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Nu Genea - Bar Mediterraneo 2nd Edition
Nu Genea
Bar Mediterraneo 2nd Edition
LP | 2022 | EU | Original (NG)
24,99 €*
Release: 2022 / EU – Original
Genre: Organic Grooves, Electronic & Dance
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Four years after Nuova Napoli, Nu Genea are back with Bar Mediterraneo, a new album and journey, which projects the sounds of the Neapolitan duo formed by Massimo Di Lena and Lucio Aquilina even further. Nu Genea's Bar Mediterraneo is an idea of a shared place where people meet and fuse together; a space that leaves its doors open to travellers and their lives, always exposed to the whims of fate. Some of this can be experienced through the multitude of sounds that come together in the tracks, layers of different acoustic instruments, voices and synthesizers merging in a unique musical blend. Opening up to the voices of many different people, separated by languages but united by the sea and the music, Nu Genea's hometown, Napoli, becomes a true place of encounter. You can hear this all along. In "Gelbi", a gorgeously deep and propulsive Ney flute plunges into murky waters of the melancholic Tunisian dialect sung by Marzouk Mejri. In "Marechia'", unbridled happiness and sun ooze from the delicate vocals of Célia Kameni and create an acrobatic bridge between French and Neapolitan language. In "Straniero", your soul is arrested from the moment the slow spell-binding mandolin ignites the hypnotic patterns recorded by the legendary Afrobeat drummer Tony Allen. In "Bar Mediterraneo", the title track, bittersweet guitar’s riffs, analog waves and choirs are overwhelming the song giving you what you would like to hear on a boat trip along the Amalfi Coast. Nu Genea couldn't afford to overlook their firmly anchored roots into the Neapolitan culture and its dialect with "Tienaté", where the power of neapolitan language (interpreted by Fabiana Martone) supports those quarter-tone strings and the uncessant folk-disco groove that spreads to the entire song. In "Praja Magia", repetitive mandolin riffs lead the song, giving space to a choral yet tight vocal line that speaks of Varcaturo, a village close to Napoli. In "Rire", a volley of poetic, deceptively laidback, lyrical fury interpreted by Sicilian Marco Castello intimately combines with a highly musical, multitextured instrumental backbone and the swoon of a chanson in its heart. In "La Crisi'', the lyrics of a Raffaele Viviani’s poem from 1930 have been adapted to a laidback jazz-funk groove in full NG style. In "Vesuvio", revaluing the evocative verses and powerful mantra of Vesuvio, Nu Genea re-adapted to the dancefloor a folk song by the working-class band E’ Zezi from Pomigliano D'Arco, combining the voices of a school choir with Jupiter-6 arpeggios and bold percussions. Bar Mediterraneo is the place where people constantly return to transform curiosity into participation, tradition into sharing, unfamiliar into familiar. When travellers come through its “doors”, carrying their treasures of words and emotions, they aren’t strangers any more. They take part in a shared experience, enriching themselves and others by leading to unexpected musical journeys.
Theodor - Holocene
LP | 2024 | EU | Original (Broc Recordz)
30,99 €*
Release: 2024 / EU – Original
Genre: Organic Grooves, Electronic & Dance
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After an acclaimed first self-titled album, Theodor is back! The German band brings back his psychedelic sweet soul in a 10 track LP with a wonderful piece of art as cover, made by Harald Hermann.
AIR - Moon Safari Live & Demos Record Store Day 2025 White Vinyl Edition
Moon Safari Live & Demos Record Store Day 2025 White Vinyl Edition
LP | 1999 | WW | Reissue (Warner)
43,99 €*
Release: 1999 / WW – Reissue
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Coming Soon 2025-04-12, 10:00 CEST
Quantity: 2900
Release type: RSD Exclusive Release
Pellegrino & Zodyaco - Koinè
Pellegrino & Zodyaco
LP | 2025 | EU | Original (Early Sounds)
29,99 €*
Release: 2025 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Preorder shipping from 2025-03-28
Koinè is the new album by Pellegrino & Zodyaco, a record that explores the desire to escape by interpreting it as an act of emancipation, an aimless journey in search of creative freedom. The demonstration that escapism, when it is conscious, can bring us back to the heart of things. Inspired by Éloge de la fuite by Henri Laborit, the album embarks on a journey to discover a “common language” (Koinè), blending Neapolitan roots with a global and contemporary musical vision. It blends melodic traditions with disco, funk, jazz fusion, and world music, experimenting with vintage instruments, ethnic percussion, and Mediterranean atmospheres. Pellegrino, a pioneer of the “new school” Neapolitan sound, after 4 years since his last LP “Morphé” (2020) continues the path started with Zodyaco I (2018), painting an authentic portrait of modern Naples and celebrating musical contamination as a form of creative euphoria.
Kriss - Hey Mister Mister
Hey Mister Mister
12" | 1988 | EU | Reissue (Thank You)
18,99 €*
Release: 1988 / EU – Reissue
Genre: Organic Grooves, Electronic & Dance
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Released in 1988, this can be considered on of the final gems of the original Italo Disco period and spawns from the mind of production and songwriting powerhouse Raff Todesco. ‘Hey Mister Mister’ bears more than a passing resemblance to the certified classic example of Balearica that is Chris Rea’s ‘Josephine’ and features the use of some uncredited male vocals from who perhaps one of the most iconic voices in Italo, Fred Ventura. This cult favourite is seeing the light of day via a reissue for the first time and also includes an instrumental version on the flip.
Magic Source - Voodoo Ray / Interplanetary Bounce
Magic Source
Voodoo Ray / Interplanetary Bounce
12" | 2025 | EU | Original (Favorite)
15,99 €*
Release: 2025 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Magic Source is back with an exclusive 2 tracks single filled with their special rootsy cosmic funky touch.

Led by producer & notorious tape operator Björn Wagner (of Mighty Mocambos, Bacao Rhythm & Steel Band and Mocambo Records), the group follows up to the release of their 2nd LP last year, Voyage Spectral. This time again, the German band dives into the Tropical and international aspects of Disco and Funk music, always using 100% organic production and recordings material.

On this 2 tracks single, you’ll first find a blazing and unexpected covers of “Voodoo Ray” the classic acid-house track by A Guy Called Gerald, with special vocals by Mounam & Gizelle Smith. Following up to this already dancefloor classic, comes “Interplanetary Bounce”, a new and exclusive composition from the band also tailored to make you move, with its Boogie touch and heavy breaks.
Dandolo - Ticket To Ride
Ticket To Ride
7" | 2025 | EU | Original (Mirella)
15,99 €*
Release: 2025 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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“Ticket to Ride” marks the solo debut of Dandolo, member of the duo Maurizio & Dandolo. This time, Dandolo wins a lottery ticket and flies solo, away from his Adriatic coast, to Thailand where lust, love and broken hearts await him.

The single’s exotic flavour is highlighted in the B-side, the dub version by Cosmo Dance. The track is a total floorfiller, a DJ essential and dancers’ delight that nods in its production to the Eastern influences of the golden age of Italo Disco.

With “Ticket to Ride” ends the Italo Disco trilogy of Maurizio & Dandolo, started with “Natale in tangenziale” and continued with “Demin”. The track confirms Mirella Records’ commitment to craft exquisite Italo Disco instant classics, with a distinctive and authentic 1980s flavour, which echoes in the cheekiness of the lyrics and themes narrated.
DJ Koze - Pick Up
DJ Koze
Pick Up
12" | 2018 | EU | Original (Pampa)
13,99 €*
Release: 2018 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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DJ Koze might be one of the world’s best producers, but above all he’s a DJ, and it’s his DJ ear that governs. Just as in a great set, so with his releases: “Seeing Aliens” came out of nowhere, a big buzzing beast of a track, to announce that Koze was back on the scene and prime everyone for the coming album, knock knock. But now that Koze has your attention, it’s time to remind everyone what’s most important about club music, pull things back, take a turn to the left, and get deep into the groove. Thus “Pick Up": the second single from knock knock is 100% pure groove, doubly so in the extended 12″ version. In a sense it’s incredibly familiar - it is essentially a filter disco record, very close to something you could imagine coming out of Paris around the turn of the millennium.
Scruscru - Japanese Edits
Japanese Edits
12" | 2024 | UK | Original (Scruniversal)
16,99 €*
Release: 2024 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Edit master Scruscru rarely misses no matter what sounds he decides to put under his scalpel. For this one on his own superb Scruniversal label he turns his attention to the lush sound world of City Pop over in Japan. On one vital 12" the maestro cooks up six varied but equally vital sizzlers starting with the funky sounds and big brass of 'One For Xsuxsu' then taking in the blissed out disco and house beats of 'Kyoto Sunshine', jazzy keys of 'Horomi & Rikishi', funky bass twangs of 'Secret Dream' and jazz lunge excellence of 'Nippon Bossa' before 'Scrutinised Tune' closes out with brown beats and sunny chords. Scruperb stuff.
John Beltran - Back To Bahia Volume 5
John Beltran
Back To Bahia Volume 5
7" | 2025 | US | Original (Motorcity Wine)
15,99 €*
Release: 2025 / US – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Much loved Michigan techno and ambient virtuoso John Beltran wraps up the so far so excellent Back to Bahia 7 series with the a final volume that proves to be the most dancefloor focussed offering yet. Leading with 'O Patio,' Beltran shows his class with a blend of jazz-funk and MPB that comes with a rather sunny Ibiza-inspired twist while echoing the vibes of Latin greats like Robson Jorge and Lincoln Olivetti. On the flip side, 'Belle Isle' is a perfect party anthem for those outdoor sessions - think beach gatherings or cookouts and you won't go wrong. This has been a brilliant series and while it's a shame it's over, this is a fitting way to end it.
DJ Koco AKA Shimokita - World's Famous
DJ Koco AKA Shimokita
World's Famous
7" | 2024 | JP | Original (Bloom Music)
21,99 €*
Release: 2024 / JP – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Known for his charming personality, DJ Koco aka Shimokita travels the world, delivering high-energy performances that light up any party and bring smiles to everyone. Now, he's set to release his very first single under his own name from Bloom Music in late 2024! DJ Koco has re-created Malcolm McLaren's melodic classic "World's Famous" (1983), featuring his close collaborators 45trio. With their groovy performance, the track has been stripped down to its essence, highlighting DJ Koco's unique sense of style in a fresh and dynamic arrangement.
D.D. Mirage - Exotic Illusions
D.D. Mirage
Exotic Illusions
LP | 2025 | EU | Original (Isle Of Jura)
26,99 €*
Release: 2025 / EU – Original
Genre: Organic Grooves, Electronic & Dance
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After releasing their well-received 7” and 12” singles ‘Night Time’ and ‘Feel It / So Hot’, Isle of Jura is pleased to present Exotic Illusions, the debut album from D.D. Mirage, the Sydney-based duo of Josh Dives and Disky Dee.

Having first played music together during the mid-2010s in the indie-psyche and punky-shoegaze bands King Colour and SCK CHX, the two Australian musicians/DJs came up in the warehouse party scene that fermented in the wake of the Sydney lockout laws. While organising mixed media events under the Yeah Nah Yeah brand, they discovered the joys of disco, dance-punk and the Balearic beat through Pender St Steppers’ DJ mixes and reissue releases and found themselves changing direction in response.

Written and recorded with a range of vintage keyboards and preamps, instruments and digital studio software, Exotic Illusions is a cosmopolitan love letter to the immaculate blend of Italo disco, Neopolitan funk, Nigerian boogie, cosmic house, synth-pop, UK street soul and lovers rock sounds that have inspired D.D. Mirage since they began this iteration of their ever-evolving musical relationship.

“The name Exotic Illusions refers to our fascination with all of this music made in other parts of the world,” they explain. “During lockdown and thereafter, we indulged in these exotic sounds as an antidote to our lack of travel. This fascination continued as the world opened up again, and we started working on tunes together. It’s also a way of acknowledging that we feel like tourists partaking in these styles and established sounds. They aren’t ours and weren’t born out of the place we’re from, but we hope we’ve been able to add something unique to them.”

In recognition of this, rather than just reinterpreting genre motifs through an antipodean lens, D.D. Mirage opened up lines of communication with some of their favourite musicians from the Neapolitan scene, bassist Daniel Monaco (Rush Hour, Periodica Records) and drummer Andrea De Fazio (Parbleu/ Nu Genea), who recorded the rhythm section for ‘So Hot’. They also wrote to the Manchester-based singer/producer Private Joy, who graced ‘Night Time’ with a smoother-than-silk street soul vocal that helped the single secure crucial plays on NTS and BBC Radio 6.

Opening with the tropical melodies, post-disco machine beats and jilted art-punk singalong chants of the title track, Exotic Illusions unfolds as a series of sturdy, internationally-minded dancefloor excursions. ‘Piranesi’ is boogie with a South American shuffle. ‘So Hot’ is Neapolitan funk with a Leichhardt strut, and ‘Antenna’ (featuring Jofi) is D.D. Mirage’s love letter to ‘80s drum machine bossa nova from Brussels.

On ‘Feel It’, the duo hit a sparking groove that reaches into an eternal sunset of the mind before throwing out a bubbly disco-not disco spoken word bounce on ‘Cat’s Cradle’, featuring psychedelic-pop singer Jermango Dreaming. From there, D.D. Mirage bring it home with a cheeky Aussie drawl on ‘Living Upside Down’ and the nocturnal excellence of ‘Night Time’, making a case for themselves as a significant new force from Australian music to the world. full sleeve artwork from Bradley Pinkerton.
Melome Clement & L'international Orchestre Poly-Rythmo - Zo Tche Kpo Do Te
Melome Clement & L'international Orchestre Poly-Rythmo
Zo Tche Kpo Do Te
12" | 2024 | EU | Original (Canopy)
18,99 €*
Release: 2024 / EU – Original
Genre: Organic Grooves, Electronic & Dance
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The first in a two part series on Canopy documenting the work of the Beninoise supergroup, T.P. Orchestre Poly-Rythmo, who were responsible for an astonishing multitude of records, numbering well over 250 releases. While the group underwent numerous personnel changes over the course of their 40+ year legacy; the founder, composer, vocalist & multi-instrumentalist Clément Melome remained a constant and uniting force.

The title track, "Zo Tche Kpo Do Te", sung in Fon by bandleader Clément Melome translates as, "My Fire Will Not Go Out" and was taken from the self-titled LP "Melome Clement & L'International Orchestre Poly-Rythmo". It is here remastered and reissued by Canopy for the first time. This evocative song is a hybrid of soukous-like elements with a driving, almost disco beat and a relentless bassline shot through with funky guitars and triumphant horn arrangements. The atmosphere is given a cosmic sensibility with synth lines and psychedelic FX, culminating in a sonic cocktail that has often been described as "Voodoo-disco".

Accompanying the original version are two remixes by producers whose work Canopy has long admired.

Jose Marquez adds live bass and percussion to his "Mezcla", turning it into an uplifting opus that deftly dances the line between the original work and the modern elements, tastefully updating the sound to segue between the past and present.

Sol Power All-Stars up the ante with their powerful reinterpretation. Throbbing bass underpins a club focused yet dubbed out and psychedelic afrobeat over which Clement Melome's composition shines. The Ibibio Horns add complimentary horn arrangements and galactic synth solos. The end result is a master work in 21st century future-vintage afro funk creation.
Perro Bueno Edits - Perro Bueno Edits Volume 3 Black Vinyl Edtion
Perro Bueno Edits
Perro Bueno Edits Volume 3 Black Vinyl Edtion
7" | 2025 | UK | Original (Perro Bueno Edits)
14,99 €*
Release: 2025 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Perro Bueno Edits is back with more muy bueno refixes of some classic disco sounds. This third such volume features two reimagined Afro-funk tracks by the mysterious label head Perro Bueno. The first track 'bowo' brings a nice driving groove with open hi-hats add some smoothness and funky guitar riffs and punchy horns adding some extra dancefloor bite without sacrificing the vintage roots. The second track 'msmo' is a heavier beat with vamping chords and guitar riffs really sending it home with clever sampling and modern enhancements. Both nostalgic yet fresh this is another tasteful disco, Afro and funk fusion for discerning dancers.
Lara Orfei - Se Mi Rompi Non Ci Sto
Lara Orfei
Se Mi Rompi Non Ci Sto
12" | 1985 | EU | Reissue (Thank You)
18,99 €*
Release: 1985 / EU – Reissue
Genre: Organic Grooves, Electronic & Dance
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Lara Orfei was part of the Italia Orfei circus and entertainment family dynasty who often had forays into the realm of the record industry and Se Mi Rompi Non Ci Sto is one of the outcomes of that. However, these ventures weren’t always commercially successful as is the case with this record which of course has led to the an original copy becoming very difficult and expensive to acquire. However, it most certainly can be considered an artistic success - with Lara Orfei’s strange, otherworldly voice melted perfectly with the track’s cosmic electronics - which are also able to stand alone and shine through in the Instrumental version on the B-side. Having been released on seven inch, we are more than happy to bring this cult classic of Italo Disco onto 12 inch format for your enjoyment with the inclusion of extended edit by Castro to further facilitate dancefloor transcendence.
Nick Bike - Magic Party Breaks
Nick Bike
Magic Party Breaks
7" | 2025 | UK | Original (Chosen Spokes)
18,99 €*
Release: 2025 / UK – Original
Genre: Organic Grooves, Electronic & Dance
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Nick Bike rides again on the Chosen Spokes label with another pair of his superb funk jams and killer breaks that need to be added to your collection and never allowed to leave. Magic Party Breaks is a 7" gem that opens with the infectious 'Move Move Move' featuring raw drum breaks, big claps and florid melodies that bring plenty of loose and playful energy for the floor. Flip it over for 'Extended magic' which is a horn-laced cut with characterful live drums, warm Hammond organ stabs and more superb breaks.
Jazz N Palms - Soul 03
Jazz N Palms
Soul 03
7" | 2025 | UK | Original (Jazz N Palms)
17,99 €*
Release: 2025 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Straight Outta Soul N Palms, kicking of 2025 with more soulful re-edits for the discerning ear.
Sgt Slick - Volume 4
Sgt Slick
Volume 4
12" | 2025 | UK | Original (Sgt Slick Recuts)
18,99 €*
Release: 2025 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Melbourne's Sgt Slick returns with another killer 4 tracks EP fresh from his release on Fools Paradise. He has a huge list of achievements to his name including Aria / Apra Awards and nominations, Billboard, Music Week, Traxsource & Beatport # 1 Records, and a string of successful music releases.

The Sarge knows what works on the dancefloor and these edits showcase that to a T. Featuring some of the biggest names around mixed for the floor, as always Buy or Cry.
Arsene - Jack Shit & Hot Sweaty Nights
Jack Shit & Hot Sweaty Nights
7" | 2025 | EU | Original (Star Creature)
15,99 €*
Release: 2025 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Chaos In The CBD - A Deeper Life
Chaos In The CBD
A Deeper Life
2LP | 2025 | UK | Original (In Dust We Trust)
33,99 €*
Release: 2025 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Preorder shipping from 2025-05-09
“We created a holiday inside our heads.”

A Deeper Life, Chaos In The CBD’s debut album over 10 years in the making, is nostalgic for the duo’s nature-filled youth, exploring the magical coastline and lush rainforest of New Zealand. “The title refers to our childhood, which was idyllic,” says Ben. “It was just the sun, the sand, the sea, waterfalls, birds and fish…” The album’s blissful setting is also depicted on the album cover: a painting, by a childhood friend, of the beach where they grew up in Devonport. A Deeper Life whirls that profound love of house music and wide-ranging influences – from Brazilian to R&B, ambient to Italo to deep house and downtempo pop – into a serene, cohesive whole with their signature finesse. The result is an international dance sound that feels unmistakably like Chaos and ebbs and flows from the beach party to the club to the afterhours. On the album they’ve teamed up with a number of US legends and married their vocals with the UK underground: Josh Milan of house pioneers Blaze brings his soulful vocals to the bossa nova beats of ‘I Wanna Tell Somebody,’ a future jazz-dance anthem. Unheralded Chicago house hero and Larry Heard collaborator Lee Pearson Jr. goes deep over ‘More Time’s broken beat flex. And on ‘Maintaining My Peace’, the brothers have matched veteran house singer-songwriter Stephanie Cooke with UK grime MC Novelist, on a slinky LDN interpretation of LA hip-hop and g-funk. Also featured on the album are New Zealand jazz artist Nathan Haines, frequent collaborator Isaac Asaeili and more.
Mystic Jungle - Deviant Disco 2024 Repress
Mystic Jungle
Deviant Disco 2024 Repress
LP | 2022 | EU | Reissue (Periodica)
20,99 €*
Release: 2022 / EU – Reissue
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Mystic Jungle makes a much awaited return with Deviant Disco, a new 12” of sun-soaked groovers released through Periodica Records. A culmination of several years of writing, vibing, and influence mining, these compositions represent the producer’s most varied and expansive works yet, and to fully realize his vision, Mystic Jungle invited the entire West Hill Studio crew to contribute narcotizing layers of pop vocal mesmerism, and additional touches of guitar, bass, percussion, and synth. Strains of Italo disco, balearic boogie, and freaky funk are interspersed amidst passages of Nigerian highlife, soft focus AOR, kinetic Hi-NRG, and exotic lover’s rock, resulting in a personalized voyage through a paradise of sound, one that is unmoored from the concerns of modernity, and celebrates instead a hedonistic naivety, and a desire to dance all day in spiritual ecstasy.
Coeo - Disco Volante EP
Disco Volante EP
12" | 2016 | EU | Original (Razor-N-Tape Reserve)
18,99 €*
Release: 2016 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Munich duo COEO joins the RNT family with a pack of reworks destined for dance floor greatness! Heretofore known for deep house goodness on Let's Play House and Toy Tonics, the boys flex their edit muscles on these 4 tracks which range from the soulfully sublime "Like It Is," to the disco house fury of "Long Night Ahead," to the best damn Fela edit we've ever heard.
Snips - A Spread Called Quest / Kool Summer
A Spread Called Quest / Kool Summer
7" | 2025 | US | Original (Revamp)
19,99 €*
Release: 2025 / US – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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T.P. Orchestre Poly-Rythmo De Cotonou Benin - Unite Africaine
T.P. Orchestre Poly-Rythmo De Cotonou Benin
Unite Africaine
12" | 2024 | EU | Original (Canopy)
18,99 €*
Release: 2024 / EU – Original
Genre: Organic Grooves, Electronic & Dance
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The second part in the series looking at the works of the Beninoise super group T.P. Orchestre Poly-Rythmo and the compositions of bandleader Clément Melome. The title song, "Unité Africaine" was originally released domestically in 1977 on the LP, "T.P. Orchestre Poly-Rythmo de Cotonou Benin - Melome Clement, Chef d'Orchestre" and celebrates a message of unity across the African nations.

The single focuses on the modern interpretations for which Canopy again enlists the skills of Jose Marquez & Sol Power All-Stars.

Jose Marquez builds around the core elements of "Unité Africaine", deepening the mood with characteristic production prowess. Recruiting precise musicians who add live bass, percussion and synthesizer, Jose delivers an adaptation which effortlessly compliments the original arrangement and feeling with a thoughtfully executed sensibility.

Sol Power All-Stars step up with a sincere rendition of "Unité Africaine". No strangers to the work of Orchestre Poly-Rythmo, (having released a dynamite remix EP of Orchestre Poly-Rythmo on their own imprint "Sol Power Sound"), they were a natural fit for this project. The version presented here is respectful to the original, adding live drums, light disco FX and new arrangements to gently enhance the original composition, adding just the right amount of seasoning to their mix to bring it to a joyful and tasty simmer.
V.A. - Ttj#5725
12" | 2024 | EU | Original (TTJ Edits)
14,99 €*
Release: 2024 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Essential Item Limited Edition No Re-Press...
I Coccodrilli - Sabato Italiano 2024 Repress
I Coccodrilli
Sabato Italiano 2024 Repress
7" | 2021 | EU | Reissue (Futuribile)
12,99 €*
Release: 2021 / EU – Reissue
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Blue curaçao, gin, triple sec, ice and a lemon zest. A cocktail with out-of-the-ordinary gradations is a prerogative of the Grand Hotel. Suggestive, Exclusive and luxurious. If your dream is to spend a perfect weekend that offers you more than just sun and relaxation the most suitable solution for you is this fantastic establishment located just a few kilometres from the Tyrrhenian Sea. Its splendid swimming pool is positioned on a terrace that offers an incredible and beautiful coastal panorama, a permanent agora from June to September where love flourishes and dies. The lapping of the placid waters is hypnotic, a sparkling sound that mingles with the ticking of the empty cups of Angelo Azzurro while easy listening music is played in the background. I Coccodrilli are the main band, they entertain the audience with a mix of positivity in their funky notes during those times when the jukebox’s on pause and it stops marking the passing of the hours. Sabato Italiano is their latest hit and it’s now available on 7”. Bikinis, the dancing and the kisses. The endless season of youth.
Sam Ruffillo - Italianissimo EP Extended Mixes
Sam Ruffillo
Italianissimo EP Extended Mixes
12" | 2022 | EU | Original (Toy Tonics)
12,99 €*
Release: 2022 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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It’s Italian time! Sam Ruffillo is back. Sicilian producer doing smooth Balearic disco with Italian vocals. The direction is clear: Sam Ruffillo’s music brings us back into the Italian riviera and the hippy days of Ibiza in the late 1970ies. Even his way of production is similar to how the early days disco producers in Italia used to work: No samples needed. Instead a few guest musicians come to jam over Sam’s beats in his Italian studio space. Guitar, bass, percussions. Sam later makes the production and added keyboard solos and put together the vibes into what is this new EP. The girl voice comes from Ninfa. It’s the classic studio story: Ninfa is a singer and DJ and friend of Sam. She was hanging at the studio while Sam was finishing these tracks. She stated to sing along… the words came up spontaneously… so they decided to record her and finally decided to keep them. The vibe was too good. Why talk English if u can do it better: in Italian! :) This is second for Toy Tonics after his Sport House EP from last year. Sam also appeared on the solo record of Joel Holmes on Toy Tonics. Together with Kapote Modica he co-produced and made the beats on that record. Now Sam is back with this pure Italian EP. Inclusive remixes by new German artists Gome and Italian Musemeci - known to many from his fabulous Italo-trance releases on Diynamic records.
DJ A-L - Make Me Wanna Holler / Keep Me Hangin On
Make Me Wanna Holler / Keep Me Hangin On
7" | 2025 | US | Original (Retro-Respect)
15,99 €*
Release: 2025 / US – Original
Genre: Organic Grooves, Electronic & Dance
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Bad Boys Blue - 25 - The Long Mixes Blue Vinyl Edtion
Bad Boys Blue
25 - The Long Mixes Blue Vinyl Edtion
LP | 2025 | EU | Original (New Hargent Media)
24,99 €*
Release: 2025 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance, Pop
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Preorder shipping from 2025-04-11
Glenn Underground - Classiques Volume 19
Glenn Underground
Classiques Volume 19
12" | 2025 | US | Original (Gu Classiques)
18,99 €*
Release: 2025 / US – Original
Genre: Organic Grooves, Electronic & Dance
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GU returns with 3 more of his favorite funk & disco tunes from the early days of The Bismark, Music Box, and Warehouse, polished up & refreshed for modern dance floors. This features dope edits/remixes of Ingram, James Brown and for the Star Wars’ fans: Meco's "Cantine Boogie". As usual white labels in paper sleeves and limited so don’t sleep on it.
Art Of Tones - 3 Men EP
Art Of Tones
3 Men EP
12" | 2025 | UK | Original (G.A.M.M.)
20,99 €*
Release: 2025 / UK – Original
Genre: Organic Grooves, Electronic & Dance
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Preorder shipping from 2025-03-28
Art Of Tones returns to GAMM after the success of his '3 Woman EP' with the '3 Men EP', an record where the male vocals come into focus.

We're starting off with 'International Truth', a huge soulful and uplifting disco/soul jam with big vocals and a large dose of feel-good vibes...a proper peak-time tune!

The B-side offers a rework of a rare and much sought after afro-disco cut and an amazing rework of one of those Stevie Wonder under-the-radar tracks that most of us probably have overlooked.
V.A. - Transcoastal Compiled By Charles Bals And Norman Gervais
Transcoastal Compiled By Charles Bals And Norman Gervais
LP | 2025 | EU | Original (Pocket Of Light)
30,99 €*
Release: 2025 / EU – Original
Genre: Organic Grooves, Electronic & Dance
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Preorder shipping from 2025-04-11
Heated compilation of 81-1990 rarities.

"Club Méduse’s Charles Bals joins forces with Norman Gervais of Bayetë fame to deliver a 10-track melange of languorous seaside serenades and beach-kissed AOR slow burners/bangers.

Each song evokes wave glimmer and synthetic textures on this first drop by Beirut-via-Saint Tropez label Pocket of Light, one for the listener that’s crossed the last frontier of the registry and needs just a little more.

Is it the Baleares or the Caribbean? Is it hopeful anguish or mature happiness? And with captains like this, does it matter at all…?”
Suckaside - Even After All
Even After All
7" | 2025 | UK | Original (Suckaside)
13,99 €*
Release: 2025 / UK – Original
Genre: Hip Hop, Electronic & Dance
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Preorder shipping from 2025-06-20
A nice mix of funk, hip-hop and reggae influences go into the melting pot on the latest SuckaSide, with 'Even After All' proving to be a laid back, blunted jam that's backed up with some hard hitting, sturdy beat manouevres. On the edgier sounding flip, meanwhile, a female MC spits with impressive ferocity while a lovely warm - and somewhat familiar - analogue-edge loop works its magic. Both are key components for use at different points in the jam, some badly needed heavy weaponry that Donald Trump can't withdraw from service here.
Tomoko Aran - Fuyu Kukan White Vinyl Edition
Tomoko Aran
Fuyu Kukan White Vinyl Edition
LP | 1983 | JP | Reissue (Warner Music Japan / Hmv)
42,99 €*
Release: 1983 / JP – Reissue
Genre: Rock & Indie, Electronic & Dance
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Preorder shipping from 2025-03-28
This album, which gained renewed attention after The Weeknd sampled the track “Midnight Pretenders,” is being repressed due to high demand. Originally released in 1983, this masterpiece was produced by Masatoshi Nishimura of Fence OF Defense. It blends elements of new wave and rock with mellow tunes and experimental sounds, making it a groundbreaking work for its time.

Recently, with the resurgence of city pop, tracks like the smooth and dreamy “I’m In Love” and “Midnight Pretenders,” as well as the cosmic sounding “Hannya,” have led to a resurgence of interest among younger audiences and overseas listeners. This reissue features a new cutting from the 2022 restored version, using high-resolution 96 kHz/24bit audio.
Olefonken & Raaja Bones - Uti Fjaera
Olefonken & Raaja Bones
Uti Fjaera
12" | 2025 | EU | Original (Snorkel)
21,99 €*
Release: 2025 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Set sail for the second release in Snorkel Records' limited 12'' single series, featuring Olefonken and Raaja Bones. This summer, they brought their gear to a cabin by the Norwegian fjords, crafting an ode to late-night reveries between quiet moments drifting in a dinghy. Vinyl only, limited to 300 copies - get your copy before it paddles away!
Lovebirds - Want You In My Soul Feat. Stee Downes
Want You In My Soul Feat. Stee Downes
12" | 2020 | EU | Reissue (South Street)
18,99 €*
Release: 2020 / EU – Reissue
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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You’d be hard pressed not to have been completely won over by Lovebirds and vocalist Stee Downes magnetic ‘Want You In My Soul’ back in 2011. A record that is as blissful as it is absorbing, a true crossover that seemed to appeal to everyone and anyone, skyrocketing prices up to £200 for an original on Discogs. South Street continue their incredible run with a fully remastered, officially licensed reissue of this cherished cut.
Clocking in at over eight minutes ‘Want You In My Soul’ is as pure a modern deep house anthem as you’ll get. An extended intro that gradually builds in intensity from the echoing pads to the shimmering arps, before the pulsing synths and Stee Downes instantly recognisable soul infused vocals come to the fore. Packed with passion, brimming with emotion it’s about as sun kissed as you can get without getting burnt.
On the flip, the never before released ‘Summer In London’ edit, that gets straight down to business, shortening the lengthy intro and adding extra percussive touches for a more DJ friendly take on the original.
A highly sought-after EP, finally given the reissue it deserves - a must-have in any collection.
Black Hole - Black Hole 5
Black Hole
Black Hole 5
7" | 2024 | US | Original (Black Hole)
13,99 €*
Release: 2024 / US – Original
Genre: Organic Grooves, Electronic & Dance
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Dorothy Ashby - Masterpiece on 45

Phil Upchurch 1969 ( Charles Stepney)- Guitar masterpiece of Black Gold Donny Hathaway on Piano . 1st time on a 45 Rpm record.

Fans of Jay DIlla , Primo , Pete Rock, Samples Charles Stepney Cadet records production 1969
Monsieur Van Pratt - Illegal Disco 002
Monsieur Van Pratt
Illegal Disco 002
12" | 2025 | UK | Original (Illegal Disco)
15,99 €*
Release: 2025 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Monsieur Van Pratt returns with a second volume of the Illegal Disco series and these sure are some naughty beats that are reimagined classics for contemporary clubs. The flame-hot 'Disco Fever' gets things going with a sleazy big sax line bringing the vibes to a strident disco beat with funky riffs and some great vocal work. 'Fanning The Flame' is another big one with funky drums and big open hi-hats all topped with another impassioned vocal and raw horns. Last of all is 'Rock It' which has a slightly more stripped-back groove but still motors onwards with organic percussion and live drums.
Haruomi Hosono - Omni Sight Seeing White Marbled Vinyl Edition
Haruomi Hosono
Omni Sight Seeing White Marbled Vinyl Edition
LP | 1989 | EU | Reissue (Victory)
21,99 €*
Release: 1989 / EU – Reissue
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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This was his first studio album in four years since his last album, "Endless Talking", and the first release since moving to Epic/sony Records. This work was the result of sessions and collaborations with Arabian musicians, with an inclination towards the 'world music' that was gaining attention at the time. Deployed often in pop culture as punchline, Hosono takes such sight-seeing and transforms it into a metaphor for sample-heavy electronic music, drawing from various cultures and weaving them together into a new holistic vision. Omni Sight Seeing is the clearest iteration of this concept, as he alights on Algerian raï, Martin Denny exotica, and acid house, too. It’s one part Jon Hassell-esque Fourth World, one part Duke Ellington “jungle music,” with Hosono’s singular outlook running through it all.
P Sol - Brooklyn Interlude
P Sol
Brooklyn Interlude
7" | 2025 | UK | Original (Ps7)
12,99 €*
Release: 2025 / UK – Original
Genre: Organic Grooves, Electronic & Dance
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New York's P-Sol steps up to the PS7 label in soulful form. 'Brooklyn Interlude' opens up with some brilliantly buttery vocal harmonies over a lazy and seductive deep funk and soul groove. The drums have hints of hip-hop and neo-soul and are sure to warm through any Autumnal dancefloor in style. Flip it over and you will find the distinctly festive-sounding 'Sad Party' which has some warming drum breaks and lush feels, swirling wordless vocals and glowing melodies that all give off a rather Christmassy feel. A great outing from P-Sol, then.
Voilaaa - C'est tout
C'est tout
LP | 2024 | EU | Original (Favorite)
27,99 €*
Release: 2024 / EU – Original
Genre: Organic Grooves, Electronic & Dance
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For almost 10 years and with 3 albums on the clock, Voilaaa has established itself with a unique style, reviving
African rhythms and atmospheres in the colors of Disco dancefloors and Funky arrangements, all often
accompanied by lyrics and vocals tinged with humor and commitment.
As a result, the Afro-Tropical adventure launched by producer Bruno “Patchworks” Hovart today leaves behind
a host of hits (“On te l’avait dit”, “Spies Are Watching Me”, “Ben Bene La”, …), as well as trips around the globe
and as many gigs and festivals, but also and above all numerous and lasting collaborations with singers like
Lass, Pat Kalla, Sir Jean, Ayuune Sule, Rama Traore, or Fouley Badiaga, the latter which also marks its great
return on two tracks of the album.
With C'est tout, Voilaaa returns to us without revisiting this unstoppable recipe, while seasoning things with a
more Latin and Caribbean inspiration, brought back in Bruno Hovart's suitcases after several stays in South
America in recent years. Introduced last spring with the release of a first maxi single, this new opus once again
delivers hit after hit.
As on the already famous “Faché” alongside Pat Kalla, which displays all the classic assets of Voilaaa’s sound:
punchy Afrobeat horns, woozy chords and crunchy clavinet licks rising above a low-slung, hypnotic, dub discomeets-
Afro-boogie groove. The rest of the album is not to be outdone with a total of 14 wild tracks entirely
composed by an unstoppable Bruno Hovart.
Two exceptions confirm the rule, a beautiful interpretation of the song "Love and Death" by Ebo Taylor, where
Voilaaa's Afro skills perfectly melt with Angolan and Brazilian vapors, beamed by Joao Selva's lovely vocals; as
well as a magical cover of “Too Young to Die”, transporting Jamiroquai to the crossroads of Africa and the
Antilles, carried by the superb vocal performance of singer Olivya (Dowdelin) for a first collaboration.
Well, Voilaaa is back as its best, “that’s all” (C’est tout).
System Olympia - New Erotica Collection HHV Exclusive Red Vinyl Edition
System Olympia
New Erotica Collection HHV Exclusive Red Vinyl Edition
LP | 2023 | UK | Reissue (Okay Nature)
41,99 €*
Release: 2023 / UK – Reissue
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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HHV exclusive vinyl edition on opaque red vinyl including 30cm artwork poster, limited to 200 copies.

All your favourite System Olympia songs in one vinyl record.
Xiaolin - Presents Moods Of Love: Half A Dream
Presents Moods Of Love: Half A Dream
12" | 2025 | EU | Original (Bless You)
18,99 €*
Release: 2025 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Xiaolin’s previous outings on Bless You have seen her reinterpret City Pop anthem ‘Plastic Love’ by Mariya Takeuchi and the Hong Kong Pop starlet of the 1980 Prudence Liew’s ‘Afterwards’ . Now, we hear her reimagine ‘Half a Dream’ which first saw the light of day on the 1987 LP ‘City Girl’ by Tina Liu which has become a very coveted rare and deeply loved rare gem of the late 80s Cantonese language Synth-Pop canon. Alongside Xiaolin breahting new life into this hyper catchy jam with what is now her trademark of stripped back charm melded with a dexterous production style, we’ve been treated to two separate instrumental versions and gifted South Korean producer Mogwaa on remix duties; delivering a slick, dreamy dancefloor cut.
Vick Lavender - Time Traveler
Vick Lavender
Time Traveler
2LP | 2025 | US | Original (Sophisticado)
50,99 €*
Release: 2025 / US – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Sophisticado Recordings presents Vick Lavender double vinyl LP: "The Time Traveler". This 14 track disc highlights the production skills of the deep house music veteran as he explores the many different genres of the music plain. Disc one explores everything from the Bossa influenced "Again" featuring New York vocalist/songwriter Ammawhat to the R&B influenced track "Nothing Broken" featuring Detroit (multi talented/singer/songwriter) native Angel-a to jazz influenced tracks "411" & "Reminisce" featuring Chicago (multi instrumentalist/singer/songwriter) native Spike Rebel. Disc Two focuses on the genre that Vick Lavender is known for throughout the deep eclectic house music world. Four deep house jamz that explores his roots in jazz and Afro Latin rhythms. Along with Justin Dillard they've created a serious vibe. Tracks like "Herbie" & "Rise I Rise" are sure to be deep house classics. "play" goes right into a Johnny Hammond influenced Heater, a relentless groove that's sure to please dancers all over the world! While "flame" mirrors Vicks love for R&B with hints of jazz fusion. Listen Loud. Listen over & over.
V.A. - Instrumental Dubs #3
Instrumental Dubs #3
LP | 2025 | EU | Original (Isle Of Jura)
26,99 €*
Release: 2025 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance, Reggae & Dancehall
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Welcome to 'Instrumental Dubs #3', the ongoing series that delves into the world of the Dub Version and beyond. Side one explores the axis of UK Street Soul and Reggae with the opening two tracks produced by Howard Hill and originally released on his Passion Enterprises label in the late eighties. Both 'Versions' have a machine lead rhythm section paired with a reggae skank and snippets of soulful vox. The Proto House of Protek's 'I Love to Dance With You' featured on a Jura Soundsystem DJ Mix for Planet Trip, a one off single from the now sadly deceased Errol Parkes that's been re-edited with love by The Nightlark from Edinburgh.

The B side features The Cool Notes 'Natural Energy', which isn't strictly speaking a Dub Version, but it has that vibe with a primarily instrumental backing track featuring sparse vocals and spacey FX. The album closes with a secret weapon of Ilija Rudman 'Dub 4 Love' that pays homage to a famous track from Acid House's heyday.

Pressed on 180g Heavyweight Vinyl with full sleeve jacket design by Bradley Pinkerton.
Milord - Party Line
Party Line
12" | 2024 | EU | Original (Periodica)
19,99 €*
Release: 2024 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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In making his long awaited return to Periodica, Milord steps away from the mysterious electro and new age mysticisms of past releases, and instead delivers the freaked out boogie funk free-for-alls, brain-bending disco dubs, and summertime pop perfections of ‘Party Line’. The club mix is an extended excursion through hypnotizing and ever-evolving club psychedelia, with wild phonecall detritus accenting a riffing and body-rocking banger led by svelte lyricisms, energized chants, and future gazing vocoder treatments. Elsewhere, the dub is a building body bomb of Afro-tribal grooves, techno bass, echoing cascades of drum fx, and pianos soaked in interstellar aether. And for the ultra infectious radio mix, touches of Kraftwerk meet sunshine pop jam band as a molten bubblegum bass guitar bounces on an earworm drum groove, while all around, vocals soar and six-strings jangle through solar-soaked licks.
Collettivo Immaginario - Luce / Luna Gioia
Collettivo Immaginario
Luce / Luna Gioia
12" | 2024 | EU | Original (Space Grapes)
17,99 €*
Release: 2024 / EU – Original
Genre: Organic Grooves, Electronic & Dance
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The Space Grapes are back, this time presenting a 12" EP coming from Italian trio Collettivo Immaginario.

Formed by LA-based drummer Tommaso Cappellato in conjunction with pianist Alberto Lincetto and bassist Nicolò Masetto, the group is known for their experimental blend of eclectic jazz, funk, downtempo beats, and vintage Italian library music. On this release, they are showcasing their foray into Italian vocals. The A-side "Luce" is a vibrant track that combines 80s jazz funk elements with a touch of boogie in an extended multi-rhythmic version that keeps the energy grooving. Flipping to the B-side, "Luna Gioia" offers a modern interpretation of downtempo Brazilian-funk and slow disco, accompanied by an instrumental version that allows the music to shine on its own.
Magic Source - Voyage Spectral HHV Exclusive Clear Vinyl Edition
Magic Source
Voyage Spectral HHV Exclusive Clear Vinyl Edition
LP | 2023 | EU | Original (Favorite)
22,99 €*
Release: 2023 / EU – Original
Genre: Organic Grooves, Electronic & Dance
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HHV Exclusive edition limited to 300 copies.

Magic Source invites you to a journey to the obscure side of disco music. Led by producer & notorious tape operator Björn Wagner (of Mighty Mocambos, Bacao Rhythm & Steel Band and Mocambo Records), the group follows up on their rootsy cosmic debut LP Earthrising and last year's EP Riviera Drive, whose stunning flute jazz cover of “Genius of Love” is also featured on this longplayer. Further exploring the more unusual facets of disco in its otherworldly and international stylings, Voyage Spectral travels through a wide musical scope, ranging from “lost” tropical grooves, Mediterranean funk, outernational boogie, to cosmic sci-fi soundtracks. All 100% organic - created by real musicians with real vintage instruments, captured on 16-track analog tape. An all-star cast of musicians invites you to a fantasy trip where angelic voices blend with spaced-out synths, ethnic string instruments interplay with sharp horn lines while the rhythm section is holding
Saucy Lady & U-Key Feat. Omar - I Can't Shake This Feeling
Saucy Lady & U-Key Feat. Omar
I Can't Shake This Feeling
12" | 2025 | UK | Original (Dippin')
18,99 €*
Release: 2025 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Preorder shipping from 2025-03-21
Modernized disco boogie cover of Klique's 80s classic tune, with vocals by Boston's own Saucy Lady and UK's legendary talent Omar, all masterfully crafted by Yuki Kanesaka as the musical director and producer alongside Saucy Lady on the arrangement. The track not only features a full live brass section and strings with talents from Japan and Boston, it also features Curtis Williams of Kool & the Gang on alto, while David Frank of the mega duo The System on the Oberheim and Moog adding the authentic boogie spice.

Piano overdubs recorded by another production and engineering legend Carl Beatty known as the studio pioneer of all the major label R&B performers of the 70s, 80s, and 90s including Luther Vandross, Aretha, Melba Moore, Mass Production and more. All of which create the melange of groove that the funk universe desperately needs.

On the flip side, French Producer and DJ heavyweight Young Pulse brings a whole new take on the original mix with added vocal layers by Young Pulse himself he brings a more broken beat, house flavor to the classic tune which will undeniably electrify the dance floors.
V.A. - Ttj#5855
12" | 2024 | EU | Original (TTJ Edits)
14,99 €*
Release: 2024 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Preorder shipping from 2025-04-04
Essential Item Limited Edition No Re-Press...
Dan Tyler & Nick The Record - Mr Bongo Edits Volume 3
Dan Tyler & Nick The Record
Mr Bongo Edits Volume 3
12" | 2025 | Original (Mr Bongo)
19,99 €*
Release: 2025 / Original
Genre: Organic Grooves, Electronic & Dance
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Preorder shipping from 2025-03-21
Good friends and Record Mission co-captains, Dan Tyler (one half of the Idjut Boys) and Nick The Record, take the reins for the third volume of the Mr Bongo Edits 12" series. With previous editions coming courtesy of Danny Krivit and Luke Una, Dan and Nick set their sights on a hand-picked selection of iconic ‘70s Cuban recordings for this three-track cosmic whirlwind. Across the A side, Dan picks out two Juan Pablo Torres tracks, with Nick taking on Grupo Los Yoyi on the B. Tweaking, extending and reworking the recordings with a dose of extra magic they remould the tracks to fit the sounds and structure of today’s dancefloors.

Having formed the Idjut Boys in the early ‘90s, Dan and Conrad McDonnell have crafted a dubbed-out, disco-tinged style that permeates their countless productions, remixes and DJ sets. Speaking of the two tracks Dan has chosen to rework for this EP he mentions, “Having been caught under an avalanche of good music from Mr Bongo, I took it upon myself to extend and add effects to a couple of the fantastic tracks from the Juan Pablo Torres LPs they recently re-issued. Just for disco jockey and barn dance use.”

First, Dan looks to Cuban maestro Juan Pablo Torres’ 1978 album 'Algo Nuevo', taking one of the standout tracks ‘Cacao’ and giving it more space to breathe. Teasing out the scatting vocal line and percussive climax that nods to George Kranz's ’83 electronic disco anthem 'Din Daa Daa', whilst adding more cosmic tripped-out synths and space echoed dubs, Dan builds the tension to fine effect. This track sounds immense on a big club system and the swirling synths felt like they were lifting the ceiling off when we played it at the amazing La Paloma ballroom in Barcelona.

Dan then turns his attention to Torres’ 1977 'Super Son' album, giving the psych-Latin-funk track 'Pastel En Descarga' a dub makeover. Rich in delay and drama, whilst maintaining and extending the breakers funk intro, he juices it up into a punchy, no-nonsense, cosmic-funk delight.

On the B side, Tangent co-founder, long-standing Life Force resident and seasoned rework master, Nick The Record, revisits an edit that he originally constructed in 2009. Clocking in at over double the length of the original cut, Nick’s edit of Grupo Los Yoyi’s 1977 cut 'Paco La Calle', is made with dancers firmly in mind. This secret weapon builds and simmers, with the drums and percussion pushing and pulling before the psychedelic synth lines return in a sweltering fashion. In this new 2025 version, Dan is drafted in to work some brilliant new synth lines into the mix.
Ninetoes - Finder
12" | 2013 | EU | Original (Kling Klong)
13,99 €*
Release: 2013 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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As always Kling Klong gives space for new artists and supports upcoming talents. This time Martin Eyerer & Rainer Weichhold had no doubts signing this debut release from Stuttgart's dj/producer Ninetoes as 'Finder' is obviously a massive stand-out track which has the words 'summer hit' written all over it. So it was just easy to convince Leon and Re-UP from Italy to do the remixes and help to make this release even more oustanding.
Serge Funk - Groovy Theme / Cherry Bomb
Serge Funk
Groovy Theme / Cherry Bomb
7" | 2025 | UK | Original (Groove Culture Seven)
17,99 €*
Release: 2025 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Serge Funk having made a recent name for himself as a wonderkid for disco- and funky-house versions. A re-editor for the diggers as opposed to the baitheads, 'Groovy Theme' and 'Cherry Bomb' are utter bangers devoid of much relation to their originals (indeed, there's no way of telling what the samples are without a record buyers' knowledge), in large part thanks to their working into beat-centric structures that drown out the vocals in favour of kick slappage and gut-punchage. Rhythm over theme; keeping things vibey, felt.
Laroye / Aroop Roy - If It Ain't Jazz Volume 4
Laroye / Aroop Roy
If It Ain't Jazz Volume 4
12" | 2025 | EU | Original (If It Ain't Jazz)
19,99 €*
Release: 2025 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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If It Ain't Jazz brings vinyl-only reworks of the jazziest, funkiest variety...
After a pause for breath, it's back with a bang! Laroye and Aroop Roy rework a couple of classic jazz funk numbers into disco house anthems, adding their own synths, bass and percussion to bringing peak time jazzy joy to the dancefloor.
Mystery Friend - Nueva Dimension
Mystery Friend
Nueva Dimension
12" | 2024 | EU | Original (Fusion Dance)
15,99 €*
Release: 2024 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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New sounds emerge from the depths, an enigmatic mutation that will transport you from the past to the present and back. Mystery Friend shares their formula and materializes it in this 4-track EP, loaded with elements of house, techno, and new beat that come together to form a solid and reverberant sonic experience. With Spanish vocals, the record taps into the essence of Latin energy.
LTF - At The Pier
At The Pier
7" | 2025 | UK | Original (Scruniversal)
19,99 €*
Release: 2025 / UK – Original
Genre: Organic Grooves, Electronic & Dance
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Local Sugar Diggers is a series from label head Scruscru that draws together a fine selection of re-edits and reworks of a mix of hard-to-find old records, all done by his mates. This time out it is LTF who steps up his 'At The Pier' is an effortlessly funky jam with some laid-back horn work adding extra spice next to the jumbled percussion. Flip it over and you find 'Con Ritmo Y Melodia' which is a slower, steamier, more Latin-flavoured sound with shuffling percussive grooves and big old breaks to get the floor going.
V.A. - Naya Beat Volume 2: South Asian Dance And Electronic Music 1988-1994
Naya Beat Volume 2: South Asian Dance And Electronic Music 1988-1994
2LP | 2024 | EU | Original (Naya Beat)
30,99 €*
Release: 2024 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Naya Beat Records reveals Volume 2 of its critically acclaimed series dedicated to South Asian dance and electronic music. Label founders Turbotito and Ragz have curated an exceptional 13-track compilation with a focus on an overlooked era of house and electronic music released between '88 and '94. While Volume 1 explored early 80s Balearic, synth pop, and disco, Volume 2 uncovers lost or forgotten future classics from later in the decade. The release spotlights a unique era in the late 80s and early 90s when fertile cross-cultural collaboration abounded in diasporic communities in cities like London and New York and when South Asian music was infused with acid house, New Beat, and dub. There is a true wealth of sounds here, from The Jets Orkhestra’s organ-fuelled house workout ‘x-290’ to the downtempo splendour of the Asha Bhosle fronted West India Company. Lady M lends the Hindi house track and arpeggiated wonder of ‘Kali Raat’ and Mantra’s eponymously titled cut is a hypnotic gem. Featuring other scintillating Balearic house, dub, and street soul from the likes of Asha Puthli, Bappi Lahiri, Johnny Zee, and Kuljit Bhamra, this double album is a treasure of never-before-reissued and previously impossible-to-find holy grails. Often "too Asian for mainstream success in the West, and too Western for success in Asia," the pioneering music from this time was frequently released to short-lived success or relative anonymity. Naya Beat founders Filip Nikolic (aka Turbotito) and Raghav Mani (aka Ragz) have spent the last four years endlessly hunting through dusty records, obscure cassettes, and unreleased studio tapes to deliver a reference release for contemporary collectors, tastemakers, and bold selectors looking for fresh sounds. Featuring an incredible gatefold package with Naya Beat’s trademark stunning artwork and exhaustive liner notes, the 2LP release has been cut to vinyl for the discerning DJ and listener by Grammy-nominated Frank Merritt from The Carvery, London. Naya Beat Records is focused on uncovering foundational dance and electronic music from the subcontinent and South Asian diaspora through reissues, remixes and compilations. Success came immediately with ‘Naya Beat Volume 1’, which was named Vinyl Factory’s number 1 reissue of 2021, and has been followed up with more fascinating releases such as a two-part remix project with disco-jazz legend Asha Puthli, a scintillating bhangra acid house EP with Mr. Scruff, a reissue of Pinky Ann Rihal’s 1985 Hindi new wave album, and the superb Bollywood compilation ‘Awaaz Series 1’.
Theo Parrish - Lovely Edits Volume 1
Theo Parrish
Lovely Edits Volume 1
12" | 2024 | UK | Original (Lovely Edits)
15,99 €*
Release: 2024 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Following Chicago’s tradition in special edits and dj personal reworks to extend crucial parts and surprise the dancers, Theo Parrish has always sparkled his legendary sets with his own versions of classic and obscure disco, funk and soul cuts to maximum effect! Some of those were available to fans in mid 2000s via the Ugly Edits series, now it’s finally time for the LOVELY EDITS.

Officially licensed and using the original parts from the master tapes, here we have Theo’s takes on two absolute staples: BT EXPRESS ‘Peace Pipe’ and GEORGE DUKE ‘I Want You For Myself’.
Gledd - Morogoro
12" | 2024 | UK | Original (Saint Wax)
17,99 €*
Release: 2024 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Gledd brings a great mix of funk, disco, Afro and plenty of extra special magic to this hot new 12" on Saint Wax. It opens with 'Papa Bel' which is a steamy cut with florid melodic leads and tribal percussion. 'Tanda' then brings wailing vocals and more organic and jumbled grooves that ooze summer heat. The Afro rhythms continue through 'Rewild' which has a lively broken beat that rides stiff drums and last of all is the most intense of the lot - 'Guado Loop' is heavily layered with drums and perc, vocals, congas and background chants that will get any dance floor in a sweat.
Cecilia Rizzoli - Così Non Va
Cecilia Rizzoli
Così Non Va
12" | 1985 | EU | Reissue (Disco Segreta)
24,99 €*
Release: 1985 / EU – Reissue
Genre: Organic Grooves, Electronic & Dance
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Preorder shipping from 2025-04-25
Attention Italo-disco junkies: Disco Segreta is back, and we’re kicking off our 10th-anniversary celebration in style with a release you simply can’t miss. We’re beyond excited to present the official reissue of Cecilia Rizzoli’s iconic single, “Così non va”—a tearjerker Italo-disco masterpiece that has haunted the dreams of collectors for decades.

Originally released in 1985 in an ultra-limited run of just 500 copies split on two cult labels, Scarabes Sound and Discokkio, this gem became a mythical treasure for those dedicated diggers uncovering the rarest Italo disco tracks. “Così non va” blends hypnotic Juno synth lines, punchy Linndrum beats and airy arpeggios with Cecilia’s emotionally charged vocals, creating a soundscape that’s pure melanchol-Italo perfection—ideal for winter nights and nostalgic dance floors.

For this reissue, we’ve painstakingly tracked down the original analog master, that we’ve lovingly restored and remastered to deliver the kind of pristine sound quality this track deserves. The release features the remastered original and a fresh, contemporary edit by Latino-Swedish Italo-disco legend Claudio Burgos, aka Mr. Fantasy. Secure your copy now before it disappears into collector heaven—again!
Monsieur Van Pratt - Illegal Disco 003
Monsieur Van Pratt
Illegal Disco 003
12" | 2025 | EU | Original (Illegal Disco)
15,99 €*
Release: 2025 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Preorder shipping from 2025-04-25
The majestic Monsieur Van Pratt is back with more of his thrilling studio work, and once again he reinvents classic disco tracks with modern flair. The third instalment in this series is characterised by a distinctly underground energy that defines the "Illegal Disco" vibe. The opener 'Volar Como El Viento' is a soaring rework filled with airy synths that evoke freedom and lightness. 'Al Anochecer' re-energises a disco classic with an upbeat twist, while 'Mi Amor' is all about intimacy and passion through sultry, Spanish-inspired tones. Once again colliding nostalgia and innovation as he always does, Monsieur Van Pratt delivers a masterclass in modern disco reinterpretation that will also bring together all sorts of dancers.
Bad Boys Blue - 25 - The Long Mixes Red Vinyl Edtion
Bad Boys Blue
25 - The Long Mixes Red Vinyl Edtion
LP | 2025 | EU | Original (New Hargent Media)
24,99 €*
Release: 2025 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance, Pop
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Preorder shipping from 2025-04-11
V.A. - Hosono House Covers
Hosono House Covers
LP | 2024 | JP | Original (Kakubarhythm / Bayon)
48,99 €*
Release: 2024 / JP – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Preorder shipping from 2025-03-28
The "hosono House" cover project, which began this February, has expanded with the addition of new participating artists. The cover album is set for LP release on November 6. The album, consisting of 11 tracks, includes new contributions from Towa TEI and SE SO Neon (kr), as well as a previously released cover of "Owari no Kisetsu" by rei harakami. The cover illustration is by Tomoo Gokita.

"hosono HOUSE," Haruomi Hosono's first album released in 1973, continues to be cherished and influential worldwide. For instance, Harry Styles' Grammy-winning album "Harry’s House" was inspired by "hosono HOUSE," showcasing its impact on a new generation of listeners around the globe.

This cover album, commemorating 50 years since the original release, features outstanding contributions from artists and bands who hold Hosono in high regard. It offers a fresh perspective on the timeless allure of "hosono HOUSE," which still shines brightly today.
Nengue - Los Ninos Del Parque
Los Ninos Del Parque
12" | 2024 | UK | Original (Platform 23)
21,99 €*
Release: 2024 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Preorder shipping from 2025-03-21
The Italian 80s avant garde / anarcho scene is explored in this limited 12” release presenting Nengue and their previously unreleased cover version of the new wave classic Los Ninos Del Parque and the electro pop wave African Beat. The tumultuous political climate of the 1960s through 1980s inspired Italian artists to craft an introspective, psychological musical landscape. As civil unrest, violent demonstrations, and political murders became commonplace, Italy's centres of intellect vibrated with activist energy. This atmosphere gave birth to a unique, mechanized sound that blended electronic elements with a raw, discordant aesthetic, reflecting the chaotic spirit of the times. Through vintage forms of social networking and music sharing, a community led process steered the scene, publishing zines and records that grasped alternative concepts of music and lifestyle. Nengue, were similar to many of these lo-fi, retro-future electronic music pioneers. Based in Rome, their music / art backgrounds flowed with anti-art, extreme noise, futurism, industrial, experimental, martial, folk, free jazz and exotica. With a couple of releases as a duo, as was often the case, they appeared in numerous other projects and the music was a mixture of their individual backgrounds. Extraordinarily, only appearing on a couple of obscure cassette compilations, indicative of the time, the quality of Nengue’s productions stands testament. Originally approached to reissue their Cosmic meets Kraftwerk inspired African Beat, a wonderful yet simple electronic idiom, layers of electronica rising, each element an addition flow, vocals the release’s waves. However, the discovery of their cover of Los Ninos Del Parque – describing it as ‘powerful anarchic nonsense’ – is rightfully now the primary focus. Acting as some Brutalist interpretation, its sharp electronics and industrial vocals, propel you to a brick-strewn squat party and a place in anarcho folklore. These are matched with a remix / remake by Berlin’s Bionda e Lupo. Presenting a ‘Neumisch’, Sneaker’s exacting studio mastery and Sano’s additional vocals are a blessing – a new duo version – dynamic and wonderfully special. To complete, the powerful dub of African Beat closes. Stepping out of his time as one half of Romanian duo Khidja (dfa / Hivern Discs), Andrei Rusu builds on his recent solo releases / remixes for Malka Tuti with a fantastic, bottom heavy version, perfectly building with expertise, an EP for the basements of today that was made in the dark times of the past.
Magic Source - Riviera Drive / Genius Of Love
Magic Source
Riviera Drive / Genius Of Love
12" | 2022 | EU | Original (Favorite)
14,99 €*
Release: 2022 / EU – Original
Genre: Organic Grooves, Electronic & Dance
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French label Favorite Recordings presents the new 12" from Magic Source (from The Mighty Mocambos and Bacao Rhythm & Steel Band). Expect tropical disco and funk flavours, hypnotic percussion and a really well-produced cover of Tom Tom Club's "Genius Of Love". Tip!
The Unknown Artist - Baby Baby Please / True Destiny
The Unknown Artist
Baby Baby Please / True Destiny
12" | 2019 | EU | Original (Gallery)
19,99 €*
Release: 2019 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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The Gallery launch is upon us, and what Art Masterpieces they are!
Causing shock waves across Trafalgar Square at the recent People’s Vote March this ludicrously large, galactic gem finally sees the light of day on 12”, backed with a rapturous disco roof raiser.
The crescendo to a protest and a track that many have been scouring the internet for ever since, ‘Baby Baby Please’ couples a huge ‘70s vocal with a perfectly accompanied stomping ‘80s arp-laden beat to create a record that will light the fire of revolution in even the most indifferent of souls.
Flip it over for a cosmic-tinged, disco powerhouse in the form of ‘True Destiny’. Think glitz, glam and downright unadulterated ecstasy, channelled from disco’s glory days to the modern dancefloor at the drop of a needle.
Like the track, support the movement - donations will be made to the cause.
Early support from… one or two of the best DJs in the world as no other **** has it.
Buy now... be the 3rd person to play it...
Fatboy Slim - The Best Of
Fatboy Slim
The Best Of
2LP | 2019 | EU | Original (Skint)
29,99 €*
Release: 2019 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Saada Bonaire Vs. Jens Mahlstedt - You Could Be More As You Are Versions
Saada Bonaire Vs. Jens Mahlstedt
You Could Be More As You Are Versions
12" | 2025 | EU | Original
18,99 €*
Release: 2025 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Preorder shipping from 2025-04-04
Words from the label:

Dark moody vocals meet super disco beats: This is what it sounds like when pioneering DJ and producer Jens Mahlstedt invites Saâda Bonaire over to his studio.

Stephanie Lange and Claudia Hossfeld, the original singers of legendary Eighties band Saâda Bonaire, plus founding member Ralph “von” Richthoven are teaming up four decades later for two very special takes on “You Could Be More As You Are”. Out now, exclusively on twelve inch vinyl.
GL - Take Me Back / Won't You See
Take Me Back / Won't You See
7" | 2025 | US | Original (Peoples Potential Unlimited)
13,99 €*
Release: 2025 / US – Original
Genre: Organic Grooves, Electronic & Dance
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PPU RE project taken from GL's 2014 Love Hexagon EP.. songs we haven't stopped playing since their initial release, bringing them back now for the 10 year anniversary. GL, two mates from Melbourne (aus), originally released the tracks 'Won't You See' and 'Take Me Back' in 2014 as part of their debut 'Love Hexagon' EP/cassette - a homemade homage to chart-unfriendly funk and 80s romance-dance.
Chaos In The CBD - A Deeper Life Deluxe Edition
Chaos In The CBD
A Deeper Life Deluxe Edition
2LP | 2025 | UK | Original (In Dust We Trust)
42,99 €*
Release: 2025 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Preorder shipping from 2025-05-09
, Limited Edition Gatefold Sleeve with Liner Notes and Satin finish.

“We created a holiday inside our heads.”

A Deeper Life, Chaos In The CBD’s debut album over 10 years in the making, is nostalgic for the duo’s nature-filled youth, exploring the magical coastline and lush rainforest of New Zealand. “The title refers to our childhood, which was idyllic,” says Ben. “It was just the sun, the sand, the sea, waterfalls, birds and fish…” The album’s blissful setting is also depicted on the album cover: a painting, by a childhood friend, of the beach where they grew up in Devonport. A Deeper Life whirls that profound love of house music and wide-ranging influences – from Brazilian to R&B, ambient to Italo to deep house and downtempo pop – into a serene, cohesive whole with their signature finesse. The result is an international dance sound that feels unmistakably like Chaos and ebbs and flows from the beach party to the club to the afterhours. On the album they’ve teamed up with a number of US legends and married their vocals with the UK underground: Josh Milan of house pioneers Blaze brings his soulful vocals to the bossa nova beats of ‘I Wanna Tell Somebody,’ a future jazz-dance anthem. Unheralded Chicago house hero and Larry Heard collaborator Lee Pearson Jr. goes deep over ‘More Time’s broken beat flex. And on ‘Maintaining My Peace’, the brothers have matched veteran house singer-songwriter Stephanie Cooke with UK grime MC Novelist, on a slinky LDN interpretation of LA hip-hop and g-funk. Also featured on the album are New Zealand jazz artist Nathan Haines, frequent collaborator Isaac Asaeili and more.
Raven Daze - Ring My Bell / Feeling About You
Raven Daze
Ring My Bell / Feeling About You
12" | 2025 | UK | Original (Stamp)
18,99 €*
Release: 2025 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Stamp welcomes a stalwart of the London club scene to its fold under a new alias: Raven Daze.

On this 12" we have two expertly crafted edits sprinkled with a little extra magic on top: The perennial US dancefloor classic 'Ring My Bell' and an instrumental of his own Ghanaian disco sampling track 'Feeling About You'...

Limited hand-stamped copies!
Whodammany - Volveran
12" | 2024 | EU | Original (Biloba)
19,99 €*
Release: 2024 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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The newest single from Whodamanny’s Biloba sublabel of Periodica Records is “Volveràn,” a dark and delirious saxophonic strut given four different variations. In the Club version, gang vocals chant to the sky, pads hover like neon mist, and technoid synths twinkle through moonlit boulevards as basslines clad in black leather stomp over a futuristic disco dance. The Radio mix distills these characteristics into sorcerous display of pop songcraft, whereas the Dub goes elsewhere, omitting the sax completely in favor of delayed drum dynamics, cosmic chords climaxes, sunbaked guitar jangles, and vocals shrouded in a hallucinatory haze. And in a bold display of disco house minimalism, the Sax Only cut strips down to saxophone, bass, and drums, with accents of guitar and synth providing subtle pops of color.
Sally - Erotica
12" | 1982 | EU | Reissue (Neptune's Child)
16,99 €*
Release: 1982 / EU – Reissue
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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A rare German disco experiment from 1982 by Herbert Hildebrandt-Winhauer of Rattles fame and Peter Hesslein, delivering a sleazy electro-boogie groove with funky vocal layers on the A-side and a cosmic disco instrumental with thick drums and synth magic on the flip side. Originally released as a 7-inch, this remastered 12-inch edition includes Trent’s DJ-friendly extended edit of Erotica and a high-energy reimagining of Rado-Keno.
Jack J - Blue Desert
Jack J
Blue Desert
LP | 2024 | UK | Original (Mood Hut)
25,99 €*
Release: 2024 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Just a little over two years since the release of his debut album Opening the Door, Jack re-emgerges with a new full length album. On Blue Desert, the Australian-born Vancouver-based multi-instrumentalist, singer, songwriter and producer wades deeper into the stylistically prismatic pool of his own creation: melancholy dub-funk, jangling psychedelia, moon-burnt sophisti-pop and stained glass folk mutations float freely together.

Entirely self-produced at Mood Hut Studios in Chinatown, Vancouver between 2022 and 2024, the album picks up where Opening the Door left off; the songwriting concise and refined, the voice front and centre on almost every song, the pensive mood irresistible and dense.

The apparently effortless melodic interplay of voice, guitar, synthesizers and bass that Jack is well known for is ever present but despite the clear-eyed harmonies and energetic rhythms there is a shadow that quietly haunts the album. The lyrical buoyancy of his early EPs and even some of the more explicitly sunburnt instrumental moments of his last record have continued to fade and peel like paint. Regret, remorse and melancholy are woven into almost every turn of phrase; the self-deprecating longing of Tracey Thorn and Sade Adu can be heard alongside the plaintive echos of Mark Hollis and Arthur Russell. The Mood Hut Records founder and NTS host digs deeper in all the directions that he only brushed upon on Opening the Door, creating a kaleidoscopic index of his omnivorous listening habits: from Underworld to Kate Bush, Disco Inferno to Bryan Ferry, Julian Cope to Arthur Verocai.

The LP will be released on Jack’s own Mood Hut Records on November 1st and will be followed by a live tour in the UK and Europe in November and December, featuring a string of dates opening for revered Los Angeles artist Jessica Pratt. - Mood Hut Records, Vancouver

Produced by Jack Jutson at Mood Hut Studios, Chinatown Vancouver Mixed by Jack Jutson and CZ Wang Saxophone by Linda Fox Strings on Falling Down a Well by Aiden Ayers Bass on Down the Line by Diego Herrera Additional synth on Red Cloud by Liam Butler Artwork by Mela Melania + Jack Jutson
Bottin Presents - Artifact XX
Bottin Presents
Artifact XX
LP | 2024 | EU | Original (Artifact)
20,99 €*
Release: 2024 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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The XX issue in the extremely limited Artifact series is full-lenght LP with 6 untitled dancefloor fillers. We assume these to be edited and reworked by Venetian disco-guru Bottin. Think rare future funk and early 80s spaghetti disco. Plus a weird gipsy-boogie version of Long Train Running and another track which smells like Clapton's Cocaine over Trans Europe Express but it's actually neither. We don't know anything more except this will sell out as all Artifact relases.
The Unknown Artist - Belpaese 11
The Unknown Artist
Belpaese 11
12" | 2024 | UK | Original (Belpaese Edits)
18,99 €*
Release: 2024 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Straight Outta Belpaese, MORE disco – exotica – balearic- Italo-funk for the demanding digger!!!
Capinera - Il Volo / Suonno 2024 Repress
Il Volo / Suonno 2024 Repress
7" | 2022 | EU | Reissue (Serie Pegaso)
17,99 €*
Release: 2022 / EU – Reissue
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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The “Serie Pegaso” catalog stems from the need to write music and lyrics that have a strong link with the city of Naples, that speak the same language and tell it through stories, loves and memories. There are countless stories and testimonies of people who left the "land of the sun" to migrate elsewhere in search of fortune and work, but not many know that there is a small bird, the “Capinera”, which has instead decided to do the inverted path through a long journey from cold and distant lands to then settle and find a new home on Mount Vesuvius. But there is also another story, between reality and legend, which is that of the most beautiful woman in the neighborhood called by everyone 'A Capinera' because of her long and enchanting black hair. She was a widow coveted and desired by all, but she will remain faithful to her deceased husband throughout her life. The only source of livelihood for herself and her three children was the smuggling cigarette trade, although she could choose and get whatever she wanted thanks to her irresistible beauty. This is what the creators of the Capinera project tell us, and they are: Gianpaolo Della Noce (better known as Dnapoli and half of the acclaimed diggers duo Napoli Segreta, Michele Cesare aka Breakstarr (one of the pillars of the city's beat makers scene) both assisted by the sharp voice of Adriana Salomone. Together with the production team led by Dario di Pace and Raffaele Arcella the result is the nostalgic and exotic Reggae-Pop in Neapolitan colors of "Il Volo" (today in exclusive preview on Spotify) and the sparkling disco infected “Suonno”.
AZ - Night Dub / New York To Rio
Night Dub / New York To Rio
12" | 2024 | UK | Original (Stamp)
17,99 €*
Release: 2024 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Az aka Lodger is back on Stamp with this great double-header of edits - it's a soul/funk classic on the A side with an excellent new interpretation of an early UK house hit on the flip.
The Unknown Artist - Movin' / The World Is The Ghetto
The Unknown Artist
Movin' / The World Is The Ghetto
12" | 2025 | UK | Original (White)
18,99 €*
Release: 2025 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Experience the groove of Respect with their latest white-label release. Two fantastic edits packed with rhythm and energy! It's a sure hit on any dancefloor.
Alex Kassian - Leave Your Life
Alex Kassian
Leave Your Life
12" | 2021 | UK | Original (Pinchy & Friends)
19,99 €*
Release: 2021 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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For our fifth release, P&f Recordings is pleased to welcome Berlin-based musician, producer, and DJ, Alex Kassian. Over the past few years, Kassian has made a name for himself in Berlin and beyond as a solo act, as well as with his project Opal Sunn, via a clutch of well received, dancefloor-focused 12s. But on our first release of 2021, Kassian swaps the techy pulse of the German capital for a sound that’s altogether more melodic and atmospheric. Side A kicks off with 'Leave Your Life (Lonely Hearts Mix)' which began as a way for the producer to realize some of his early—and so far unrequited—dreams of playing in a rock band. Next up he delivers 'Leave Your Life (Dance Mix)', which ups the energy and echoes some of the production that made the musician’s 'Oolong Trance' (Love on the Rocks) one of 2020’s best club tunes. On the flip, the gorgeous 'Spirit of Eden' unfurls like a lost Lyle Mays classic, but with a mesmerizing loop that keeps the song’s feet placed firmly on the dancefloor. Concluding the EP is a bass-heavy remix from none other than U.S. dub legend Bill Laswell. 'Eden’s' melodic focus is underpinned by a propulsive groove and filtered through Laswell's trademark sonic dynamics. The EP, comes packaged in a full-color jacket from Parisian artist Alexis Jamet with OBI strip.
Anadol - Uzun Havalar
Uzun Havalar
LP | 2019 | EU | Reissue (Pingipung / Kinship)
23,99 €*
Release: 2019 / EU – Reissue
Genre: Organic Grooves, Electronic & Dance
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Anadol is a psychedelic synth folk project by Gözen Atila, a Turkish sound artist and photographer based in Berlin. Her third album Uzun Havalar is based on collective improvisations of middle eastern folk songs called „uzun hava“. They turn out as rich, atmospheric synth ballads. A diverse roster of improvising musicians creates their fascinating complexity. Anadol recorded them during extensive sessions in Istanbul. You can hear drummers laughing and playing guitars, composers howling, announcements in French and screams in no language, record collectors playing oscillators, and trumpets through spacious echoes. Anadol represents Gözen Atila’s liberation from a rather academic approach to electronic composition which she pursued during her music technology studies in Istanbul. She calls her education the „darkness of serious music“ where she first tried to belong, then to break free with the help of lo-fi synth pop. As a producer of radio plays and an expert field recording artist she has developed a distinct sense of timing, editing and sound design. Her Anadol project walks in the footsteps of lone synth experimentalists like Bruce Haack and The Space Lady with their childlike curiosity for electronic sounds, pushing the boundaries of minimal equipment. On Uzun Havalar she translates her experimental background into these floating folk ballads. The album was originally released on tape via Kinship in 2018.
Charlie - Spacer Woman Label Cover Black Vinyl Edition
Spacer Woman Label Cover Black Vinyl Edition
12" | 1983 | EU | Reissue (Mr. Disc)
13,99 €*
Release: 1983 / EU – Reissue
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Now numbered from 1001 to 1500 and wrapped in Mr. Disc label covers.
Shakedown - At Night Peggy Gou / Tiger & Woods Remixes
At Night Peggy Gou / Tiger & Woods Remixes
12" | 2018 | EU | Original (Defected)
17,99 €*
Release: 2018 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Simply an iconic track from Swiss brothers Mandrax and Seb K aka Shakedown, ‘At Night’ is one of the most recognisable house tracks of the last two decades. With one of the most-hyped remixes of the year, artist of the moment Peggy Gou delivers with a squelching 7 minute groover, bringing in that iconic synth motif to lift the production and keep it rolling. Stepping up to tackle this masterpiece with a nu-disco dance track, Tiger & Woods use cowbell to accent a B-boy beat, with drum machine breaks bringing it back to the dancefloor. With a sophisticated house remix with a nu-disco edge is Purple Disco Machine, fusing a funk-infused bassline with Terra Deva’s unforgettable vocals. Finally is a brand new version from the Shakedown duo themselves, the Galactic Boogie Mix. With saturated synths and interplanetary breakdowns, Shakedown bring a carefree 80s quality to this iconic track’s irresistible after-dark charm.
Todd Terje - It's The Arps EP
Todd Terje
It's The Arps EP
12" | 2011 | EU | Reissue (Olsen)
14,99 €*
Release: 2011 / EU – Reissue
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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The modern classic is back!!! Oslo’s magic music maker Todd Terje has already gained a wunderkind like reputation for his gentle yet potent productions (we won’t mention the “E” word here) on labels like Full Pupp, Permanent Vacation and Running Back on top of being one of the best remixers money can buy (Shit Robot, Bryan Ferry, Dølle Jllle etc etc). What is there left for him to do? Establish a label of his own! “It’s The Arps” is the starting signal for Olsen. And what a splendid one it is. Created from scratch and solely on the mythical synthesizer ARP 2600 (check www.letsnerd.com for help), it features four tracks (reads instant classics) that couldn’t be a better followup to his 2011 super hit EP “Ragysh”. Towering over the assortment is the laser crime scene called “Inspector Norse”. Defying genres and blinkers, this is finest goose bumps dance music that makes you whistle along, laughing and crying all at the same time – but the rest isn’t half bad either. The short, but sweet “Myggsommer” gives away Terje’s secret love for quirky exotika, whereas “Swing Star Pt 1” and its brother have a (balearic) brilliance and witchery to them that is rarely found nowadays. Released on Olsen Records and housed in a beautiful sleeve courtesy of Bendik Kaltenborn (www.benkalt.no). 100% Arp 2600 and 200% Todd Terje.
Michael Gray - Ivy (Jimpster Mix) / Only You
Michael Gray
Ivy (Jimpster Mix) / Only You
12" | 2025 | UK | Original (Sultra)
18,99 €*
Release: 2025 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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New single from Sultra with the amazing Jimpster remix of Michael Gray feat Tatiana Owen’s Ivy. The original can be found on Michael’s album ‘Optimism’

On the flip side is Michael Gray’s brand new single feat RoRoe ‘Over you’
Sgt Slick - Volume 1
Sgt Slick
Volume 1
12" | 2024 | UK | Original (Sgt Slick Recuts)
18,99 €*
Release: 2024 / UK – Original
Genre: Organic Grooves, Electronic & Dance
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Melbourne's Sgt Slick slides on over with five of his finest re-edits on a newly formed label Sgt Slick Recuts. 20 years deep in the game, accolades aplenty, collabs with some the finest out there and a serious string of his own productions, Sgt Slick knows what works on the dancefloor and these edits showcase that to a T. Some out and out classics, reworked with the club clearly in mind.
Strictlybutters - Lunch Money Flips Volume 1
Lunch Money Flips Volume 1
7" | 2025 | US | Original (Galaxy Sound)
13,99 €*
Release: 2025 / US – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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lunch Money Flips Vol. 1: Espresso Con Panna b/w Pain Au Chocolat by | Galaxy Sound Company — Gsc45-045, @galaxy_sound_company is reknowned for its always on-point, cop-on-site 45 edit series but over the last few years has also turned plenty of heads with their instrumental hip-hop interludes with label regular Michigan’s @strictlybutters who hails from the same small place that gave us Lyman Woodard & now gifts us with a super sweet pair of beatstrumentals. I’m fortunate to get a limited test pressing to share with you all to preview what the skateboarder, runner, sneaker-head & bedroom b-boy beat maker has in store.

For those that follow him, Strictlybutters frequently shares his lunchbreak/dollar bin finds that he has flipped & spun into juicy, head-nodding gold. With this release, no. 45 in the Gsc45 series, we get that on wax live & direct.

Side A’s “Espresso Con Panna” flips the gospel, soul-funk gem “Love Light II” by Salt Of The Earth, from the 1984 LP “He Will Deliver”. SB delivers that thumping bass, hip-hop flip that keeps you going until he tops you off with a jazzy-sax outro to smooth things out just right. On the flipside, “Pain Au Chocolat” hits you in the gut with what feels almost like an alternate Detroit-style beat that Atcq might have dug into & felt right at home with. & like the A-side, he gives us an “extra butter bonus beat” outro with a funky bass line you will hit the back button to replay more than a few times. & the subtle extra buttered sauce of unique samples with more Axelrod groovy flares & flourishes to tickle your fancy.L
Susana Estrada - Amor Y Libertad
Susana Estrada
Amor Y Libertad
LP | 1981 | EU | Reissue (Miss You)
29,99 €*
Release: 1981 / EU – Reissue
Genre: Organic Grooves, Electronic & Dance
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Preorder shipping from 2025-03-21
By the time this iconic album came out in 1981, Susana would have already lost her passport and her right to vote in Spain as punishment for her sexually scandalous activities, from cutting edge theater performances in full nudity to her allegedly "immoral" sexology advice column on Play Lady Magazine, goes without saying -- she wasn't very popular with even the post-Franco Spanish government. This album is but one of the various facets of this sexual trouble maker's portfolio, an A class studio production backed by top shelf instrumentalists and recording engineers, everything seems perfectly fine until Susana's shamelessly unfiltered erotic lyrics come in with her powerful voice, unapologetically shocking for the time. A manifesto in sexual liberation much needed for Spain's zeitgeist. All killer no filler, borrowing from artists like Nile Rodgers and Bernard Edwards on tracks like "Mi Chico Favorito" and "Un Sitio Bajo El Sol", dabbling in Reggae with "Arena Y Mar" and huge disco digger tracks like "Gozame Ya" and "Voy Desnuda" absolutely essential record for any seasoned record collection.
Also Playable Mono feat. Fred Ventura - All We Need EP
Also Playable Mono feat. Fred Ventura
All We Need EP
12" | 2024 | EU | Original (Bordello A Parigi)
15,99 €*
Release: 2024 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Fred Ventura and Rafał Lachmirowicz, aka Also Playable Mono, have teamed up, All We Need being the pairing’s audio vision of italo disco. Steady kicks and cascading cowbells pave the way for an infectious synthline before a vocoder-enveloped Ventura smoulders with a burning intensity. Bold chords and pulsating rhythms are at the robotic heart of “System Breakdown On Wikileaks”. Bombastic and brilliant, this electrified disco dreadnaught swings with the power of a wrecking ball; a power that only amplifies the track’s impacting message of our very civilisation’s future. Scaling notes spiral ever higher in the addictive groove of “In The Night”, A.P.Mono’s computerised words adopting the mantle of his machines. Circling samples introduce “The News”. Rhythms are clean and tight, snapping at the tails of soaring synthwork with Ventura’s smoky social commentary, coupled with the silken and sonorous Chelsea Muller, offering something better for us all.
Ube - Corsica EP
Corsica EP
12" | 2024 | EU | Original (Disco Disco)
13,99 €*
Release: 2024 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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550 limited copies, hand numbered, vinyl only, mastered by DJ Steaw, Made in Berlin
Tigerbalm - Profunda Alma
Profunda Alma
12" | 2024 | US | Original (Razor-N-Tape Reserve)
18,99 €*
Release: 2024 / US – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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With output on Ubiquity, Wonderwheel, and Razor-N-Tape, London's Tigerbalm has truly come into her own production voice recently, bringing forth a colorful vision of tropical influences filtered through modern club sounds. With the 'Profunda Alma' EP, the Tiger focuses her attention on Brazil, coaxing out two gorgeous original songs that pay homage to the sizable impact the country has had on her musical sensibilities. 'Profunda Alma' features the vocalist Joy Tyson (who appeared on Tigerbalm's earlier 'Nina' EP), and creates an atmosphere of deep emotional mystique through driving percussion, an insistent bassline and dramatic guitar stabs. 'Vem Ca' goes for a more bouncy retro samba vibe and features the incredible vocals of Joao Selva, who delivers a hook that feels almost canonical, as if we've known it forever. Ever consistent French producer Yuksek takes 'Vem Ca' straight to the club with his remix, and London upstarts Make-A-Dance deliver two trippy dancefloor takes on the title track to make this record a powerful 5-tracker! Tracklisting: A1. Profunda Alma ft. Joy Tyson A2. Vem Ca ft. Joao Selva A3. Vem Ca ft. Joao Selva (Yuksek Remix) B1. Profunda Alma ft. Joy Tyson (Make-A-Dance Acid Remix) B2. Profunda Alma ft. Joy Tyson (Make-A-Dance Tribal Dub)
Hyperstellar - Message To Nowhere EP
Message To Nowhere EP
12" | 2024 | EU | Original (Bordello A Parigi)
15,99 €*
Release: 2024 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Like the morning sun penetrating a Winter sky, a shimmering frost flecks the brightness of “Message to Nowhere”. The four tracker showcases the sound of Ruben Benabou’s Hyperstellar nom de plume, a sound that draws inspiration from sci-fi soundtracks and the warmer currents of electro. Refracted bleeps introduce the title piece, shorn beats cutting through glowing synthlines as the EP takes flight. Tight terse drum patterns are the launchpad from which melodies sail and swoop in “Words in a Void”, bittersweet strings and warbling pads bending and shifting above juddering basslines. Fellow Frenchman, and all-round electro virtuoso, The Hacker remixes “Message to Nowhere”. Pulling the track toward the centre of the floor, scissoring snares slice through echoing notes and silken shrouds in this machine funk remake. Temperatures rise for the close. Bold key changes and snapping rhythms gather in “A Thousand Nights”, a lively late evening close to a quartet of sheer quality.
Marc Cotterell - Feel The Groove
Marc Cotterell
Feel The Groove
12" | 2024 | UK | Original (Groove Culture)
18,99 €*
Release: 2024 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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American producer Marc Cotterell is one of the contemporary underground house world's most standout talents. He has a great range of moods and grooves and his sound designs are second to none...
Unknown Artists - Light Touches 10 (Andrea Passenger Edits) EP
Unknown Artists
Light Touches 10 (Andrea Passenger Edits) EP
12" | 2024 | EU | Original (Light Touches)
15,99 €*
Release: 2024 / EU – Original
Genre: Organic Grooves, Electronic & Dance
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Light Touches Records is devoted to shed new lights on hot rarities, unknown grooves as well as forgotten classics.

While the older numbers are much sought after on Discogs, Andrea Passenger digs deeper into the best shades of disco, afro, boogie and funk to deliver the 10th release on the highly revered Light Touches Records.
On A side, “Roots” is a relentless disco tune for incendiary peak times, while “Psych Afro Roller” keeps faith to the name going into crazier territories. On the flipside, “New Dance” adds some boogie tones and quirky synth arrangements, while “Feel The Feeling” rounds things up with its moody and deeper vibe.

All tracks have been carefully edited by Andrea Passenger without overdubs, in order to bring the spirit of classic disco manipulators to today’s dancefloors!
DJ 1985 - We Trippin'
DJ 1985
We Trippin'
12" | 2024 | UK | Original ([Emotional] Especial)
22,99 €*
Release: 2024 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Especial welcomes new artist DJ 1985 to the label. As so often, the idea of pushing new music has been the raison d'etre of the past decade. An EP of a love for Acid, from the breaks anthem of the title We Trippin’ to exploring the ethereal and even mind-melting Ambient House and Balearic of how the Roland Tb-303 has become a fundamental element in the history of electronic music. Soviet born; Belgrade exile Stanislav Grishchuk is DJ 1985. A man of many monikers, came to House later, originally progressing from Breaks, Hardcore and onto Drum and Bass as DJ Saint Man, a Mixmaster in the truest sense, switching it up to include Ghetto House and Booty, DJing led to producing, finally seeing DJ 1985 emerged to encompass Acid, Bleep, Breakbeat, Chicago and beyond. A DJ supreme from the old school – check his Boiler Room mix for live vinyl dexterity – his productions nod to Aphex Twin and the Rephlex / UK lineage, the Techno. Electro of masters Underground Resistance and Drexciya and on to Italo, Italian House and early 90s New Jersey and New York’s golden period and of course the masters Kraftwerk, all influence the sounds of this debut EP. Starting as 808 and 909 Electro and Techno jams, all the tracks are recorded live, MPC, synth and drum machines, no computers involved. We Trippin’ is built around the “Think” break, with trippy 303 line, some 808, synths and off we go “we trippin”. Dolphin and Sirens was inspired by the Boka Bay dolphins of Montenegro, near where the recording was made. A flotation bath of warm dreamy acid beats and aquatic found sound, fast, shifting breaks, the Adriatic Sea of Croatia and beyond beckoning. Catland’s title is a nod to Stanislav’s love of all the feline, but the breaks’n’303 cut is an endlessly uplifting spark, celestial, a cosmic evolutionary odyssey. DJ 1985 completes his debut EP with the aptly titled The Last One. Spherular, mysterious, this rise of spatial breaks is a reawakening of symbolic music that is touched by both East and West. Stanislav’s music intersects, trans-national, almost spiritual and psychedelic. Live jamming, more hearted, the snap electro percussion, dream-laden pads are twinned with an ethereal otherness via the endless possibilities of the Tb-303.
Total Blue - Total Blue
Total Blue
Total Blue
LP | 2024 | EU | Original (Music From Memory)
29,99 €*
Release: 2024 / EU – Original
Genre: Organic Grooves, Electronic & Dance
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Introducing ‘Total Blue’, the Los Angeles-based trio of Nicky Benedek, Alex Talan, and Anthony Calonico. Despite collaborating for over a decade, ‘Total Blue’ represents a new chapter in their artistic journey together as a trio.

Embracing chance, inviting the unknown, and guided by a spirit of sheer play and exploration, ‘Total Blue’ was driven by a desire to ‘touch the beyond’ in pursuit of an elusive vibe the three had been chasing for years.

Alex, Nick, and Anthony envision ‘Total Blue’ as the all-encompassing full picture, a place where the real and the imaginary begin to blur; a destination reached not through escapism but by expanding one's perspective; a widened scope of vision where personality both shines and disintegrates.

Across the album, their mission statement is expertly achieved with subtlety and delicate human touch; painting with a lush palette of digital synths, Akai EVI wind synthesizer, fretless bass, and guitar, the trio masterfully balance texture and color, evoking wide expansive vistas that stretch from Los Angeles right out to the furthest reaches of sky and sea. This is ‘Total Blue’ - a place of time and timelessness where echoes of history and tradition merge with rootless inhuman sonics.

Art and design by Michael Willis.
Unknown Artist - Love Records #1
Unknown Artist
Love Records #1
12" | 2024 | EU | Original (Love)
14,99 €*
Release: 2024 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Indulge in 4 Extraordinary Edits and Remixes Crafted by Heavyweight Producers, Each Track Highly Sought-After and In-Demand. Essential Item Limited Edition No Re-Press…
Mark Grusane - Versions Part Two
Mark Grusane
Versions Part Two
2x12" | 2024 | UK | Original (Hot Biscuit)
31,67 €* 39,59 € -20%
Release: 2024 / UK – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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E. Live - Make Me Move / Here's To You
E. Live
Make Me Move / Here's To You
7" | 2024 | US | Original (Tugboat Editions)
14,99 €*
Release: 2024 / US – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Star CREATURE's E. Live makes his debut on the sister imprint Tugboat Editions with a few flips from the Skyy catalog. The A-side feats Chelsea "chesta" Blake on vocals while the "here's TO You" remake on the B-side has newcomer Jolie Davenport.
Asha Puthli - Disco Mystic: Select Remixes Volume 1
Asha Puthli
Disco Mystic: Select Remixes Volume 1
12" | 2023 | EU | Original (Naya Beat)
20,99 €*
Release: 2023 / EU – Original
Genre: Electronic & Dance
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Turbotito and Ragz's electrifying Naya Beat label has curated a cultured list of remixers to add their spin to the work of legendary Indian vocalist Asha Puthli. This essential remix album features Yuksek, Maurice Fulton, Psychemagik, Kraak & Smaak, Jitwam, and Turbotito & Ragz. Naya Beat, which translates from Hindi as 'new beat', is focused on uncovering foundational electronic sounds from the subcontinent and South Asian diaspora through reissues, remixes and compilations. It found quick success with its first release, 'Naya Beat Volume 1: South Asian Dance and Electronic Music 1983 - 1992', followed by a rare 1985 Hindi New Wave album by Pinky Ann Rihal and more recently a ground-breaking compilation ‘Awaaz’ uncovering Bollywood electro and leftfield 80s original soundtrack recordings. Hot off their highly sought after EP of Dimitri From Paris’ seminal remixes of Asha Puthli’s iconic track ‘Space Talk’, the label now offers up the first of two full-length releases based around her music. For this LP, Naya Beat tracked down the long mythologised original stems and recordings of Puthli's most seminal albums, including ‘The Devil is Loose’, and working closely with Asha, they have tasked a series of producers inspired by her work to remix her music. Yuksek opens up with a pumping disco remix of 'I Am Song (Sing Me)' awash with uplifting synths and big claps next to the original vocals, which soar to the heavens. The seminal 'Space Talk' is remixed by Maurice Fulton into super steamy and late-night territory. The live drums and jumbled percussion are lit up with soulful chords as Puthli's carefully delivered vocals seduce up top. 'Lies' (Kraak & Smaak Remix) rides on fat-bottomed drums and bass that unfold with a dub swagger beneath a nebulous eco-system of cosmic synths and dramatic vocals. Label heads Turbotito & Ragz flip 'One Night Affair' into a leggy disco celebration with sweeping synths and bright effects, and Psychemagik's 'Right Down Here' is a pulsating mix of dark, snaking bass and drums with deep space ambience and raw hits making for a turbulent and tense atmosphere. Lastly, Jitwam closes out with a smooth disco sound laced with dynamic drums and cruising chords next to another sensuous top line from Asha Puthli. This is a stunning collection of remixes that pay homage to the originals while taking them into new sonic territoryA series of single drops will precede the whole LP; Yuksek (21st July), Maurice Fulton (4th August), Turbotito & Ragz (18th August), Psychemagik (1st September), Kraak & Smaak (15th September), Jitwam + LP (22nd September).
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