
Terms and Conditions Raffle

§ 1 Raffle

  • The raffle is carried out by the HHV Handels GmbH.
  • None of the raffles conducted by us on social networks bears relation to, and is neither sponsored, nor supported or organised by those. The recipient of the information you provide is not the respective social network but HHV Handels GmbH. Thus, any questions, suggestions or complaints are to be adressed to the operator. Furthermore, the operator is allowed to contact contestants via e-mail.
  • By entering the raffle one is hereby complying with the conditions presented in the respective entry on the social network or by clicking on “ – Klicke hier um an der Verlosung teilzunehmen.“ at HHV Mag-raffles. Both raffle-related entries on social networks and on HHV Mag state: the object of interest, the running time of the raffle, the conditions participants have to comply with, the methods and criteria by which the winner is determined, contacted and announced.
  • The prize is not disposable. Cash withdrawal is just as excluded as any recourse to courts or law. The responsibility for potential payment of tax is accepted by the participant. If the winner don‘t contact us within 21 Days after announcing, we reserve the right to annul the prize.
  • The participation in the raffle is neither bound to the costs, nor to the purchase of goods or services.
  • By participating, the participator consents to the terms and conditions of the raffle.

§ 2 Sequestration from raffles

  • Associates of the HHV Handels GmbH and their relatives are barred from participation.
  • In the case of a breach of terms and conditions or of technical manipulation, the operator is permitted to disqualify contravening participants. As consequence, prizes may subsequently be revoked and reclaimed.

§ 3 Early termination of raffles

  • The HHV Handels GmbH reserves the right to terminate the raffle at any point in time with no notice and without giving any reason.

§ 4 Responsibility of contents and indemnification

  • The participant binds himself to the adherence of copyright, personality right or labelling rights and thus abandons the uploading of photographs, texts or any other media that transgresses third-party rights, competition laws or any other laws. In addition, the participant binds himself to protect the own image rights and thus abandons uploading pictures of persons whose explicit approval he lacks. Hereof, the participant assumes full legal responsibility.
  • The participant assures HHV Handels GmbH that his picutres, texts and other media do not violate third-party rights or defy prevailing legal norms.
  • In case of deliberate or gross violation of the above two parragraphs, the participant keeps the HHV Handels GmbH indemnified against all liablility whatsover that third parties might claim due to content that has been published in the course of the raffle. This refers particularly and unrestricted to claims resulting from violated copyright or labelling laws, competition laws or violation against personal rights or right in one’s own image. Furthermore, the participant is obligated to refund legal defence expenses to the HHV Handels GmbH.

§ 5 Other matters

  • There is no right of appeal.
  • The only the applicable law is that of the German Federal Republic.
  • If individual clauses of the above mentioned be or become void, none of the remaining terms and conditions will be affected in its validity.
  • The HHV Handels GmbH reserves the right of changing the terms and conditions at no notice.