that isn’t what this book is about. We aren’t here to challenge or endorse rock orthodoxy. Neither is the mission to, once again, assert the brilliance of Skip Spence’s Oar, of such artists as Nick Drake, Big Star, and the Velvet Underground, whose influence, despite the lack of any commercial success in their time, has been thoroughly – one might even say exhaustively – documented elsewhere.” To tell help this story, Sal and Mitchell called on an impressive team of guest essayists: Lenny Kaye, Russ Titelman, Amy Rigby, Brian Koppelman, Dennis Diken, Bebe Buell, Jim Farber, Susan Whitall, Steve Shelley, Phil King, Ira Robbins, Billy Altman, Marshall Crenshaw, Peter Holsapple, Wreckless Eric, Peter Keepnews, Miriam Linna, Joe McEwen, and a cast of dozens.
Marty Perez - Kill A Punk For Rock & Roll - Photographs 1976-2019
Marty Perez
Kill A Punk For Rock & Roll - Photographs 1976-2019
66,99 €*
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Marty Perez is a Chicago-based photographer who has been documenting the parallels between the worlds of underground rock as well as some of the biggest stars of pop music, from 1976 to the present. This is the first collection of his images from the last five decades of rock’n roll decadence, from the wild, unhinged crowds of unruly and footloose teenagers to the incredible juxtaposition of both house-hold names with the sub-obscure underground bands that didn’t see the bright lights as close, yet still hold that certain magic of the era."—Jim De Rogatis
Jeff Drake - Guilty! My Life As A Member Of The Joneses: A Heroin Addict, A Bank Robber, And A Federal Inmate
Jeff Drake
Guilty! My Life As A Member Of The Joneses: A Heroin Addict, A Bank Robber, And A Federal Inmate
47,99 €*
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Jeff Drake has led an extraordinary life... and believe me, that’s a vast understatement. I say this with confidence, because we’ve known each other for four decades. His band the Joneses, co-founded with skateboard champion Steve Olson, was the shining light of the 1980’s Southern California underground rock scene, ages before the term ‘alternative music’ was bandied about by MTV and rock critics. The Joneses were the damn bomb. A louche, sloppy, outlaw amalgam of punk, pop and Don’t Give A Fuck attitude, they played thrashy, trashy rock’n roll that owed as much to The New York Dolls as it did to the Rolling Stones. Jeff’s songwriting was pure, catchy pop, even though the lyrics were riddled with sex and drug references. It was as though he mixed up a potion from the blood and brain cells of Little Richard and The Ramones, came up with a perfect formula, ingested it, and made his own unique creation. The Joneses’ live shows were off the hook, as were their off-stage antics. Though neither of us can remember the exact moment we met, we became fast friends in 1983. We hung out constantly back then and he was a regular at my infamous punk rock crash pad, Disgraceland. Hollywood in the 1980’s was an ungentrified wasteland; the streets were ruled by delinquent twenty-somethings, most of whom were in bands. My own band The Screaming Sirens played numerous times with the Joneses. During the time, the Joneses were being courted by a number of major labels, though the record execs were absolutely clueless and cautious back then. If one of them would’ve taken a gamble, Jeff would’ve become a huge star. Instead, living out his own song ‘Criminals,’ he robbed a bank to feed his heroin habit. On a personal note: in the course of my life I’ve somehow known seven bank robbers, but hands down, Jeff is my favorite.There’s so much more to his story though, as you’ll see in the following pages. It’s a confessional told in a direct, honest, engaging way, in his own words with a touch of dark humor; it’s exactly the way he speaks in real life. You, dear reader, will be extremely happy that Jeff didn’t join the 27 Club, the coterie of rock stars who passed away at that young age. Luckily, he’s still with us to tell his own personal story of sin and redemption. After all, what could possibly be more subversively rock’n roll than living to tell all the salacious details?”—Pleasant Gehman, March, 2022.
The Rubs - Dust
The Rubs
LP | 2022 | US | Original (Hozac)
23,99 €*
Release: 2022 / US – Original
Genre: Rock & Indie
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Oh how we’ve missed THE Rubs, let us count the ways! One of the finest of Chicago’s last wave of rock’n roll resuscitation of the late 2010s, who uprooted the whole project for greener pastures in Kansas City, MO, yet still continues to churn forth incredible hooks by the bucketload, no matter where they land. Here we have the anxiously awaited third long-player, still entirely written, composed, and performed by the one-man-army that is Joey Rubbish, and still creating those invigorating waves of euphoria you’ve come to know and love from this essential hit-machine. After settling into a new living situation in a new city, the hits just kept pouring out, and as the dust settled after several reconfigurations over the next years, the Dust LP finally took its final, gleaming form, as the LP you have here. Another knockout collection of pristine pop bangers laced with mesmerizing guitar and/or sizzling mellotron solos, woven into impossibly contagious harmonies that should effectively put the CDC on high alert.
The Revelons - 1977-82
The Revelons
LP | 2022 | US | Original (Hozac)
26,99 €*
Release: 2022 / US – Original
Genre: Rock & Indie
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Available on vinyl for the first time anywhere, THE Revelons are known to punk prevaricators one of best “lost bands” of the Cbgb era who simply released one earth-moving 7” single on Ork Records in 1979, didn’t get signed to a major, and shuffled back into the shadows of an ever-growing scene. Fronted by Gregory LEE Pickard, the band dug into the trenches of New York City’s seedy Bowery life and were frequent players alongside most of the top-tier punk bands of the time, becoming mainstays at not only Cbgb but Mudd Club, Danceteria, Hurrah’s and Max’s as well as incorporating a rotating cast of members that, at times featured Richard Lloyd of Television and JAY DEE Dougherty of THE Patti Smith Group in the lineup. Incorporating a brash and aggressive pop sound with a vicious edge, The Revelons teetered between Television-like sparkling minimal artistic flourishes, but with more raw & primitive delivery. To which, they solidified their street-level prowess with a tenderized toughness not many other bands could match. The Revelons also were pretty hard to pigeonhole sound-wise then as they are now, with Talking Heads comparisons generally falling short, but there were some genuine Doo Wop moments that sneak in as well, showing their deeper roots to the NYC of days long past. But the real crime here is that this previously unreleased collection of recordings has never appeared in the vinyl LP format, as it surely would have escalated The Revelons’ profile much higher in the timeline of New York Punk, and in the minds of rock’n roll historians across the globe. Its a fully-realized album overloaded with massive cuts that’s sadly been forgotten for far too long, so of course, we felt like it was our responsibility to make that happen, and we hope you enjoy this instant-classic album of 1977-82 material from one of New York City’s overlooked gems.
Tim Hinely & Friends - Where The Wild Gigs Were
Tim Hinely & Friends
Where The Wild Gigs Were
42,99 €*
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When Tim from Dagger Zine approached us about his book idea covering long-loved "spaces" held sacred for countless music fans, we knew it was a great project to get behind, Similar in its community effort to our last book release (The White Label Promo Preservation Society), Hinely organized an incredible list of contributors from all stripes of the underground music spectrum, each waxing their own warm recollections of wild nights seeing life-changing bands and/or terrible bathroom experiences. Chock full of photos, original newspaper ads, flyers, and long-lost monthly calendars of the pre-Internet age, Where The Wild Gigs Were illustrates how important these sacred spaces really are, and how much it's noticeable when we can't actually be AT these homes-away-from-home, spread all across the USA. From Stache's in Columbus, OH to Flynn's Ocean 71 in Miami, FL (the 'CBGB's on the beach'), back to The Brewery in Lansing MI (complete with previously unpublished Stooges photos!), to City Gardens in Trenton, NJ (staffed by Comedy Dentral's Jon Stewart) to Peter Aaron's sordid details on the mob-run Jockey Club in Newport, KY, you won't find many dull moments as each page bleeds into the next, oozing with recollections of blurry good times and endless excitement before the world changed, as we know it. Includes a foreword by Byron Coley and an afterword by Tesco VEE. 235 pages, paperback. First edition of 500 copies.
Adam Roth And His Band Of Men - OST Down The Shore
Adam Roth And His Band Of Men
OST Down The Shore
LP | 1981 | US | Reissue (Hozac)
27,99 €*
Release: 1981 / US – Reissue
Genre: Pop
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It’s with extreme pleasure that we unleash the only true document from Adam ROTH’s underground music. Since discovering the endless joy that the 1981 film Down The Shore demonstrated we made it our mission to track down Adam and get this amazing LP back out into the world. Unfortunately Adam passed away far too young and left us in 2015, but before that tragic event, we got the wheels in motion for this project. Recorded as part of a DIY film soundtrack for the top-tier Down The Shore (aka Beach House), Adam Roth and his brother Charles formed a pickup band based around scenes from the amazing teen trash film. The resulting LP is one of the best of the era, a truly knockout album of pure Power Pop prowess, and until now, nearly impossible to find. Adam’s longtime pal and comedian/actor Denis Leary even co-wrote one of the tracks included here, and Adam later was the music director for his TV series Rescue Me. Adam also was known for working on the film To Die For, starring Matt Dillon…who Roth had taught to play guitar for his role in 1983’s classic Rumble Fish. So many crazy connections, and such an incredible album AND film! This year’s 40th anniversary remaster sounds crisp & deadly, and featured new liner notes on the insane film & LP project from Adam’s brother Charles Roth, detailing how their manager ended up dumping the majority of the original LPs in junk stores after a disagreement, where they disappeared quickly into the ether. RIP Adam Roth: 1958-2015
Soursob - Soursob
LP | 2021 | US | Original (Hozac)
19,84 €* 24,80 € -20%
Release: 2021 / US – Original
Genre: Rock & Indie
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We’re excited to announce the debut LP from Glasgow’s Soursob this month, a viciously minimal 3-piece that does so much with so little, yet packs such a powerful punch you won’t soon forget. A bass-driven groove holds these songs in an awesome aggressive limbo between the lush, heavy-noise of the post C-86 sound and the brash early 90s invigoration of riot grrrl noise. Like nothing we’ve ever encountered, their anger toward simple modern pleasures is just short of breath-taking, dragging everything you hold sacred into their pit of resilience. Thick accents drizzle over thick blocks of drastic fuzz as each song bleeds effortlessly into the next, encompassing some of the catchiest choruses this side of Dolly Mixture, yet with a sinister darker underpinning, all tied into their increasingly hypnotic bass lines. With the three members of Soursob originating from Glasgow, Lithuania, and Australia, they are currently in limbo post-pandemic, but with the immediate impact of this crushingly infectious new LP, they hope to be bashing it out in front of live crowds again soon. Such an impressively confident collection of songs here, and your fleeting taste for craft beer, cocaine, mass transit, watching TV on a cell phone, and Berlin in general, is very much “on the line” with these sublime and profound revelations. One these teeth sink in, you won’t believe how you’ve lived this long without the prickling & sickening throb of Soursob!
14th Wish - I Gotta Get Rid Of You
14th Wish
I Gotta Get Rid Of You
7" | 2020 | US | Original (Hozac)
13,99 €*
Release: 2020 / US – Original
Genre: Rock & Indie
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I’m not living my life so good, tell me, how about you?’ What can we really say about 14th Wish, how did this band even exist? This record and band were Completely unknown up until the last couple of years, when we were approached by a notorious record fiend who was looking for more info after our official release of David Peel’s King of Punk LP. Here we have a band with no paper trail, zero online search results, and released in a tiny quantity on Orange Records in 1980, right alongside the first GG Allin and Eddie Criss Group LPs. But instead of a stylized gutter glam workout with a hot-shot studio guitarist, 14th Wish trip over themselves with a snotty/sloppy amateurism that veers farther into the beloved ‘Killed By Death’ arena, with it’s sweltering TAPEWORM-style lead guitar freak-outs.
Fronted by the mysterious figure known as Halo Peace, both 14th Wish tracks offer a refreshing mid-tempo crud-punk slop-take on the sounds swirling around the drain of the Lower East Side at the end of the 1970s. Although both tracks aren’t lightning fast, their instant ominous catchiness and absolutely sordid and squalorous guitar tone suggests a more murderous background, as well. Mention of this record just drew blanks across from the board, from all of the rare punk record dealers, to the most avid international collectors, and even NYC scene members from the time. Never even turned up in a Mike Bastarache Want List! And of course, the internet was no help either. Was this really one that Everyone missed? Recommended If You Like: Tapeworm, GG Allin & the Jabbers, Freestone, The Trend, Mentally Ill, The Gears, Killed By Death compilations.”
Disco Junk - Underage Punk
Disco Junk
Underage Punk
7" | 2019 | US | Original (Hozac)
11,99 €*
Release: 2019 / US – Original
Genre: Rock & Indie
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Robin Platts - Times And Seasons - The Rise And Fall And Rise Of The Zombies
Robin Platts
Times And Seasons - The Rise And Fall And Rise Of The Zombies
46,99 €*
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Six decades after they stormed the British and American charts in 1964, The Zombies are possibly more popular than ever. Their biggest hits, ‘She’s Not There’, ‘Tell Her No’ and ‘Time of the Season’ have been played more than 14 million times on U.S. radio alone. Praised by critics, discovered by a new generation of fans and inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, The Zombies returned in the 2000s to establish themselves as a top-class touring act still driven to create new music.

Based largely on the author’s interviews with the five original band members, Times and Seasons – The Zombies tells the whole story in detail: from the mid-‘60s Decca Records hits and misses through the break-up, the solo years, and their unexpected revival in the 21st century.

Times and Seasons recounts the unlikely tale of an inexperienced quintet of English schoolboys who made the hit parade in 1964 only to watch their fortunes dwindle, splitting just weeks after completing their 1968 masterpiece Odessey and Oracle. The book covers the unexpected posthumous success of ‘Time of the Season’ in 1969 and how the band’s refusal to reunite led to a plague of phony bands touring under The Zombies’ name. The book looks at the 1970s solo success of Colin Blunstone and the band Argent, the chance encounter that led to a hugely successful Zombies revival, and all points in between.

356 page softcover book. Edition of 600 copies.
Andew Schmidt - Peter Jefferies - The Other Side Of Reason
Andew Schmidt
Peter Jefferies - The Other Side Of Reason
44,99 €*
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Hozac Books is proud to present another foundational brick in the pantheon of New Zealand underground music with Peter Jefferies – The Other Side of Reason, a career-spanning biography by music historian Andrew Schmidt of Audioculture.nz. Covering Jefferies’ earliest musical projects during the first wave punk heyday such as Dull Emma, and Pink Noise on into Nocturnal Projections, This Kind OF Punishment, Plagal Grind, Cyclops, and much more in striking detail, the author leaves no stone unturned and weaves Jefferies life story into a gripping saga of innovation, isolation, and redemption. First edition of 500 copies. 320 pages.
Rozz Rezabek - Pop Session (San Francisco 1979)
Rozz Rezabek
Pop Session (San Francisco 1979)
LP | 2024 | US | Original (Hozac)
27,99 €*
Release: 2024 / US – Original
Genre: Rock & Indie
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"San Francisco Punk’s stillborn 1979 masterpiece is about to be mid-wived and you’re invited to the violently beautiful procedure. The often misunderstood 1979 Pop Session recording has been historically misattributed to Negative Trend, the band originally fronted by Rozz Rezabek, in its only available bootleg form, but one thing that’s for certain, these nine blood-boiling studio recordings are set to change the historical context going forward. It’s truly that heavy, that powerful, that intimidating, and somehow still unknown. Dangerously simmering in the pre-hardcore sweet spot of 1979, this collection of speed-soaked brain-frying tracks is inexplicably stuck in the blind spot for most first wave West Coast punk fanatics, until now. Featuring Bobby Barrage on drums (pre-No Alternative) and the ironically named Dave Basic on guitar, Rozz’s Negative Trendisms are still firing on all cylinders through some of the most cranium-exploding vocals ever set to tape. The purely aneurismic vocal delivery on tracks like “I Don’t Wanna Be a Machine” and “Never Say Die” are going to be used specifically to medically resuscitate dying punk people in the near future so you might wanna just get that ready, y’know?"
Michael Goldberg - Juekebox 1967-2023
Michael Goldberg
Juekebox 1967-2023
62,99 €*
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San Francisco rock’n roll bleeds through Michael Goldberg – an innovative, inspiring figure who always has been quietly pioneering something interesting for the past 50+ years. Hozac Books is thrilled to present the first-ever collection of his photographs in Jukebox, featuring an impressive array of underground figures and outcast luminaries captured in their natural habitat, most seen here for the first time anywhere. Also the author of our critically acclaimed Wicked Game book, Michael’s body of work extends farther out than we’d ever imagined, and we’re so excited to get his first major photography collection out into the world. Bridging the gaps between the late ‘60s psychedelic era, primitive first-wave ‘70s punk and soul & reggae, as well as never-before seen images of country & folk iconoclasts and rule-breakers across the spectrum of all that is captivating, and even including some modern artists still making waves, Jukebox is a riveting photography collection that truly feels as good as it looks. Addicted To Noise founder and former Rolling Stone senior writer Michael Goldberg’s new book, Jukebox, is a book of distinctive, full-page photographs of musicians taken between 1967 and 2023. Goldberg is best known as a writer, but for over 50 years he’s also been photographing musicians and the photos in Jukebox are drawn from the thousands he’s taken over the years. Included are photos of the Sex Pistols, Crime, the Ramones, the Avengers, Devo, the Nuns, the Clash, Tom Verlaine, Lou Reed, John Cale and the Dils as well as Tom Waits, Courtney Barnett and Kurt Vile, Janis Joplin, Ramblin’ Jack Elliott, Muddy Waters, Toots and the Maytals, Patti Smith, Bettye LaVette, the Who, Neil Young, Jonathan Richman, Townes Van Zandt, the Flamin’ Groovies, and many many more. Softcover First edition of 400 10″ x 9″ – 252 pages
The Brides - Suburban Vermin 1996-98
The Brides
Suburban Vermin 1996-98
LP | 2024 | US | Original (Hozac)
29,99 €*
Release: 2024 / US – Original
Genre: Rock & Indie
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The long-awaited LP comp from “Chicago’s Best Band of the 1990s” is in the pipe and on the way. Featuring the legendary previously unreleased 8-song 1997 demo tracks, the scorching 7″ tracks, and previously unheard alternates & live demos all set to provide the soundtrack to your inaugural decapitation upon receipt.

“Mid-90s… stumbling about sloshed on as much cheap beer as I could drink… The times had turned from bands covering the Sonics to the Dead Boys/Pagans Midwest Killed By Death axis. Fast, real punk was IN and it felt good. Loli & Chones, Problematics, Registrators, Rip Offs, Reatards, Teengenerate… so many good bands killing it, but none that hit as hard me as The Brides. Snotty no-frills Midwest punk like it should be played- desperate, mean, frantic, fast and perfect. The legitimate heirs to the Pagans/Dead Boys/Zero Boys highest punk honors. Amazing live and on record – not always the case in those days, either. Shoulda had an album, more tours, fame, and all that. But live fast, die punk. So it went with the Brides. Happy to have this compilation, more worthy minds will get destroyed by The Brides!”—Eric Oblivian
Corey Du Browa & Friends - An Ideal For Living - A Celebration Of The EP
Corey Du Browa & Friends
An Ideal For Living - A Celebration Of The EP
39,99 €*
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The extended play recording. Not quite an album. More than a single. And not only an artifact of the vinyl era—the EP has survived and even thrived at every turn of the music industry’s evolution, from vinyl to tape to CD to stream. This definitive book unearths the EP’s origins, history and cultural impact and enlists nearly 50 music-industry veterans (musicians, scribes, producers, executives, superfans) to create a list of the 200 Best EPs ever recorded and shapes these opinions into a book that seeks to trace the arc of the EP’s development and, in so doing, chart the history of the music industry writ large. From Dangerhouse to Touch & Go to Sub Pop to Flying Nun, and all roads in between, savvy labels have used the EP to great effect and its been the way to introduce bands in a less risky mid-sized format for decades. This super-interesting guide shows how the format developed and how it took on a life of its own, from early jazz & rock’n roll through the beat & psychedelic rock era, right on through punk, new wave, and post-punk, and into the alternative/indie rock era, right up to the modern age. This rousing guide through the mid-sized mindset features a huge swath of guest writers galore, each offering up their enthusiastic opinions on which EPs deserve your attention, divided by decade, along with all of their details on long-forgotten B-sides and extras that couldn’t fit on the 7” version, yet easily pad out a 12”. 202 pages, softcover. First edition of 600 copies.
Eric Shade - All Over The Place: The Rise Of The Bangles From The La Underground
Eric Shade
All Over The Place: The Rise Of The Bangles From The La Underground
50,99 €*
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At long last, we’re got the massive biography on THE Bangles and it is nothing short of a whopper. This monumental project, started by author and unofficial band historian Eric Shade back in the 1990s has had quite a journey from start to finish. This insane overview of the early days of the members’ obscure early groups, as well as an amazing snapshot of the sorely-undocumented Paisley Underground scene of early 80s LA, all the way up through the core band members’ current projects, is a feat we never though we’d see fulfilled. For a band as huge and omnipresent as The Bangles still in are 2023, the revelation of their earlier efforts, such as the mind-blowing story of Micki Steele in the first lineup of the fledgling Runaways, while the Peterson sisters were rocking out in bands such as THE Muze, Hollywood Girls, and THE Fans right around the same period is the legendary stuff mostly outside of public knowledge. The intertwining stories of Susanna Hoffs meeting David Roback (later of The Rain Parade) and getting inspired by The Last, with Vicki & DEBBI’s growing interest in garage bands like The Unclaimed around town, All Over The Place shows how many moving parts were swirling around, generating a indescribable electricity around Los Angeles as the hardcore scene raged on the other side of the coin. As the Paisley Underground scene evolved during its short window, bands such as Salvation Army/the Three O’clock, Long Ryders, and Dream Syndicate are given their long-overdue historical appreciation here. 438 page softcover book. First edition of 600 copies.
Screaming Urge - Buy
Screaming Urge
LP | 1980 | US | Reissue (Hozac)
32,99 €*
Release: 1980 / US – Reissue
Genre: Rock & Indie
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Homework' was an earth-shaker the first time I heard it. Blasting off the sketchy Cd-r on the Hyped2Death volume of Homework Volume 1: American DIY R-T, it defined frantic punked-out power pop from the Midwest. In such great company on those comps, sometimes the tracks seemed to seep into each other, yet Screaming Urge seemed to consistently dig itself deeper, standing out and don’t forget, they named their entire Series after that invigorating cut! Columbus, Ohio, in the late 1970s had an incredible cast of characters running around Mr. Brown’s, Crazy Mama’s and such. Tommy Jay, Mike Rep, Ron House, Jim Shepherd, Nudge, it must have just been a brown leather fever dream! 'Released' on Mike Rep’s New Age label in 1980, the 'Homework' single is pure American DIY punk gold that really checks all the boxes. Overbearing parents, teenage frustration, beer, everything you’d want in a punchy underground would-be hit. Later the same year they released their powerhouse debut LP BUY, (aka The Blue Album) on Garner Records, which has sadly been out-of-print for 43 years, until now. Packaged together with the 'Homework' 7” tracks and freshly remastered, this Ohio Punk milestone is finally available again."—
Sal Maida / Mitchell Cohen & Friends - (Vol. 2) The White Label Promo Preservation Society: More Flop Albums You Need To Know Burnt Envelope - I'm Immature: The Singles Vol. Ii
Burnt Envelope
I'm Immature: The Singles Vol. Ii
LP | 2023 | US | Original (Hozac)
23,99 €*
Release: 2023 / US – Original
Genre: Rock & Indie
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There really isn’t much you can do to prepare yourself for something as profound as Burnt Envelope. Punk this “pure” has to be fake these days, or does it? We stumbled upon this band (or is it high concept performance art?) the old fashioned way, on a podcast while being quarantined for a global pandemic, and its charm and impressively brazen lack of luster wiggled its way deep inside the Hozac brain trust, big time. Starring the eternally optimistic Anthony Pasquarosa (formerly of Weeping Bong Band, Frozen Corn, Gluebag, etc), the Burnt Envelope concept is very easy to swallow, and impossible not to immediately heave back up. If there was a “ballet” for sloptastic stoner-sweat exercise routines, this would be the Swan Lake. And Burnt Envelope would probably end up drowning in that lake, because you, my dear, are indeed “Stuck in this World.” If you’ve been curious about Ancestry.com and the like, “23 and Me” will be the song that gets you through the rest of 2023 with a spring in your step, a smile on your face, and a shot in your eye. “I’m A Chameleon Parts 1&2” are some of the most ambitious tracks ever released on this label, a seriously hypnotic soured mash of “Sister Ray” and Randy Savage/Mean Gene Okerlundisms that will cast a heavy spell, only to crack your wits out with a Maggots-esque “Nothing To Do” that will leave you dizzy and drooling. Set up as singles across the dehumanizing entire LP, every two tracks is in essence a “single” and quickly sears your fingers/toes and brain/ass simultaneously. Burnt Envelope is the modern national treasure you never knew we had, a brilliant barrage of slop punk perfection and black humor that shows we’ve still got a long way to go with “evolution,” and a nasty reminder of the beauty of a perfectly fried guitar solo. Will this immaturity get old any time soon? Not as long as baby shit stinks it won’t, and this incredible LP will give you the courage you need to tackle tomorrow’s hurdles, at least in your brain. Don’t worry, we won’t let many people get copies of this, we promise. People in stone houses shouldn’t thrown glass as it just gets everywhere, and it’s a huge mess to clean up….
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