
Dialect Under-Between White Vinyl Edition

Rvng Intl. | Item No: 977576
Vinyl LP | 2023 / US – Original | New
27,99 €
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Item Description
Dialect's Under~Between unfolds with thehopeful energy of seedlings springing forthfrom soft earth. The longstanding project ofLiverpool-based artist Andrew PM Hunt,Dialect's cross-pollination of acoustic andsynthetic ensembles with human voiceon Under~Between grows into a joyousecosystem of delicate sound and intimate,unexpected melodies, yielding a strange yetdelectable fruit.The eleven tracks of Under~Between begantheir life as chamber pieces commissionedby the new music group Immix Ensemble_an opportunity that Hunt says offered him achance to rethink old creative habits, till newideas, and begin from a fresh, fertile patch.Writing for woodwinds and strings, as well aspiano and synthesizer, Hunt felt compelled tocompose more melodically, to focus patientlyon the details. The dirt under his nails was asign of the work, and the sound was a signalof life.Hunt's collaboration on Under~Betweenexpanded beyond the Immix Ensemble tohis own home. Hunt lives in a house withfifteen people, most of whom are artists andmusicians that belong to a greater Liverpoolcommunity, which he says creates a "deeplynourishing" environment of creative reciprocityand exchange. Under~Between allowed Huntto incorporate some of this communal energyto the historically solitary practice of Dialect,and an abundance of time unencumbered bymajor metropolitan survival mode.In place of the rapturous monologues that filledLoose Blooms, the last album Hunt made asDialect and released in 2017, Under~Betweenis an ecstatic conversation conjured froman inclusive communion and connection. Inthe same breath, the album tends towardstillness and patience (ever virtues, alone ornot), an ambitious minimalist recording offainting micro-melodies and natural grandeur.It wouldn't feel out of place in Lovely MusicLtd.'s catalog, or transcribed as a chapter inTobias Fischer and Lara Cory's book AnimalMusic, which explores the significance ofanimal song and entertains t...
Item Details
Item No: 977576
Artist: Dialect
Title: Under-Between White Vinyl Edition
Label: Rvng Intl.
Format: Vinyl LP, Vinyl, LP
Pressing: US – Original
Release Date: 2023
Genre: Organic Grooves
Style: Funk | Soul
Available since: 2023-01-26
Condition: New
Price: 27,99 €
Weight: 250g (plus 250g Packaging)
Product safety (manufacturer information): HHV Handels GmbH
Zur Alten Börse 55
12681 Berlin
A1 Under - Between
A2 Yamaha Birds 1
A3 Flame Not Stone
A4 Stacks
A5 Ringing The Web
B1 Sentimental, Sedimentary
B2 Feathers Dance
B3 Invert Yr Path
B4 Holon
B5 Yamaha Birds 2
B6 An Archipelago
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