
Thee Marloes Perak Black Vinyl Edition

Big Crown | Item No: 1131208
Vinyl LP | 2024 / US – Original | New
27,99 €
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Item Description
Big Crown Records is proud to present Perak, the debut album from TheeMarloes.When you rst hear Thee Marloes, their particular soul sound may seemfamiliar enough. There are the weighty drums, a crooning guitar, and a beautifulvoice singing about unrequited love and the complications inherent in affairs ofthe heart. But then there is something undeniably different about Thee Marloesand their music, something new and distinct. And while you may be acquaintedwith soul music, you've probably never heard it from Surabaya, Indonesia_theplace they call home.Thee Marloes are Natassya Sianturi singing and playing keys, Tommy Satwickon drums, and Sinatrya ("Raka") Dharaka on guitar and handling production.Their sound has the universal appeal of soul, jazz, and pop, but with a distinctapproach attributable to their local culture and global inuence. The world'sintroduction to Thee Marloes' debut album Perak, started with "MidnightHotline" the scorching A side to their debut 7" on Big Crown. A punchy dance-oor number with an infectious chorus, vibey piano, and jazzy guitar licks.Contrasting that energy in the classic plug and ballad pairing dynamic, the Bside "Beri Cinta Waktu" has all the makings of a beloved soul ballad but thelyrics are in Indonesian. Regardless of any language barrier, the sentiment intheir music is palpable, helping to make their songs relatable and heartfelt. Therest of Perak ts perfectly in between those bookends of both energy andlanguage, "I Know" is a mid-tempo burner that talks about pulling the veil oflies off a love affair founded on falsehood. "Not Today" is right up there with thegrooviest feel good songs you could ever play on a Sunday morning withNatassya reminding us to make space for ourselves no matter what life throwsour way. "Mungkin Saja" brings the tempo back up with another dance oorsmoker while "True Love" nds Thee Marloes dipping into the soulful side ofjazz with a beat ballad that could soundtrack a Tarantino dance scen...
Item Details
Item No: 1131208
Artist: Thee Marloes
Title: Perak Black Vinyl Edition
Label: Big Crown
Format: Vinyl LP, Vinyl, LP
Pressing: US – Original
Release Date: 2024
Genre: Organic Grooves
Style: Funk | Soul
Available since: 2024-08-05
Condition: New
Price: 27,99 €
Weight: 250g (plus 250g Packaging)
Product safety (manufacturer information): HHV Handels GmbH
Zur Alten Börse 55
12681 Berlin
A1 I Know
A2 Logika
A3 Summer
A4 Midnight Hotline
A5 Beri Cinta Waktu
A6 True Love
B1 Mungkin Saja
B2 Not Today
B3 Over
B4 No One Else
B5 Nona
B6 Thank You
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