

After we have received your return shipment, we are usually able to process it within one or two days. As soon as we have completed this process, we will send you an email confirming the receipt and informing you of further procedures. Please note that, depending on the carrier company, return shipments may take two to ten days to get from you to us. If you have not heard from us after ten days, please contact our customer service via email at service@hhv.de or via phone Monday to Friday between 9 am and 6 pm at +49 (0)30 2938 12 31.

The refund will be issued by the same means of payment as the customer used for the initial transaction unless we agree with you otherwise. If you paid via bank transfer or sofortueberweisung.de, we will need your banking information to refund the money to you. You may provide that information to us, for example, using the return receipt. Please note that the refunding process may take two to four days depending on the bank.