
Medicom Toy Collectibles & Toys 2 Items

Lifestore 2 Collectibles & Toys 2
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Medicom Toy
100 – 200 €
200 – 500 €
Medicom Toy
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Medicom Toy Collectibles & Toys

Established in 1996, Japanese company Medicom Toy is specialized in collectible toys and characters inspired by modern art and design. Since the very early days, Medicom Toy had the finger on the pulse with the “Real Action Heroes” series of action figures, but it was the iconic Be@rbrick that brought Medicom Toy world fame. Introduced in the early 2000s at Tokyo’s World Character Convention as a give-away, the Be@rbrick by Medicom Toy cheered the heart of toy collectors worldwide, thanks to the unique styling and contemporary design. Over the years, Medicom Toy introduced several sizes of the Be@rbrick, from the regular one (entitled 100%) to 71 cm XXXL versions (1000%), and the cult status has been fueled by countless collabos from famous guys out of the worlds of fashion, art, and music.