
Film School Field

Felte | Item No: 1167933
Vinyl LP | 2024 / US – Original | New
27,99 €
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Item Description
Black Vinyl. In Rumi's poem A Great Wagon he writes of a place of totalacceptance. "Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,there is a field. I'll meet you there," It is a boundless, liminalspace where we can release the judgments we make and carryof ourselves, and the comparisons to others. When we think ofthis field, there is a sense of tranquility that only comes whenwe are undisturbed by the shadow self and see existence asneither bright nor dim, white nor black. But as lead singer GregBertens explains, arriving there is a whole different story. "Thisis a poem I've returned to over the years, and I love the idea ofthis place, but getting there is life's journey." Bertens adds "Ithink the longing for and elusiveness of this field is a recurringtheme in our music." Field is enveloped by themes of regret,disconnection and frustration but with the space to understandthat these feelings are a natural part of the struggle betweenreconciling the inner and outer self.The Los Angeles/San Francisco-based group have been indieshoegaze stalwarts since their formation in 2001. After twodecades and a handful of line-up changes, their extensivediscography presents a dynamically textural, lush psychedelicrock that has featured guest appearances by members ofPavement, My Bloody Valentine, and Snow Patrol, amongothers. 2021's LP We Weren't Here (Sonic Ritual) was hailedfor its dense instrumental blanket, where unrelenting hi-hatsand heavy kicks exist alongside dreamy drone guitar.This propulsive nature permeates Field, as members Bertens,Noël Brydebell (vocals), Nyles Lannon (guitar), Jason Ruck(synths), Justin LaBo (bass), and Adam Wade (drums) producea kaleidoscopic sonic landscape. Patient, sprawlinginstrumentation builds a foundation in which Bertens' themes ofendurance, perseverance and clarity can bloom with aconsidered poise. As a lyricist who writes in response to theinstrumental arrangements, rather than a focus on a specifictheme or person...
Item Details
Item No: 1167933
Artist: Film School
Title: Field
Label: Felte
Format: Vinyl LP, Vinyl, LP
Pressing: US – Original
Release Date: 2024
Genre: Rock & Indie
Style: Indierock | Alternative
Available since: 2024-09-23
Condition: New
Price: 27,99 €
Weight: 250g (plus 250g Packaging)
Product safety (manufacturer information): HHV Handels GmbH
Zur Alten Börse 55
12681 Berlin
A1 Tape Rewind
A2 Defending Ruins
A3 Don't You Ever
A4 Isolator
A5 Baby
B1 Is This A Hotel?
B2 Up Spacecraft
B3 Lessen
B4 Influencer
B5 Tell Me Why
B6 All I'll Ever Be
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